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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
November 1921

THERE was more interest displayed by readers of THE SWORD, aside from those in the Unity, in the Solar Festival on the Eighteenth of October, than has been exhibited heretofore, since the inception of the Koreshan movement. Words are inadequate to express our appreciation for both the material and spiritual support given. It indicated to us a loyalty and wholesome confidence in KORESH and those left here to carry on the work, which simply imbues ^ us with incentives to greater exertion for the ensuing year of 82, A. K.
The curtain has rung down many changes on us during the year; a number of familiar faces were missing from their accustomed places; nevertheless, all who w.ere able were present at the morning repast, to listen to the sublime words of our Master's Graces, so full of hope and promise, and to partake of the bountiful blessings provided for the day. The Dining Hall was beautifully decorated, as it always is on such occasions, thanks to Sister Hattie Newcomb and her coworkers. Following the reading of letters of congratulation from friends, with donations, the souvenir cards, the October SWORH, and Koreshan badges were distributed to all present. There were no special exercises during the day, but in the evening Commemoration Services were held at the Art Hall, in which was rendered the following program:

1 March -- "Periscope" -- Allen -- Koreshan Unity Orchestra
2 Song -- "The Resurrection" -- Words by Koresh -- Congregation
3 Invocation -- Read by Bro. George Hunt
4 Floral Tribute to Koresh, with Incense -- Children of the Koreshan Unity, with
Recitations by Floyd Moreland and Helen Boszormeny
5 Oration -- From the Writings of Koresh -- Bro. Henry Silverfriend
6 Vocal Solo -- "If With all Your Hearts" -- Mendelssohn -- Bro. David Richards
7 Oration -- From the. Writing's of Koresh -- Sr. Etta Silverfriend
8 Overture -- "From Shore to Shore" -- Rennet -- Koreshan Unity Orchestra
9 Oration -- From the Writings of Koresh -- Bro. David Richards
10 Cornet Solo -- "The Star of Bethlehem" -- Adams -- Mr. Robert Campbell
11 Oration -- From the Writings of Koresh -- Sr. Isadora Van Duzee
12 Song -- "The Messenger" -- Congregation
13 Prayer -- Read by Bro. George Hunt -- Response by Congregation
14 Anthem -- "Lift up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates" -- Congregation
15 Recessional -- "The Aeroplane" -- Braham -- Koreshan Unity Orchestra

In order to give our Estero friends the benefit of the exquisite decorations in the Art Hall, in which Sister Isadora and her coworkers seemed to excel all previous efforts, an orchestra concert was advertised for the following evening. In connection with this concert we wish to announce the advent in our midst of Mr. Robert Campbell, who is truly an artist on the cornet. The orchestra rendered some half dozen selections; the rest of the evening Mr. Campbell played a varied selection of cornet solos, to the great delight of all present. His coming to us before the Birthday enhanced the orchestra music, and his rendering of the "Star of Bethlehem" on that occasion will not soon be forgotten.
History has been in the making with us at Estero during the month of October. One of the most devastating storms in the last decade struck this section of South Florida October 25. It had been announced some three days before it reached here, as coming from the Carribbean Sea, but it struck South Florida in full force on the above date.
One of our friends, on reading the account of the storm, wrote to condole with us, quoting the following:
"God moves in a mysterious way,
His wonders to perform.
He plants his footsteps on the sea,
And rides upon the storm."
Mysterious is surely the right word, because on the morning of the 25th we awoke to the fact that there was the highest tide in the recollection of anyone living in Estero; it was at least six feet above normal, coming within two feet of the K. U. store floor. This meant that all the island points were inundated with seven and possibly eight feet of water, and our concern was for those living there. Our large boat, "The Estero," was on the ways, and it was out of the question to risk going to the island in a little boat, in a gale blowing from 75 to 100 miles an hour.
Toward noon, however, the wind abated, and three of our brothers ventured to make the trip. They reached Estero Island in about two hours, and found one of the houses .completely washed away, without leaving a trace of where it stood, and the other was blown off its foundation. The Tomb of KORESH was demolished, but thanks to Providence our two Brothers, Carl Luettich and Wm. McCready, had found shelter (after a thrilling experience) on a houseboat that had fortunately blown over from Hickory Island, to within 75 yards of where our houses stood. .
Brother Wm. Acuff, whom we reported in our last issue as having gone to Texas on a visit, returned to the Unity very much pleased with his trip. Arnold Fischer is back again with us after several years' absence. Since leaving here, he has not only seen a great deal of this country, but Europe and South America as well.
Sister Berthaldine Boomer and her daughter Bertie are back again in Estero after a couple of months' vacation in New York and Pennsylvania.
Mr. Miles Barager, from the badger state, Wisconsin, made the Unity a short visit. A Koreshan student interested him in our Cosmogony, creating in him a desire to know more about us, hence the visit. Needless to say, he left with a sincere appreciation of our work here, and our system in general.
Dr. Thomas Wallace, a world traveler, who visited •the Unity in April, 1917, has been here again on another visit, and gave us two interesting lectures on his travels. It is quite complimentary to this state to know that Mr. W. has purchased a farm here, and thinks that Florida, after all, is one of the garden spots of the world.
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Case, who for a number of years lived in the Unity, were here from Fort Myers recently. During the war Mr. Case held a responsible position with the Hog Island Navy Yard; within the last few months he returned to Fort Myers, and is now7 manager of the Floweree estate, which has large grove interests in Estero and Alva in this county.
Among the many moving picture reels shown at the Unity during the month, two were of the King of Denmark on his tour through Schleswig-Holstein, his regained provinces. Anyone who thinks the people of these provinces did not welcome the change, need only to see these pictures to be convinced otherwise.
Reels of considerable interest were those showing the United States method of constructing aeroplanes; beginning with the sawing of the huge spruce pine logs from the forests of Washington and Oregon to the finished product. The government spent a billion dollars on this industry during the war, and was about ready to flood Europe with aeroplanes when the armistice was declared.
Another very interesting reel was "Community Life" in North Dakota, showing how the community spirit had been developed in that state under the non- partisan league government. From a recent election we notice that the people of the above state, however, have decided to go back to their old form of government, from which we would imply that community life was not a success with the majority of the people. Communism without the Spirit of God is not going to work, as has been amply proven by the Soviet form of government in Russia. The Spirit of God must be injected into a community to make it binding. As KORESH says:
"The relying, the religion, is the marriage again of God and man in the church, wherein resides the matrix for the planting of the seed which belongs to the age. . . . We find the commonwealth idea a more practical and cheerful incentive to industry than the satanic system of competism which, in opposition to the gospel of the Lord Christ, now holds universal sway, and is at the foundation of all woe, misery, and death in the world. The commonwealth system obviates 'the love of money,' which is 'the root of all evil.' "
The K. U. Orchestra gave a most interesting concert on Saturday evening Noy. 5. The program was as follows: "National Honor;" "Skeleton Rag;" "Spanish Waltz;" "King Dodo," a Selection; "Dance Fantastique," and March, "Our Sammies." Master Floyd Moreland favored us with a flute solo: "Amid the Odor of Roses," and for an encore "Pizzicato." Robert Campbell gave us two numbers of his own composition on the cornet: "Mermaid," and "Esparage Waltz." Both soloists were at their best, and their work was very much appreciated by the audience.
Mr. Ed. Moreland, Mrs. Nichols, and Miss Whiting arrived in Estero recently, coming by auto from Colorado. They expect to remain in Estero all winter.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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