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The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
October 1921

Our Annual Solar Festival, which occurs on the Eighteenth of October, will have been celebrated at the Koreshan Unity before this issue of the Sword will have reached many of its readers. As each year brings us that much nearer to the culmination of the old order, we are anticipating the coming anniversary with greater zeal than ever, and with the utmost confidence that KORESH will conquer death and hell and baptize those destined to go out by the new and living way, in life immortal. No such hope is held out to any people as that given to the followers of KORESH ; from the study of Koreshan Science and his Biblical credentials we have positive assurance that he is the only Light of the world.
Here we are, thirty five months after the close of the great world war, with 6,000,000 unemployed in our own country,the richest in the world, while many thousands in other countries are on the verge of starvation. There never was greater need for a Savior to lead humanity out of this chaotic state. President Harding has called for a disarmament conference in November, but the people everywhere are uneasy and sensing trouble. From what we know of Koreshan Science, we have every reason to believe that this conference will be only another farce, like the one held at The Hague years ago. Concerning it, KORESH wrote (in F. S., June 22, 1902) :
"We looked upon the peace conference at The Hague as an ostentatious burlesque, the precursor of the world's greatest conflict. . . . We have reached the time of the end, and the beginning of the world's catastrophe. This is the time of which it is said, they shall cry peace, peace, when there is no peace. Those who cry peace when the conflict is upon us, are ignorant prophets whose allurements deceive the world, inveigling it into that false security which will, preclude the possibility of escape from the world's greatest calamity. There will be no more peace until the revolution in the human soul destroys the love of money—the god of this world. . . .
"The so called powers, embracing the Christian nations of Europe and America, are another name of 'forces,' and they are inevitably and irresistibly moved by 'the god of forces,' and will be so moved until the conflict ends in the destruction of the old dispensation, with all that belongs to it. After this will come the great day of universal joy and rest."
We are glad to record the return of Brother Alfred Christensen, who has been on a six months' leave of absence, staying most of the time with relatives at his former home along Lake Erie. He returns with greater enthusiasm than ever for Koreshanity, and says that, after all, there's no place like • Estero.
Brother William Acuff has gone to Texas for a visit with his aged mother, who is over 90 years old; he expects to be away about six weeks. During his absence. Brother Peter Blem is in charge of our place at Mound Key.
The Koreshan Unity school opened its fall and winter term the second week in September, with Brother Frank Schoedler in charge.
, Among our recent improvements was the hard surfacing of a new road leading to the machine shop. This will obviate automobiles needing repairs driving through the .mpin grounds as heretofore.
Among the many "movie" reels exhibited during the month, none were more appreciated than those issued by the Government on "Making a Nation Fit." Too much cannot be said for pictures of this character, because through them is imparted something that is of inestimable value to every individual. We decry war with all its hideousness; but it certainly aroused the Nation to the deplorable physical condition of its young men, and caused methods to be adopted that have placed its young manhood in the first ranks of all nations for physical fitness. Among the many things shown were Walter Camp's famous "daily dozen." This renowned athlete has devoted over a third of a century to teaching athletics at Yale College, and from his great fund of knowledge and experience along these lines, he has deduced a system for all purposes in the formula as above mentioned, the "daily dozen."
A grave misconception has largely prevailed with physical culture enthusiasts heretofore, that gave the impression that in order to be healthy, one had to develop large muscles, but Walter Camp, thank goodness, is now changing all this, by using animals, caged tigers, and other specimens for his illustrations, showing that all that is necessary is the stretching of the muscles of the body. It will pay in physical dividends for those not familiar with the above system to interest themselves in it, because Walter Camp is one of the foremost evangelists for good health in the United States.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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