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The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events In Our Community Life
December 1921

TOURISTS are arriving much earlier than usual, and the reports are that more people will visit Florida this winter than at any previous time in the history of the state. The cream of the country are drawn toward Florida; and speaking for Lee County, no one takes, more interest or pride in the whole state than General W. B. Haldeman, of Louisville, Ky., and Naples, FIa. For the last thirty-five years the General has about divided his time between the two states, and those who have been privileged to visit his beautiful home at Naples-on-the-Gulf, have found what charming hosts the General and Mrs. Haldeman are, and that they exemplify the Southern hospitality one reads about.
The Koreshan Unity is proud to consider the General among its many loyal friends. He is as proud of our beautiful park as we are, and never misses an opportunity to bring his many friends from the North to see the place. Accompanying him on a recent visit were Mr. Bentley Parker of New .York City, and Mr. Parker's nephew, of Brooksville, Fla.; they too were much impressed and enthusiastic with what they saw here.
The Grass Fibre Pulp & Paper Corp'n of Leesburg, Fla., informs us that their mill is nearing completion, and "has now become a source of vender to every one who has not been near it during its growth." When this mill gets to running, it will be one of the wonders of the South, and the manufacturing of paper will be but one small item. The list to date includes a great many articles that will be manufactured from Florida saw grass, of which there are about five million acres, the latest product being the making of boxes in which citrus fruit will be shipped to market.
This industry will be worth keeping in touch with, and the company has "arranged with the Lees.burg Commercial to print a short resume every Friday of what has been accomplished in the pas.t week." The Commercial is published twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays, and the subscription price is $2 a year, or $1.25 for six months.
The Koreshan Unity store has installed a new gasoline and oil station, and patrons find it a great improvement over the old way of doling out gasoline. Brother Stephen. Chislett has covered the pump with an exceedingly neat structure, which shows the skill of a master workman.
The Fort Myers Musical and Dramatic Club gave a very fine concert recently in which Brother Frank Schoedler took part. With reference to Brother Frank's performance the Fort Myers Press comments as follows:
"The feature of the evening's pleasing entertainment was the appearance of Frank H. Schoedler, pianist, who is the musical director of the Koreshan Unity at Estero. Mr. Schoedler, who lived in Philadelphia many years, is a graduate of the Royal Conservatory of Music at Leipsic, Germany.
"He showed that he is a master of the piano. His first number, the difficult "Second Hungarian. Rhapsody/' of Liszt, was preceded by a brief explanation of the music and how it happened to be written by the great composer. Professor Schoedler played the "Rhapsody" with feeling, and his technique was faultless. For encore numbers he played two original compositions, "The Nightingale" and "The Storm at Sea." He played each excellently, particularly the latter number, which had as its theme "Home Sweet Home"."
Brother Frank Schoedler is a born musician, and the Unity orchestra is doing very fine work under his leadership. He aims to give us two concerts a month, on Saturday evenings; alternating with these, we have moving pictures the other Saturday evenings. The concert of Nov. 19th was exceptionally fine; in addition to the orchestra numbers, we had the pleasure of listening to two talented young musicians, Misses Althea and Clair Ellison of Estero. The technique of Althea was simply remarkable, and all the more so when Mr. Ellison informed us that this was her initial debut, both sisters for that matter, before any audience.
When Madame Patti made her first tour of America, she was acclaimed on every hand as the most wonderful singer since the days of Jennie Lind. But it was difficult to educate managers who engaged her to see that her performance was worth anything like $5,000. One manager was led to exclaim: "Why, the President of the United States only gets $50,000 a year, and here you stand to make this much in ten nights." Cleveland was president at the time, and her reply was, "Why don't you get President Cleveland to sing for you?" The point we wish to make is, that some are born with one talent, others with more, and the Ellison sisters belong to the latter class.
Our notes would be incomplete did we fail to mention the concert of Dec. 3. Brother Robert Campbell was the soloist, and we are reminded of that trite expression which one so often hears: "he can make his instrument talk." Well, that's Robert. He has surely found a warm spot in the hearts of all his hearers. Miss Helen Boszormeny, who played the piano for the K. U. orchestra, and was operator for THE SWORD, on the Intertype, for some months, has gone to Washington, D. C., to join her mother and brothers.
The citrus fruit season is now on in Florida; and boats, some with barges, are plying up and down our beautiful stream, hauling fruit to the packing houses at Fort Myers. The grapefruit crop this year is only 60% of normal, but oranges average much better.
Our sugar cane mill will soon be in operation again, to grind the cane that is now being stripped in the fields ready for the harvest. Reducing cane juice to syrup is a most interesting operation, for which we are well equipped, having a large vat lined with pipes; steam being used for the boiling.
Syrup is not synonymous with honey, although it suggests something akin. Speaking of honey reminds us of a film recently shown at one of our entertainments, entitled "In the Palace of the Bee." This film was not only wonderfully instructive, but intensely interesting as well. Everyone is somewhat acquainted with bees, but we find there are very few, comparatively speaking, who are really acquainted with the bee kingdom; and when such things are thrown on the screen, magnified many times their original size, we not only marvel at this wonder of God's creation, but at the medium who also made it possible for such things to be shown on canvas. There is much to learn concerning the bee that is not generally known. KORESH says:
"There is a difference between God as a centrally Deific person, and the Sons of God who constitute the neuter beings. There is a difference between the queen bee and the offspring she produces. Take the larva? from any part of the hive and put it in a queen cell and the result will be a queen bee. Put the larvae of the neuter bee and the larvae of the drone bee together in a queen cell, and there will come forth a queen bee impregnated for life; she will be female outwardly, but male inwardly. In the natural, the bee represents Deity. A spirit from heaven flows directly into the bee and governs it, unlike any other insect."
"There is a law of virginal propagation (parthenogenesis), through the operation of which the Virgin Mary brought forth Jesus. Men assume too much when they attempt to circumscribe or limit the forces of development in the progress and possibilities of evolution. The queen bee, all the arguments to the contrary notwithstanding, is a parthenogenetic producer. She produces the drone bee without male contact. The sacred beetle also produces without contact (external) with the male.
"In the vegetable kingdom there are species that produce without external contact. The fact that two larvae, the drone (male) and the worker bee (neuter), placed together in the queen cell, will so blend as to develop an impregnated queen bee, is sufficient proof of a universal law of internal vitalization or impregnation, and leaves no doubt of the possibility of virginal propagation, and the fact of the existence and operation of such law."
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
Community Current Events