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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
November 1917

THE PHYSICAL SUN blazed forth in all his glory, on the morning of the Eighteenth of October. We naturally thought of the corresponding anthropostic Sun who was born to the world on this day of all days in the year 1839, and what it really means to Koreshans here in Estero, the place the Master dearly loved, and designated "The Mecca of a New Civilization." Nothing was more appropriate than music to start the day with the right vibrations, so the K. U. Band, under the direction of Brother George Hunt, played a half dozen numbers or so, on the broad walk in front of the Dining Hall, before breakfast. The Dining Hall was beautifully decorated, as it always has been on these occasions. Having killed a beef the day before, a sumptuous breakfast had been prepared; and if we may judge all the members by the ones we are privileged to. associate with daily at the festive board, we can truthfully testify that all did ample justice to the good things provided. After breakfast, the souvenir card, badge of the Koreshan colors, and the October issue of THE FLAMING SWORD were distributed to the members.
The graces, invocations, and orations were specially chosen for this occasion, from the writings of our Master. They are most appropriate, and are published in this issue in Founder's Dep't. In the evening, the Solar Festival Service was held at the Art Hall. The stage had been decorated in the most exquisite manner, for which great credit is due Sister Isadora and her coworkers. The impressiveness of the Service indicated that we were worshipping the true and living God, who has a message of "Peace on earth, good will to men." The program was as follows:

1. SELECTION, "Simple Aveu," - F. Thome
K. U. Orchestra
2. SUNG, "Grace to the King Who Is Rising Victorious,"
Bro. Henry Silverfriend
4. VIOLIN SOLO, "Melancholic," - - Weir
Bro. Harold Moreland
5. ORATION, From the Writings of KORESH
Sister Berthaldine
6. SOLO, "The Good Shepherd," Beardsly Van de Water
Bro. David J. Richards
7. ORATION, From the Writings of KORESH
Sister Isadora
8. SELECTION, "Apple Blossoms," A" .--/. Roberts
K. U. Orchestra
9. ORATION, From the Writings of KORESH
Bro. Augustus Weimar
10. VOCAL QUARTET, "When this Mortal Shall Have
Put'on Immortality," Dr. J. B. Herber
Bros. Geo. Hunt, David J. Richards,
Jesse Putnam, Chas. H. Hunt
11. ORATION, From the Writings of KORESH
Sister Etta Silverfriend
12. SOLO, "A Dream of Paradise," Hamilton Gray
Bro. James C. Calderwood
'Cello Obligate, Bro. Jesse Putnam
Piano Accompaniment, Sister Ella Graham
13. PRAYBR, - - - Read by Bro. Geo. Hunt
Response by Congregation
14. ANTHEM, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates,"
15. RECESSIONAL, March,' 'The Ultimatum," T. S. Alien
K. U. Orchestra

Mr. Wm. Whisler and family from Stark, Fla., have recently moved to Estero, and taken up their residence at the Unity property known as the "Sanatorium." Mrs. Nellie Mahone, of Valdosta, Ga., is to be their guest for several months.
Last year, Lee County instituted a Farmers' Day. The second celebration was recently held in Fort Myers, and several of our band boys assisted the Fort Myers Band in the musical program. This year a number of speakers were engaged from the Gainesville Experiment Station. Bros. John S. Sargent, Henry Moreland, Wm. Fischer, and Alien Andrews, Editor of The Eagle, attended, and got in touch with the latest developments along agricultural lines, which no doubt will be of great value to the Unity during the coming year.
The Unity is building a runabout boat for Mr. L. M. Boomer, of New York City. It is of the latest Art Noveau design, concave V bottom, size 6x24 ft. with 20-inch draught; it is to be equipped with a Scripps Special, valve-in-head, 4 cylinder, 4 cycle engine, complete unit power plant 15-20 h. p. Brother Stephen Chislett is quite enthusiastic over this new style of boat, and will no doubt turn out one that will be substantial in every way.
We have recently installed a 12 h. p. engine in the dairy barn for the purpose of grinding feed for our cattle; this has been a great help to Brother Conrad.
The following articles were read at our Sunday evening Service of Oct. 14: "The Power and Purpose of Koreshanity," F. S., July 13, 1900, and "Synopsis of a Lecture Delivered by CYRUS, September 2, 1892," F. S., Dec. 24, 1892. The quartet sang, "0 That I Had Wings." The first paragraph of the above mentioned lecture reads as follows:
"There are those who have been with us, but were not of us, for they have gone out from us. Though they nominally accepted the Koreshan doctrine, and even aspire to teach it, they cannot teach it aright, because they reject the one to whom the message was given—even the Messenger of the New Covenant. There are certain prophecies concerning the coming of a Shepherd through the posterity of Joseph. The people living at the time of the Lord did not accept him. Not until afterward did the world largely receive him. The prophecies concerning Joseph are clearer and more specific than those which pointed to Jesus, even the name being given. This is because he (the Shepherd from Joseph) is of the natural degree, while Jesus was of the spiritual."
For the Services of October 21 and 28, "The Two Fig Trees" were read from FLAMING SWORDS of July 18, 25, and August 1, 1891. The special music for these meetings were a solo, "Come Unto Me," the words adapted to the music of Gounod's "Margarita," in Faust; and'"How Long, 0 Lord," sung by the quartet. From the above articles we learn the following important lesson:
"God loves man in proportion to man's love for God. Man's love to God augments proportionably to man's development toward God, through the gradual azixesis of man's being, by taking on from God the elements of attraction through which they are drawn together. In the amplification of the human intellect a knowledge of God is acquired. As man amplifies in his knowledge of the Supreme, forming an intimate acquaintance with every attribute of Deity, and perceiving them to be supremely desirable, his attraction to the Supreme is intensified. As man becomes familiar with all the laws governing attributes, he discovers them to be coordinates of formulated personality. Hence in the mind he associates the attributes of Deity with human personality, and knows God to be very man."
Brother Charles Fifield recently called our attention to a new variety of bean that he is growing, called the East African mammoth bean. It is a native of Africa, as the name implies, and from what we can learn, is entirely new in this country. He received about a dozen of these seeds last June, which he planted in as many hills, and their growth has been somewhat phenomenal. The vines are strong, and the pods (when fully matured) measure from 12 to 14 inches in length, with a dozen or more beans to the pod. The bean resembles the lima, only it is larger.
The following articles were read at our Sunday evening Service of Nov. 4: "The Alchemy of Human Life," and "Fulfilling the Cubical Number of the Man," F. S., April 21, 1899. The first article gives a scientific analysis of the divine fire; difference between the atoms of the mortal and the immortal man ;the psychology of matter, and atomic experiences in the progress of life. The second article explains the wisdom of the Prophet who counts the number 666; its relations to the mathematical cube of the New' Jerusalem, and the amplification of Zodiacal evolution. The quartet sang, "Raise High Your Heads."
The K. U. Orchestra gave a very interesting concert Monday evening, Nov. 5, under the leadership of Brother George Hunt, with Sister Mildred Fischer officiating at the piano. In addition to the orchestra numbers, Brother Louis Boszormeny rendered a piano-forte solo, and the quartet sang "The Battle Hymn."
At our Sunday evening Service of Nov. 11, a brother read: "The Salvation of the Flesh of Man," F. S., Feb. 7, 1905, and portions of the "Alchemical Laboratory of the Brain," FLAMING SWORDS, Dec. 26, 1905, and Jan. 9', 1906.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
Community Current Events