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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
December 1917
WE ARE glad to announce in this issue that Sister Orline Thacher, who has been absent from the Unity for some years, has returned, and is very happy to be back with us,
The Unity is very much interested at present in the development of the cleared land that we now have ready for planting on our Estero Island property. The community spirit is injected into planting, as was done in the clearing, and once a week a dozen or more members go there to perform some useful service. Hundreds of peppers, tomatoes, and a nice tract of onions have already been set out; we hope to plant a lot of Irish potatoes as soon as seed is available. Fifty three avocado pear trees (a little over an acre) have been set out; our plans are to increase this to five acres; also a number of guavas and mangoes have been planted.
We have in the neighborhood of 200 avocado trees on our Mound Key property; a number of these trees had fruit on this last summer. We were pleased to notice recently the excellent crop of Irish potatoes that Bro. Wm. Acuff is growing on Md. Key, as well as cabbage, turnips, beets, sweet potatoes, etc. With these things coming on, our living problem does not seem so gloomy as we are led to believe it is going to be in many parts of the country. Florida is almost unlimited in her resources.
The fruit season is now on, and our brothers who ply on "The Estero" find plenty to do. Our boat up to date is the only one that has hauled any fruit out of Estero, and the prospects are that we will be the only ones to do so this year.
Brother Jesse Putnam, our pressman in the Publishing House, has a good-sized job on hand at present, printing 30,000 folders in two colors, making 60,000 impressions, for the Fort Myers Board of Trade. This is a very neat folder; it is profusely illustrated, setting forth the beauties of Fort Myers and surroundings. In it is found the picture of Vice President Marshal, shaking hands with a Seminole Indian; also a picture of Thomas A. Edison, Henry Ford, and John Burroughs. We had the pleasure of meeting the latter renowned naturalist and author two winters ago, who in company with Mrs. Edison, Mrs. Ford, and party paid a visit to the Unity. Any one interested in this folder could procure one by writing to Mr. Biggers, Sec'y of the Board of Trade of Fort Myers, Fla.
Lee County is going to have a County Fair at Fort Myers this coming February. Judge Williamson, Sec'y Biggers, and Mr. Borland, all of Fort Myers, addressed a meeting at the Unity Art Hall, and they were enthusiastic at the outlook for a successful Fair. Fort Myers is well advertised through its prominent winter residenters, for be it known that Mr. Edison and Mr. Ford have their winter homes there, and last season there were about four thousand visiting tourists. But a county fair will attract thousands more, and will give the people an idea of what this county can produce. We believe it will advertise Lee Co. as nothing else would.
The thought that "the Lord will provide," comes to mind in our desire to say a word concerning the happenings here on Thanksgiving Day, because we surely were amply provided with the good things of life on that day through the generosity of our friends, the Carnpbells and Sr. Berthaldine. In retrospection the question arises: Who really can be as thankful as the Koreshans? To begin with, we know positively that our Master is the Messiah of this age; that in Koreshan Universology we have the science of the universe, and to have seen the "Great Light" which Matthew's gospel refers to is indeed a privilege for which we find it hard to find words to express our gratitude. What a rest point it is to know that all the terrible things that are now happening in the world have been foretold by our Shepherd, and are simply confirming his predictions. The "hand writing on the wall" has been visible since the years 1869-70, but few there are as yet who have heeded it. KORESH is the only Light of the world, and we have positive proof that all God's pleasure is going to be performed through him, according to Isaiah xliv: 28 and xlv: 1.
An interesting entertainment was given Thanksgiving evening, at the Art Hall; the children performing a unique little sketch entitled "Father Time," with Brother Louis Boszormeny playing the leading part, which he did well. He also composed and read a poem, "The Mighty Hunters,"' a compliment to Brothers Charles Hunt and Frank Wilson, for the gobblers they brought home from their recent hunting trip. The evening was enjoyably spent with music by the orchestra as well as the graphophone, singing, games, and dancing. Brother George Hunt wrote a song for the occasion, which was sung by all present, to the tune of "Auld Lang Syne." The song will be found in this issue. We are thankful to Sister Etta Silverfriend, who worked untiringly to make this Thanksgiving evening the crowning climax of a well-spent day.
We are harvesting this year an excellent crop of sorrel; our Matron, Sister Emma Norton, and her assistants, have been busily engaged putting it up for future use. Sorrel when cooked is very much like cranberry sauce; we hope our "mighty hunters" will see to it that we get lots of turkeys.
We have never said a word concerning our school in this dep'fc, to our knowledge. The Unity school has about ten or a dozen scholars, and is conducted by Brother Henry Silverfriend. He possesses a fund of information and understands the art of imparting that which he knows, which makes him an excellent teacher. Our children are taught the basic principles of a common school education, also the truth concerning the structure of the universe, the Cellular Cosmogony, in contrast with the false Copernican theory.
The Master recognized the necessity of manual training, as well as teaching the three r's in the school curriculum, consequently, a number of hours each day are devoted to performing useful service, and where those who show a talent for the different trades, are placed under competent instructors to this end. There is every advantage gained here for rounding out one's character in the Koreshan Unity, and it is truly named "The College of Life."
Ou Dec. 10, the Town of Estero re-elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mayor, George W. Hunt; Secretary, David J. Richards; Auditor, H. D. Silverfriend; Marshal, Charles H. Hunt; and the four following Aldermen for two years: James H. Bubbett, Wm. F. McCready, Jesae Putnam, aud Lauritz Pederson.
At our Sunday evening Service of Nov. 18, the following articles were read: "The Principles of Immortal Life," "The Science of the Atonement," and "The Restoration of Divine Consciousness," F. S., July 24, 1906. We find in the first article above quoted that: "The identification of the genuine Prophet of God will be through the credentials which have been so distinctively defined in the Scriptures, that there are no doubts in the minds of those who are destined to become the Sons of God. . . . Those who failed to recognize the Son of God as the source of the baptism at the beginning of the dispensation and the assurance of the new life, cannot now, by any process of mental desire, attain to the immortal state. Immortality is a transient condition and the stepping-stone, merely, to the eternal state of the celestial Deities." The solo for the evening was, "Like as a Father."
Owing to the chilliness of the weather, our Sunday evening Service of Nov. 25 was held at the Dining Hall, where we have a. large heater. The selected readings were excerpts from the Master's writings bearing on the Japanese nation and the wonderful part this yellow race is to play in the winding up of the affairs of the old order. Some of these excerpts are printed in this issue, which we are sure will prove of great interest to SWORD readers. Suitable records were played on the Vicfcrola in the place of the congregational singing, two of which were by that inspiring Welsh singer, Evan Williams: "Sound an Alarm," and "Open the Gates of the Temple." Evan Williams, through his wonderful singing, has found a very warm spot in the hearts of Koreshans here; being a Cymro myself, I naturally would have a warm feeling for him.
For the third Sunday Service, Dec. 2, the article was, "The Messianic Appearing and Personality," F. S., Oct., 1907. This article was written in response to the following questions: "(1) Who are you, and what is your mission in the world? (2) What is meant by the title 'KOEESH,' and what is your authority for taking this name? (3) Do you mean to teach that you are the Messiah of the new dispensation, or that the Messiah will be produced by the Koreshan Unity? (4) When the Messiah is manifest in the flesh, or in one personality, is there still a power elsewhere to govern or to aid him?" We would advise any one who is in doubt concerning the Messianic character of this age, to read and mentally digest this article. From it we learn, that "The Lord comes in this, the end of the Christian dispensation, with the name CYRUS, as has been prophetically declared; and if any man is looking for his appearing he will be compelled to acknowledge that name before acceptance with God. This is one of the times and places where God records his Name. Study carefully the 45th chapter of Isaiah, without bias."
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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