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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events In Our Community
Happenings of Interest To Thos Who Have Been Among Us and Those Who Expect To Join Us In The Future.
By D.J. Richards
January 1921

WE ARE GLAD to record in this issue the return of Brother Lou Staton, who, for the past four months has been visiting' with relatives at DuQuoin, Ill., and St. Louis, Mo. While at St. Louis he met a number of the SWORD readers. Brother Lou. is never so much at home as when talking on the Cellalar Cosmogony, and a fine opportunity was given him when invited to lecture at the Perry County Fair in Illinois, besides several of the high schools of the neighborhood, also the M.cKinley High School of St. Louis. For the first time many were made acquainted with the fact that the universe which they mhabit is a concave cell, and not the opposite, as taught by the followers of the benighted Copernicus. No doubt considerable good will come from the lectures. On his. return, Lou came via Chicago, New York City, and Washington, D. C. (believing- in the old adage that the longest way round is the nearest way home), visiting friends who had been in Estero, and who treated him royally while en route.
Sister Marie Fischer, who, up to the time of the arrival of Brother Elbert Lindbeck, was the linotype operator for The American Eagle, is in Tampa for a few months. Lois Geiger left for a holiday visit with relatives at Jacksonville, Fla. Milton Boszormeny, who for the past several years has been attending Stetson University at DeLand, Fla., visited the Unity over the holidays. Estero held its town election Dec. 27, and the following officers, were elected: Mayor, George W. Hunt; Auditor, H. D. Silver-friend; Clerk, H. D. More- land; Marshal, Chas. H. Hunt; four Aldermen: J. H: Bubbett, Jesse Putnam, W. F. McCready, and. Lauritz Pederson. Etta Silverfriend, Isadora Van Duzee, and Lou Staton were judges of election.
A somewhat unique entertainment was given at the K. U. Art Hall on Saturday evening, December 18, in the form of a darky dialogue by Sister Edna Schwindel and Mrs. Edith Trebell. Their stage names were, Mrs. Dilemma White and Mrs. Onyxpected Johnson. The least that can be said about the per-formance was that it surely was "onyxpected." In -fact, it was a feat at memorizing not often found among stage folks. Over one hundred jokes were added to the original sketch, many of them of a local character, which gave color and spice, and kept the audience in constant laughter. Mrs. Dilemma White surprised her audience with her native ability in singing; but the climax was capped by an original dance, a bur-lesque on interpretative dancing, given by Mrs. Johnson.
Another pleasing feature of the evening was the "Dance of the Flower Queen" by Dorothy Geiger, who is quite talented, and has already given great pleasure to Estero .audiences during the short time she has been with us.
Several members of the K. U. Orchestra were engaged to play for an entertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kellum, of Fort Myers, Dec. 30. Mrs. Kellum is a niece of the late Andrew Carnegie. No expense was spared to make everything an enjoyable affair. Our orchestra has played for Mr. and Mrs. Kellum on previous occasions, and needless to say was treated royally.
We had the pleasure recently of showing Dr. Seebold, late of Madison, 111., but now of LaBelle, Fla., over our grounds. Dr. Seebold has been a reader of THE SWORD for many years, and made a visit to Estero in 1910.
For several months past our friends have been reading with much pleasure the interesting' letters published in the Department "For Younger Minds." We are glad to record in this issue that the author of said articles, Miss Bertie Boomer, returned to the States from South America December 24, and arrived in Estero Jan. 3, looking hale and hearty, and, -needless to say, very enthusiastic over her six months' sojourn in the tropics. We agree with the writer who said: "The world's a great book, and they that never stir from home read only a page."
The date of the Lee County Fair to be held in Ft. Myers, as stated in the Publisher's Department of this issue, is incorrect. It should read Feb'y 15, 16, 17, and 18, 1921.

[Note: The remainder of this column was not scanned since it only dealt with what readings, songs, etc. were used at the Sunday services.]
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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