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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
October 1917

WE ARE again on the eve of celebrating another anniversary of the birth of our Master, this one being the 78th. It is a wonderful thought to realize that the year 1, A. K, of the new age will be reckoned from October 18, 1839, and will be observed in due time by the whole world, the same as Dec. 25th is now being observed by Christendom in commemorating the birth of the Messiah of nineteen hundred years ago. This should be a great event to all Koreshans. We wish we could convey to the SWORD readers how eagerly the members of the Koreshan Unity look forward to October 18, of each year; but this we feel would be impossible, even were we in perfect command of the English language. As the years roll on and the destructive tendencies of the nations accelerate, we are more than ever imbued with the truth that our Shepherd is the Messiah of this age; that he "will loose the loins of kings to open before him the two eaved gates," as recorded by the prophet Isaiah, is plainly visible to the thinking mind from what is now transpiring the world over.
It may be said of KOKESH, as it was of Jesus nineteen hundred years ago, that "He was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows and acquainted with gnet. While visibly with us he was subjected by the world to the vilest epithets, caricatured and unmercifully treated by the press; yet through all this persecution, he undauntedly wrote and preached the truth "as clear as crystal" from the throne of God, all for the sake and in the name of humanity. And he arranged that this work should be carried on during his temporary absence, by means of his uncompromising magazine, THE FLAMING SWORD. What a legacy he has entrusted to his people; and there have been times when the forces of demolition seemed bent on destroying every vestige of this trust; but the Guiding Star has warded off disaster, and has shielded with a protective sphere, all those who remained faithful to his trust. Active preparations are being made to make the event pleasurable as well as impressive; some of our brothers are doing all they can to get the park in good order. We have recently put a new wire fence from the store to the Art Hall, and have had planted along it a row of hibiscus, which when in bloom makes a very attractive showing.
A number of our brothers with the team have been to Carlos Island for a week, working on the newlycleared land which we mentioned in this department some months ago. We hope to plant a variety of things this fall, such as Irish potatoes, onions, etc., and from the appearance and condition of the soil, we believe a very successful garden will be the result of this effort.
The following articles were read by a brother at the Sunday evening Service of Sept., 16, from the writings of KORESH : "Theocratic Socialism vs. Social Democracy," F. S., Aug., 1897; and "The Koreshan ReligioSociology," F. S., Sept., '08. In the first article we learn that "There are two extremes of general government in the world today—the autocratic and the democratic. The so called civilized nations have forms of governmental organization all the way from these extremes, and the advantages to the people governed are about equally discriminated. The vidual (indi vidual) under the restrictions of British law is as well protected and possesses the same liberty as the vidual under the power of the laws of the United States. The male population of the United States is more generally electoral than the male population of the British government, but the government itself is more autocratic than the government of England." The solo for the evening was, "If With All Your Hearts," from the oratorio "Elijah."
The following Sunday evening a sister read: "Sinai," "A Radical Revolution in Both Religion and Politics, Our Only Hope," and "The Demand of Humanity Upon Koreshans," F. S., Nov. 15, 1890. We will quote a short paragraph from the second article and one from the last article above mentioned: "Whether men believe or not, the King of kings and the Lord of lords is coming to take the reins of government. The Theocracy will arise from the ashes of the fiery indignation about to sweep the earth." "Let Koreshans show forth their love to God by devoting their energies to the perfection of the neighbor's joy, and thus demonstrate that in the Koreshan Unity is fche evolution of Christianity." The solo for the evening was, "Open the Gates of the Temple." The articles read at our Sunday evening Service of Sept. 30, were: "Antitypical Circumcision," F. S., May 17 and 24, 1890. We glean this thought from the article read: "Jesus and his little Jewish church as a vital force in the progress of development was in Judah, even while Judah was captive to Babylon. Babylon would have destroyed this germ carried in the womb of Judah, had not the protecting power of Jehovah been exercised over it. Though Babylon was antiMessianic, it was not apostate, neither could it be, because it had occupied no position from which to fall." The solo for the evening was, "We Await Thee Here." The articles read at our Sunday bveuiiig Service of Oct. 7, were: "Seedtime and Harvest Shall Never Fail," F. S., Feb., 1897, and "The Planting of the Christos in the Beginning of the Christian Age Is the Only Hope of the Present," F. S., Sept., 1897. The solo for the evening was, "Like As a Father," and the quartet sang "Adonai."
Mr. Edward Critcher, of Chicago, is at present visiting the Unity, having come to pay his last respects • to his dying mother, Sisfcer Cornelia, who met with an accident through a fall in her room, August 31, and from which she cannot recover. She was closely connected with THE FLAMING SWORD, being on the editorial staff, and for many years a regular contributor, as well as editing the "Open Court of Inquiry" Dep't. She was an able writer, to which fact SWORD readers will readily testify. She was thoroughly en rapport with her work, and despite her 76 years of active life, was always ready and glad to contribute her part when called upon. She will be greatly missed, particularly as a contributor and member of the editorial staff of THE FLAMING SWORD.
8: Communication Artifact
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Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
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Estero, Fl.
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