Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - July 1939
By Adah J. Price
COPIOUS SHOWERS continued through June ; water in canals, ditches and lowlands contributes much to the coolness of our summer. BrotherS Roger Perry and Allen Andrews motored to Winter Haven on May 27. June 2, Sister Florence Graham and Brother Allen Andrews went to Miami to spend the week-end with Robert Graham and mother, Sister Ella Graham. On Sunday June 4,Will McCready came from Tampa to make a short visit with his parents Sister Abbie and Brother William McCready. " A crew of men are clearing our land on north side of bridge. This land served as pasture for many years but of late has become overgrown with heavy growth of young cabbage palms and Napier grass.. It is intended eventually to develop the tract into a tourist park, being a very fine location." Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Ahmis and Llewellyn George of Los Angeles, California, were visitors here recently. Mr. George is editor of the Astrological Bulletina. They intend visiting the World's Fair in New York. On June 11, Mrs.. Cora Newcomb, Miss Inez Magill, Miss Alma Sirmans from LaBelle came to spend a day with us and to feast on mangoes. We were shocked and grieved at the sudden pas8. ing of Sister Barbara Ehrisman earlyon Friday June 9. She was 80 years of ~ge and had been in poor health for some time. She was a native of Illinois; had been a faithful arid valued member of the Koreshan Unity for nearly fifty years. The following poem by Lynn Russell is taken from The American Eagle June 22. BEYOND Dear Little Lady, your work is done The wind sighs low in the bamboo grass. Will you remember each rising sun Already you had your tasks begun? The wind sighs low' in the bamboo grass. Ah, it is we who are bh'nd, you know The mysteries of the Universe. Somewhere you live. ..with your eyes aglow, Seeing the things forbidden below: The mysteries of the Universe! -Lynn Russell. (In memory of Misa Barbara Ehrisman).

0. F. McIntyre of Miami called on Brother Allen Andrews. Mr. McIntyre is an artist with the Miami, Daily News having charge of the rotogravure section of that paper. We have all enjoyed the mango season. Bushels and bushels of golden Cecils, rosy-cheeked Hadens and many other varieties have been ours in great abundance. Our thanks are due Brother J esse Putnam for his . diligence in gathering and distributing this wonderful fruit for our daily use. Miss Lydia Pierce, Dr. Myrtle Seiler and Miss Meta Monsees were guests of the Unity Jqne 11. Sister Adah J. Price left by bug June '14 en route to the Pacific coast and to Oregon, where she will visit for several months with her siSter. A card came from her June 19, from San Antonio Texas, where she made a few hours stop-over with friends. , Mild excitement was created in Estero J une 17 by a bunch of aliens captured on Estero river. They were taken to Tampa by immigration officers. Brother'Lou Staton spent a few days at the beach on Esteyero Island. Brother Daniel McNamara went on June 19 to spend a week with friends in St. Petersburg. l "Some two truckloads a week of young Cajeput trees, are leaving the Unity Nurseries for Moore Haven and will be planted around the big dyke bordering Lake Okeechobee. So far 14,000 of the 20,000 order have been delivered.". Mr. J. M. Sheppard of New Orleans was a guest of the Unity on Friday and Saturday, June 23rd and 24th. Mr. Sheppard is head of the Pan-American Society of Tropical Research ior the disseminationyof knowledge pertaining to tropical countries and collection and distribution of natural history specimens and seeds of tropical plants. The society has a wide mem: bership, with correspondents all over the world, and publishes a quarterly magazine, together with monthly seed price list. For a number of years past Mr. Sheppard has made annual trips of exploration to Central and South America, collecting for universities, and colleges, and has much of interest to relate concerning his experiences. He was wonderfully impressed with the tropical nursery and gardens of The Koreshan Unity and sees great possibilities, in them as a point of tourist attraction. He left on the bus, Saturday evening, for his home in New Orleans.