Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - June 1939
By Adah J. Price
MAY 4th, Miss Margaret Newcomb, of LaBelle, visited friends at the Unity. Sisters, Ella and Florence Graham and Brother Allen Andrews made a trip to Miami May 5, Sister Ella remaining for a time for medical treatment with her son Robert Graham. Miss Lydia Pierce and friend of Fort Myers were calling on Unity friends May 7. May 6, Miss Bertie Boomer of Fort Myers spent the: week-end with unity friends. Her friend, Miss Rosie Marie Wainwaring of St. Petersburg, Florida, was an over-night guest of the Unity. On May 9, Miss Bertie Boomer, Mrs. Maude Brown, Miss Vesta Newcomb, Miss Marie Wainwaring and Conrad Schlender motored to Sanibel and Captiva Islands. They reported pretty shells gathered and an enjoyable day spent near the Gulf waters. Our friends, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Rasmussen, of Miami, were supper guests of the Unity May 10. Mrs. Maude Brown left on a business, trip May 13 for New York, expecting to return in a few weeks. She will be greatly missed in the General Store and in the Bakery Department, where she has given excellent service. Sister Tacy Weaver reports her visit pleasantly spent in Fort Myers with Miss Meta Monsees. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell, of Tampa, were Unity guests Sunday, May 14. Mrs. McConnell was pleased to find her mother, Sister Abbie McCready, improving in health. Mrs. A. L. Camphausen, of Fort Myers, called upon Unity friends May 16. On the 18, Mrs. Julia Horne and daughter, Miss, Melba Home, were dinner guests of the Unity. The Unity also entertained as dinner guests Miss Cecil Hamilton, one of the school principals of Fort Myers, and her sister, Mr.s. Leona Howell of DuQuoin, Illinois, both nieces of Brother Lou H. Staton. Sunday, May 21, Mrs. Lillian Rugg dined with Unity friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades, were Sunday morning callers on their sister, Mrs. Rose.M. Gilbert. Brothers Arthur Moore, Roger Perry and Samuel Armour made a trip to Naples and Everglades on May 21. At the Sunday Evening Services of May 21, Brother Henry Silverfriend read in part from the writings of KORESH as follows : "The old heavens and the old earth are to pass away, and there will be new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells, righteousness. Reference is not made to the physical earth or heaven. In a special sense, the passage refers to the will (the earth) and the understanding (the intellect) .The will and the intellect will be changed, and the man becomes a new man (eternal) in Christ the Lord. In a general sense, the old heavens and the old earth apply to the old or existing order of things, especially the old church and its appurtenances, which, as it exits at present, is" a mixture of the primitive church with paganism, the adulteration of good and truth, by which truths (the old heavens) have become falses, and the goods (the old earth) have become evils. These will be done away in the new church. When the Messenger appears, then is the time to prepare the minds of the people; he comes for that purpose. The doctrine of the literal Word must be communicated to the people. Their ripeness is their preparation to receive the truth concerning what they shall do to resurrect the body, or put on the flesh of Christ. They will be ready to accept the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead when it is presented to them, because of their acceptance of the seed that was planted in them by the operation of the Holy Ghost, at the beginning of the Christian dispensation." Sister Barbara Ehrisman spent a pleasant day in the home of Sister Jennie Campbell May 25. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ahrano, of Tampa visited their parents, B~other Will. and Sister Abbie McCready, and Unity Friends May 28. Mr. Henry Moreland, of Fort Myers spent Sunday with Unity friends. He plans soon to motor to Colorado where he will remain for the summer . We were pleased to have with us at the Sunday Evening Services of May 28 ,our friends, Mrs. Anna Lewis and Mr. Henry Moreland. During the first half of May the air was aga:in laden with orange-blossoill perfume from the second blooming of the citrus, trees. With a few of last season's fruit still hanging on the trees, the egg-sized green fruits from the first blooming and the tiny fruits from the second blooming make the citrus groves now an interesting sight. The following poem we quote from The American Eagle of May 25, 1939:

FLORIDA MAY: The Gulf is as blue as the heron's wing The ocean as blue as my turquois ring And clouds are as dainty as Queen Anne's Lace Which lends ,to my garden a touch of grace. The sky is" the shade of plumosa bloom, My garden is gay as a bride and groom. The spirit of May refreshens my soul Like showers of Spring on a grassy knoll. Lynn Russell