Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - May 1939
By Adah J. Price

BROTHER MILTON PORTER, who has been in poor health for some time past, left April 1st to visit relatives in Bartow, Florida. . April 2 Mrs. A. L. Camphausen, Miss Bertha M. Boomer, Mrs. Carrie Briggs and Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers, were Unity dinner guests. In the afternoon of April 2 Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Boomer and son Mr. George Boomer, of New York City, arrived in Estero to spend a few days at their Mirasol Grove home. Mrs. Lillian Rugg and daughter Celeste of New York City who is visiting her mother, and Mr. Floyd Moreland of Fort Myers were Unity guests on April 9. The following afternoon Mrs. A. L. Camphausen, Mrs. Lillian Rugg, Miss Bertha M. Boomer, Mrs. Tacy Weaver , Mrs. Charlotte Montenegro and Brother Chas. and George Hunt and Arthur Moore enjoyed a picnic at Bonita Beach. Sister Rose Gilbert reports a pleasant week-end spent in Everglades with her relatives, ,Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lewis. At the April Unity Board meeting Brother Theodore N aselius was placed in charge of the Labor Department. April lOth Mr. Harold Thomas of Sussex, England and Bonita Springs, Florida, called upon Estero friends. April 12th Mr. Jack DeWitt, a magazine writer, came to Estero to gather data and photographs for a special feature article on The Koreshan Unity. On Sunday the 16th Brothers George Hunt and Arthur Moore were the dinner guests of Mr. Harold Thomas at the Wayside Inn of Bonita Springs. Several .forestry students, from the University of Florida at Gainesville, recently visited the Unity Nurs-eries. They were deeply interested in the Unity's wild Cajeput forest. The black surinam cherry bushes on the Unity grounds are now heavily laden with luscious fruit, which we are immensely enjoying. Just recently some forty quarts of this fruit were shipped to Dr. J. P~tersell, of Miami who has been commissioned to obtain a variety of tropical fruit products for exhibit at the New York City World's Fair. Mr. James Linton of Tampa, a former resident of the Unity, spent April 18th with friends here. Miss Meta Monsees, of Fort Myers, called on Unity friends on April 16th. We are rejqicing over the recent numerous showers, breaking the long drouth. At the Sunday Evening Services on April 16th Sister Etta Silverfriend read from THE FLAMING SWORD of July 24, 1906, from the writings of KORESH as follows : "The Bible has taught the fact that the time will come when this corruptible shall put on incorruptibility, and this mortal, immortality. Of course,'this signifies that there will come a time where time exists, when this corruptible and mortal shall be c\langed from mortality to immortality. The (Jh~istian world""has professed to believe this prediction, but has utterly failed to comprehend it; therefore it is a doctrine that has become obsolete with the ordinary Christian, the mere profeSsor but not the doer of the Christian faith. "We are trying to impress upon the people at large, the truth that while immortality is a scientific fact and a possibility, it requires the practical application of some principles of law to enforce the proposition. There is a growing class, of people who are advocating immortal life to be attained in the body; but they have no scientific conception of the laws to be applied for the perfection of the essential conditions to bring about the immortal state. We are upon the verge of this, wonderful transformation in the condition of the human race, because the science of immortality has been discovered or revealed,-whichsoever tenn seems the more preferable. This science does not reside in a new system of natural respiration, .nor in any application of the principles of natural dietetics. The forces, powers, and substantial means for the transformation are in the very souls of those who would pass through such metamorphosis; but it is not within the power of those in whom the means reside, to bring about the desired object without the assistance of the ordained High Priest in whose mentality the secret resides, and whose province it is to disclose the science and apply its principles. "Immortality must come through the conservation -of the two sex energies (the sex potencies), as substantial essences, and their scientific union in another process than that of the function of natural propagation. Conservation, polarization, and utilization are the essential factors in the application of the science of immortal life. Immortal life is the final state of man in the natural world. This is the Arch-natural attainment, before entering the state of eternal life. This is attained not merely by the union of the sex potencies, but through the application of the sex potencies in the dissolution of the two sex forms, their resolution to the essences. or spiritual substances of transformation, and thejr rematerialization to the reunited form-that of the biunity, which means the male and female forms reunited in the form of the restoration. This is the character of the form of the man that God made in his own image and likeness, before the woman was taken j from the man, and before the conditions were established in which it was possible for the fall to occur. "