Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events -- November 1939
By Rose Gilbert
ON OCTOBER 1, from Miami came our friends, Robert and Lloyd Graham, and their sister Mrs. Bertha Phillips, bringing with them their mother, Sister Ella Graham, who has been spending a few months there. She will now remain in Estero, her home for so many eventful years. We all welcome her home most cordially. Our dining room on this same day was graced by gorgeous tithonia, or Mexican sunflower; two large bouquets presented by Katherine McCready, who is very successful with flowers. Brother Theodore Naeselius has grown some of the largest and most beautiful white water lilies we have ever seen, regal, yet so pure and charming. One measured nine inches, in, diameter. We have two trees of the Golden Rain variety; the blossoms appearing late in September in feathery clusters at the very top of the tree. They are of a lovely lemon yellow, changing later to an autumn red. In a recent contest requiring the coloring of a full page drawing in a Fort Myers newspaper Sister Bertie Boomer was the winner of the prize. Mr. Raymond Pilgrim came from Muscatine, Iowa, October 5, to spend some time with us. He is much imbued with Koreshan doctrine and enjoys a visit among us. We all regretted his departure on October 24. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raby and children, Miss Charlotte and little son Ralph, of Fort Myers visited us on October 8. Mr. Raby was a member of Unity for several year's, doing valuable service in our machine shop. Laurence W. Bubbett has returned to Miami after spending several weeks with us, helping in the work of typesetting, proof-reading and in various ways, most efficiently. We miss him and appreciated his kindness very much. Fred A. Flanders, government engineer from Moore Haven, was here October 9 with a photographer, taking photographs of cajeput trees on our grounds. Among the pictures taken was that of a group of small trees that have lived and grown some in a jar of water for more than four years, without soil or chemicals. Our new trailer tourist camp site has been improved by a large planting of coconut trees. Two of the four streets are now nearly planted, alternating the palms with cajeput trees. Brother Charles Faulkner spent a few days at Bonita Beach in our cottage enjoying the gulf breezes. While there he met Arthur Acuff and family who were camping in their trailer. Arthur's father, William Acuff, was for several years a member of the Unity, living at Mound Key and growing vegetables for our table.

Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bessemer, daughter Alice and son Raymond of Washington, D. C., and Louis Bessemer of Greenbelt, Maryland, arrived October 16 to visit the Unity. Louis and Alton were former residents here. We recently had a delightful ride southward over the Trail; noted on each side the lush green verdure and little ponds and rivulets extending back into the woods. Beautiful white birds punctuated the meadows and called to mind Ann Batchelder's lines— "Under the mow-hung trees, The heron, stands at ease. Standing so' still, he seems The. river's heritage, Lost in the land of dreams 's Ageless, disdaining age." Celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of KORESH, founder of the Koreshan Unity, was held in Estero by Unity members and visiting friends on October 18. Many dinner guests were present. Services were held that night in the Art Hall which was beautifully decorated for the occasion with Crotons, Palms and other ornamental plants. The services, consisted of reading from the writings of KORESH. Harold Moreland, violinist, of Fort Myers furnished the music, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. W. Cole. Raymond Pilgrim rendered a vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs. Edith Trebell. Among those present from out of town at the anniversary services were: Mrs. Hilda Lamb, Mrs. McKay, and Mr. Peyton Montgomery of Lakeland; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bessemer and children, of Washington, D. C.; Louis Bessemer of Greenbelt, Maryland; Raymond Pilgrim of Muscatine, Iowa; Mrs. Julia Home, Melba and Bobbie of Tice; Mr. and Mrs. Max Arendt, Miss Celia Stavely, Miss Lydia Pierce, Dr. Myrtle Seller, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cole, Harold Moreland, R. Percy Jones, M. W. Strickland, W. Ross Wallace, Miss Meta Monsees, Harry Manley and Mr. Warren, all of Fort Myers. Mrs. Lillian Rugg, Mrs. Frank Lewis of Everglades and Mrs. Cora Newcomb of LaBelle. Our dinner was excellently prepared by Sisters Ida Fischer and Emily Bessemer. We are indebted to Mrs. Lillian Rugg for the generous gift of chicken which all enjoyed. In honor of our guests Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bessemer, Miss Alice and Raymond, Louis Bessemer, Mrs. Hilda Lamb, Mrs. A. McKay and Mr. Montgomery, Sisters Jennie Campbell and Edith Trebell invited all our family to meet with them at the Art Hall on evening of October 19. Excellent and bountiful refreshments were served followed by an old-fashioned social time of games and merriment, evidently enjoyed by all.