The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - December 1939
By Rose Gilbert
BROTHERS ALLEN ANDREWS and Henry Silverfriend visited in Orlando November 3. Brother Alien called on Mr. M. B. Foster, nurseryman, plant collector and landscape artist at his plant nurseries. "Mr. and Mrs. Foster had just returned from a six months, plant collecting' trip in Brazil, bringing' with them what is said to be the largest collection of Bromeliads ever brought to this country. The couple explored thick jungles made possible only by hefty manipulation of a machete." Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Benns of Montgomery, Alabama, were callers at the Eagle office November 2. Their son has applied for a permit to operate a radio broadcasting station in Fort Myers and they plan to make their future home in that city. Mrs. Marie McConnell came from Tampa on the bus November 4 to visit her parents, Brother William McCready and Sister Abbie McCready. We always enjoy Marie's visits, brief though they are. Mr. Ross Wallace from Fort Myers attended Sunday evening service with ua at the Art Hall on November 5. Sister Adah J. Price returned from her long visit of several months and many miles on November 7. It was a wonderful trip in many ways, covering so many states and renewing associations with dear friends. She made a short visit in Los Angeles and while there called on a sister of Brother Jesse Putnam; in San Francisco she attended the fair. After some weeks in Eugene, Oregon, she wended her way home by way of Des Moines and Chicago. She was most warmly welcomed by all in Estero. Sunday November 12 was a,delightful day weatherly speaking. Our friends Bertie Boomer, Mrs. Carrie Briggs, Miss Virginia Aldenhoff, Mrs. Max .Arendt, Miss Meta Monsees came from Fort Myers to spend the day with us. Mrs. Briggs is. in charge of the Lee County Art Museum which contains many fine paintings and a fine showing of other valued treasures. Mrs. Briggs and Miss Virginia entertained us in the afternoon with a vivid recital of their various amusing experiences, haps and mishaps when they attempted to make the trip from Fort Myers to Wisconsin in a very inadequate car. Brother Lou Staton spent the week-end November 18 at Estero Island. On Sunday, November 19, Robert Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Graham, Mrs. Bertha Phillips and Miss Eleanor Phillips came from Miami to spend the day with us and to visit with their mother, Sister Ella Graham, and Sister Florence Graham. Their visit was all too short. We had a short visit from the Windish family and John Weirlo who operate a vegetarian colony at Devil's Garden about twenty miles southeast of LaBelle, Florida. They advocate and practice a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables exclusively, combined with outdoor living. On the evening of November 20, Mrs. Carrie Briggs came from Fort Myers with machine and several films to show us some motion pictures. All adjourned to the dining room for the entertainment, and we thank her for her kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acuff and children of Miami visited us over night in their trailer. Arthur was born here and greatly enjoyed following the old paths, seeking the old haunts and the old swimming hole. Brother George Hunt has covered a large area, using the power mowing machine, cutting grass and weeds, improving greatly the appearance of our grounds and reducing fire hazard. For our Thanksgiving came a box of excellent apples sent hy Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bessemer of Washington, D. C., and whose visit we enjoyed in October. Some much needed repair work is being done at Amitie cottage near the river and at present the home of Sister Adah Price. A new roof over the whole house and repairing of porch floors, will make the house very comfortable. The north and south porches will be removed entirely. Brother Albert Jacobs made a visit of several days with friends at Lake Wales. D. G. Ulrey and two brothers of Lakeland were in Estero recently. Mr. Ulrey is a research chemist and is interested in ancient Florida history. Leroy L'Amoreaux and Sister Edith Trebell have opened their attractive stand on the Trail nearby with a variety of home grown fine fruits and many preserves, jellies, marmalades made in unusual and excellent flavorsi. Mrs. Margaret Eynon and sisters, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Davies of Ohio, were callers in Estero, while en route to. Miami. Mrs. Eynon has visited us several times in the past, having become acquainted with us through Brother David Richards. Brother Lou Staton was surprised on opening his door in response to a knock one evening recently to greet our friend Lynn Russell. Lynn spent several months with us formerly, actively engaged on The American Eagle. Brothers Arthur Moore, George Hunt, Charlie Hunt, John Watson and H. D. Silverfriend attended the air meet held recently in Fort Myers with seventy -visiting planes, air stunts and social events. Mrs. Julia Home and Miss Melba Home from Tice, were dinner guests recently.
By Rose Gilbert
BROTHERS ALLEN ANDREWS and Henry Silverfriend visited in Orlando November 3. Brother Alien called on Mr. M. B. Foster, nurseryman, plant collector and landscape artist at his plant nurseries. "Mr. and Mrs. Foster had just returned from a six months, plant collecting' trip in Brazil, bringing' with them what is said to be the largest collection of Bromeliads ever brought to this country. The couple explored thick jungles made possible only by hefty manipulation of a machete." Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Benns of Montgomery, Alabama, were callers at the Eagle office November 2. Their son has applied for a permit to operate a radio broadcasting station in Fort Myers and they plan to make their future home in that city. Mrs. Marie McConnell came from Tampa on the bus November 4 to visit her parents, Brother William McCready and Sister Abbie McCready. We always enjoy Marie's visits, brief though they are. Mr. Ross Wallace from Fort Myers attended Sunday evening service with ua at the Art Hall on November 5. Sister Adah J. Price returned from her long visit of several months and many miles on November 7. It was a wonderful trip in many ways, covering so many states and renewing associations with dear friends. She made a short visit in Los Angeles and while there called on a sister of Brother Jesse Putnam; in San Francisco she attended the fair. After some weeks in Eugene, Oregon, she wended her way home by way of Des Moines and Chicago. She was most warmly welcomed by all in Estero. Sunday November 12 was a,delightful day weatherly speaking. Our friends Bertie Boomer, Mrs. Carrie Briggs, Miss Virginia Aldenhoff, Mrs. Max .Arendt, Miss Meta Monsees came from Fort Myers to spend the day with us. Mrs. Briggs is. in charge of the Lee County Art Museum which contains many fine paintings and a fine showing of other valued treasures. Mrs. Briggs and Miss Virginia entertained us in the afternoon with a vivid recital of their various amusing experiences, haps and mishaps when they attempted to make the trip from Fort Myers to Wisconsin in a very inadequate car. Brother Lou Staton spent the week-end November 18 at Estero Island. On Sunday, November 19, Robert Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T. Graham, Mrs. Bertha Phillips and Miss Eleanor Phillips came from Miami to spend the day with us and to visit with their mother, Sister Ella Graham, and Sister Florence Graham. Their visit was all too short. We had a short visit from the Windish family and John Weirlo who operate a vegetarian colony at Devil's Garden about twenty miles southeast of LaBelle, Florida. They advocate and practice a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables exclusively, combined with outdoor living. On the evening of November 20, Mrs. Carrie Briggs came from Fort Myers with machine and several films to show us some motion pictures. All adjourned to the dining room for the entertainment, and we thank her for her kindness. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Acuff and children of Miami visited us over night in their trailer. Arthur was born here and greatly enjoyed following the old paths, seeking the old haunts and the old swimming hole. Brother George Hunt has covered a large area, using the power mowing machine, cutting grass and weeds, improving greatly the appearance of our grounds and reducing fire hazard. For our Thanksgiving came a box of excellent apples sent hy Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bessemer of Washington, D. C., and whose visit we enjoyed in October. Some much needed repair work is being done at Amitie cottage near the river and at present the home of Sister Adah Price. A new roof over the whole house and repairing of porch floors, will make the house very comfortable. The north and south porches will be removed entirely. Brother Albert Jacobs made a visit of several days with friends at Lake Wales. D. G. Ulrey and two brothers of Lakeland were in Estero recently. Mr. Ulrey is a research chemist and is interested in ancient Florida history. Leroy L'Amoreaux and Sister Edith Trebell have opened their attractive stand on the Trail nearby with a variety of home grown fine fruits and many preserves, jellies, marmalades made in unusual and excellent flavorsi. Mrs. Margaret Eynon and sisters, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Davies of Ohio, were callers in Estero, while en route to. Miami. Mrs. Eynon has visited us several times in the past, having become acquainted with us through Brother David Richards. Brother Lou Staton was surprised on opening his door in response to a knock one evening recently to greet our friend Lynn Russell. Lynn spent several months with us formerly, actively engaged on The American Eagle. Brothers Arthur Moore, George Hunt, Charlie Hunt, John Watson and H. D. Silverfriend attended the air meet held recently in Fort Myers with seventy -visiting planes, air stunts and social events. Mrs. Julia Home and Miss Melba Home from Tice, were dinner guests recently.