Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - November 1933
By Alafae Stephens
FESTIVITIES, although carried on quietly, were held with great success on the eighteenth of October, which marked the ninety-fourth anniversary of the birth of KORESH. Many friends came on that day to visit us and to join in the celebration. The dining room was beautifully decorated with potted crotons, feathery bamboo branches, and bouquets of cut flowers. The meals were very festive, there being an abundance of all kinds of goodies. At the dinner hour Brother David Richards read aloud messages from absent friends, which were appreciatively received. In the evening religious services appropriate to the occasion were held in the Art Hall, which also was decorated most attractively. On the floor in front of the platform was arranged a bank of crotons and other plants, forming a colorful mass of foliage. As is customary on these occasions, a large picture of the Master, with the Koreshan flag above it, was mounted on an easel in the center of the stage. Credit for the tasteful decorations is due Brothers Theodore Naeselius, Peter Blem, Will Fischer, and David Richards. Those who have never witnessed a Solar Festival celebration have missed a ceremony of great impressiveness and rare beauty. The program, arranged by Brother Laurence Bubbett, was as follows: 1 OVERTURE, "The Bridal Rose" LaveUee Orchestra 2 SONG, "The Resurrection" Congregation 3 INVOCATION Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 4 Kamennoi-Ostrow Rubinstein Orchestra. 5 ORATION Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend 6 VOCAL SOLO, "Fear Not Ye, 0 Israel" Dudley Buck Brother David Richards Accompanied by Mrs. Edith Trebell 7 ORATION Koresh Read by Brother Henry Silverfriend 8 "The Perfect Melody" O'Hara Orchestra 9 ORATION ' Koresh Read by Brother David Richards 10 SONG, "The Messenger" Congregation 11 PRAYER Koresh Read by Sister Etta Silverfriend Response by the Congregation 12 "Meditation" Morrlson Orchestra 13 SONG, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates" Congregation. 14 RECESSIONAL, by the Orchestra Guests during the dav included: Mr. and Mrs. William Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Jett, and Mrs. Alex McKay, of Lakeland; Dr. John L. Seebold, of LaBelle; Mr. Burt Bowen, of East Aurora, New York; Misses Lydia Pierce, Meta Monsees, and Genevieve Bisbing, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moreland and sons, Harold Junior, Pat, and Ted, of Fort Myers; Messrs. Henry and Floyd Moreland, of Fort Denaud; Mrs. Anna Camphausen, Misses Elin and Inez Lindbergh, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Campbell, Mrs. Edith Trebell, Miss Bertha Boomer, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Home, Miss Melba and Bobby Home, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hendry, Mrs. Lillian Rugg, and Messrs. Gus Faber and Richard Dumbleton, of Estero. Brother Henry Silverfriend made a business trip to Tampa recently, remaining for four days. Brothers Franklin Jacke and John Watson were guests at a dinner party given by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Benson of Bonita Beach on the third. Mrs. Edith Lueders left on the third for Chicago, after spending the past several months at the Unity. Mrs. Lueders, a finished elocutionist, may return later to Fort Myers to conduct, dramatic classes. Mrs. Frank S. Lewis visited here on the third, returning to Everglades the following day. She made another short call on the tenth. Brother Alien Andrews motored to Tampa on the seventh and returned that night. Miss Genevieve Bisbing of Fort Myers was a visitor here for three days. Dr. Myrtle Seller and Miss Lydia Pierce called on friends here on Sunday the eighth. Mrs. Isadora Boulware, Sisters Emma Norton, Emily Bessemer, Bella Armour, Vesta Newcomb, Rose Gilbert, Ella Graham, Barbara Ehrisman, Florence Graham, and Brother Jesse Putnam made a trip to Crescent Beach on the eighth. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips, Miss Florence Marie Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams, and Messrs. Robert and Lloyd Graham of Miami were visitors here on Sunday the fifteenth. Sister Ida Fischer spent the fifteenth with her son, Erwin, and his family at Coconut. Dr. John L. Seebold was an overnight guest at the Unity on the fifteenth. Mr. Ernest -F. Coe, chairman of the executive council of The Everglades National Park Association, came over from Miami on the fifteenth to spend the day with friends here. M;r. Coe is very active in his efforts to put through the Everglades Park project and we hope for his success in this great undertaking. Brother Lou Staton returned home from his trip to the World's Fair in Chicago on the seventeenth, in time to take part in the Birthday celebration. Brother Lou visited with his mother in St. Louis, Missouri, while away.