Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - October 1933
By Alafae Stephens
IN PREPARATION for the many visitors expected here October eighteenth, the anniversary of the birth of KORESH, several of the brothers have been engaged in making the grounds even more attractive than usual. Brother George Hunt has been very industrious, cutting grass and smoothing the walks. Sister Ida Fischer's little five-year-old granddaughter, Emily Fischer, of Coconut, visited her here for three and a half weeks. Little Emily was a delightful visitor and won many friends with her merry disposition. Mrs. A. L. Camphausen, Miss Elin Lindbergh and Miss Inez Lindbergh motored to Miami and Miami Beach August twenty-fifth, where they remained for a few days. They made a roundabout return trip on the twenty-ninth, going up the East Coast to Fort Pierce. Mr. Oliver Grose of Portland, Oregon, arrived here from Miami on the twenty-sixth for a three-weeks' visit. Because of the tax that has been placed on cottoncontaining merchandise, all cotton goods in the Unity store have been weighed and a report made to the federal Government. Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades arrived on Wednesday the thirtieth to visit for a few days with Sister Rose Gilbert and friends at the Unity. She returned to Everglades the following Saturday. Mrs. Marie McConnell of Tampa came Saturday, September second, to spend two days here, being joined on Sunday by Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano. They returned to Tampa on Monday. Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. Edith Trebell were hostesses to Koreshan friends at a supper party given in the Art Hall on the evening of the second. Turkey sandwiches, pickles, jelly rolls, fruit cake, punch and coffee constituted a delicious and bountiful repast. Sister Florence Graham spent Saturday night the second with Miss Lydia Pierce in Fort Myers, returning Sunday. On the third, Brothers Alien Andrews and David Richards, with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Whitney and Dr. Smedley of Fort Myers, motored to the turkey farm of Mr. Carson in Hendry County. Brother Alfred Christensen was ill for a week, being confined to his room for that length of time. We are glad to have him out and circulating among us again. Estero escaped any ill effects of the recent hurricane, the storm center passing up the East Coast and working havoc in the more northern part of the state. Mr. Henry Moreland and Floyd returned to Fort Denaud from their trip to Colorado, September fourth. Mr. Moreland called here for a short while the day after their arrival. He again visited us on the seventeenth, accompanied by Floyd. They reported a delightful time in the West, having visited the Petrified Forest, the Garden of the Gods, Pike's Peak, the Grand Canyon, and other noted spots. Brother Alien Andrews and Messrs. L. A. Whitney, W. Stanley Hanson and Fred Fischer, of Fort Myers, attended the reorganization meeting of the Seminole Indian Association held in Tampa on the eighth. It is the purpose of the Association, a nonprofit organization, to promote the welfare of the Florida Seminoles. Brother Henry Silverfriend made a business trip to Tampa on Friday the eighth, returning Sunday. Brother Max Arendt and Miss Genevieve Biabing motored to Miami on the ninth. They returned the next day, bringing with them Miss Meta Monsees, who had spent a week with her brother, Mr. William Monsees, in Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips and daughter, Miss Florence Marie, of Miami, were visitors here Sunday the tenth. Sister Ella Graham, who had been visiting for four weeks in Miami, returned with them. Sister Florence Graham went back with them to remain a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis were here from Everglades, on the tenth, taking dinner at the Unity. Mr. E. D. Mervin of Tampa was here on the twentieth and obtained some plants from the Unity nursery. Rev. Hubert Dodd of Fort Myers and Rev. Powell of Naples called at the printing office, Thursday the twenty-first, for the purpose of obtaining information concerning the Koreshan doctrine. We have temporarily lost three of the brothers, who have gone to take in the sights of the Chicago Exposition. Brother Max Arendt left for Chicago on the twenty-first, expecting to be away four to six weeks. Brother Ward Stockham also left on the twenty-first to take in the fair and attend the American Legion convention in Chicago. He said he would be back within two or three weeks—in time to avoid the cold of the northern winter. Brother Lou Sfaton made his departure on the twenty-third for Jacksonville, where he will visit for a short time with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Huston before going on to Chicago. He expects to be back before October eighteenth. Brother Conrad Schlender is getting the breakfasts in Brother Lou's absence and Brother Claude Rahn is taking his place on The Eagle staff. Brothers Alien Andrews and David Richards motored to Miami on business, Saturday the twenty-third. They returned the following Monday, bringing Sister Florence home. Mr. Thomas Robertson of New York City is with us at present and may remain as a member.