Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - December 1933
By Alafae Stephens
DECEMBER has arrived, bringing us near the close of another year. Millions will make merry this month with the customary celebration of the old Christmas. What with flattened pocketbooks and fattened tax assessments, a great number have come to rely more on the "true Christmas spirit" for their enjoyment of the occasion. In many instances it has done us good to oe reduced to basic principles. Cooler weather is here now and feels very bracing' after the enervating heat of the long summer. Brother Albert Jacobs has returned to the Unity after spending the summer in Montana, and is working with Brother Theodore Naeselius in the nursery department. He reported having seen snow in August; that was while we were seeing all those heat waves. Brother Albert described the economic situation and living conditions in the large northern cities as very bad indeed. Brothers Alien Andrews and David Richards motored to LaBelle on Sunday, October twenty-ninth, where they were dinner guests of Mr. James Newcomb and daughter, Miss Olive Newcomb. Messages have been received concerning the deaths of three friends of the Unity. Mrs. Catherine Logan Newcomb, a sister of Mrs. Jennie Campbell, died in Denver, Colorado, after an operation. Years ago Mrs. Newcomb was a resident of Estero, and had many friends here. From Llano Colony in Louisiana comes word of the passing of Mr. Charles Walter Spooner, due to heart trouble. Mr. Spooner was a member here for a few years recently, being in charge of the culinary department. Brother Will Fischer has been advised of the death of his father in Monongahela, Pennsylvania. "Dad" Fischer, as he was affectionately called, held a high place in the esteem of the Unity members. Several members enjoyed a delightful card party held at El Retiro, the Lewis cottage, on the evening of November fourth. Delicious refreshments consisting of pumpkin pie, coffee, and candies were served. Sister Adah Price returned on the ninth from Chicago, after seeing the Century of Progress Exposition and spending the summer with relatives. The Municipal Airport she found very interesting, seeing planes arrive from all parts of the United States. She had an enjoyable visit with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bubbett and family in Winnetka, Illinois. In Dekalb she attended a family reunion held by Doctor Price's relatives. She returned home by way of the Ozark Mountains, which, resplendent with the bright colors of autumn, she described as entrancingiy beautiful. Mrs. Cora Newcomb of LaBelle spent two days visiting with friends at the Unity. Mrs. Newcomb recently returned from a two months' visit with her son, Mr. Julius Koester, in New Jersey.
Sister Berthaldine Boomer celebrated her birthday anniversary on the eleventh and was the recipient of many congratulatory letters and telegrams, also personal calls from friends who extended hearty felicitations. Miss. Lydia Pierce of Fort Myers visited friends here on the twelfth. Doctor John Seebold of LaBelle made a visit the same day. Our friends the Pulcifers have arrived from Warwick, Massachusetts, to spend the season at Crescent Beach. We are hoping to see much of them this winter. Sister Rose Gilbert spent two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis in Everglades. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Raymond and Miss Cecil Hamilton of Fort Myers called here on Sunday the twelfth to see friends and look over the Unity Gardens. Miss Meta Monsees and Miss Genevieve Bisbing were visitors on the twelfth and attended the Sunday evening services in the Art Hall. Brother Alien Andrews left on the seventeenth for Miami, where he joined a party of fifteen on a houseboat trip sponsored by Ernest F. Coe. The party cruised for a week among the Florida Keys, the Ten Thousand Islands, and visited points in the'proposed Everglades National Park area. Brother Alien collected material which made interesting reading for the Eagle's editorial page. During the week of his absence Brother Claude Rahn edited the Eagle. Mrs. Jennie Campbell entertained a number of guests from the Unity, on the evening of the twentysecond, with a surprise party for 'her daughter, Mrs. Edith Trebell. As a surprise it was successfully maneuvered. Three tables of contract bridge were in play, after which dainty refreshments were served. Mrs. Flora Ackers and daughter, Mrs. 0. W. Iden, of Maysville, Missouri, are visiting with Mrs. Lillian Rugg. Mrs. Ackers is well known here, having been a member of the Unity about twenty-five years ago. We have had to scratch for news this month, and went to the farms, to do it. Brother Theodore's sorrel is now yielding plentifully; we have all we want tollable use and the surplus is being canned in the kitchen and put away for future reference. Brother Theodore has a seed-bed of Italian broccoli from w^iich he expects to set out several thousand plants. Brother Weller Shearer has promised us, some African peas soon. He is also raising some Little Wonder beans, which have just popped out of the ground. Brother Lou's papayas are nourishing and are delicious served fresh or made up into palatable pies. Some okra is still coming in from Brother George Bielor's farm, and with Brother Mac's garden looking promisingly green, we can very well afford to sing, "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?"