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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Interesting Items Concerning Gardening, Music, Newcomers & Visitors
June 1917

A CHORAL society has recently been organized in the Unity, under the direction of Prof. Schoedler. The members meet twice a week in the Art Hall, and those who love to sing and have taken advantage of this opportunity are highly gratified with the results. Both sacred and secular songs are studied.
In this month's issue we reprint an article by the Master, on "Sacred Song." In it he advises to "Urge forward the institution of sacred singing—so entrancing to the masses—wheresoever the chorus of sacred music can be swollen, till its reverberations shall vibrate and fill the air, and lull into peaceful harmony the entire world."
One of the most successful vegetable gardens the Unity has had for some years was planted by Brother Charles Fifield, a veteran of the Civil War. We have not kept tab on his birthdays, but we would judge him to be about 75 years young. It has given him great pleasure to furnish our large family with green vegetables. He has demonstrated that he understands the science of gardening, because he has produced fine results under the most adverse conditions, as we have had a long spell of drought.
If this country had adopted Dr. Osler's ideas concerning those who had reached the age of 60, the Koreshan Unity would have received a solar plexus blow, and would have been deprived of its most valuable members, since most of the pioneers of this movement are past that age, but are still diligent, faithful, and untiring in their efforts to carry out the trust reposed in them by our Master.
At our Sunday evening Service of May 13, a brother read from the writings of KORBSH: "America's Bondage to the Money Power," F. S., Jan. n, 1901, and "Koreshan Social Theocracy Demonstrated by Laws of Human Physi-ology," F. S., July i, 1898. In the first article above quoted, we find ,that "We are as completely under the bondage of the money power, as were the children of Israel under their Egyptian bondage. That was a great oppression, and one difficult to bear, but the bond-age caps the climax: this is the consummation." The solo ren-dered. was "Fear Not Ye, 0 Israel."
The atmosphere the country over, is surcharged with the psychology of war. We recently entertained a com-pany of ladies from Fort Myers, who, in behalf of the Red Cross work, desired the use of our Art Hall to tell us what was being done toward this work in Lee County. Their object was to form a division in Bstero of the Fort Myers Chapter of the Red Cross. Shortly after their visit here, they gave a dance in Fort Myers for the benefit of the Red Cross work, the K. U. Orchestra furnishing the music without charge.
We had a very pleasant visit from Brother Ezra Stew-art of the Shaker Colony, St. Cloud, Fla., and Mr. Albert Kruse, of Detroit, Mich. Mr. Kruse is the possessor of a good baritone voice, and by request sang the "Rosary," at one of our Saturday evening concerts. He responded to an encore, and both numbers were enjoyed.
At our Sunday evening Service of May 20, a sister read from the writings of KORESH: "The Koreshan Religion of Practical Life," F. S., May 22, 1906; "Reincarnation and Re-embodiment," F. S., Feb. 8, 1890, and "Sacred Song," March 24, 1894. In the first article we find that "The foundation of the Koreshan System is the life of uses to the neighbor, prompted by the conviction that to perform uses is the highest possible attainment of the human soul, whether in the natural or the spiritual world."
The K. U. Orchestra has of late been giving a concert every Saturday evening, and a number of the young folks, who are practising on different instruments, have contributed "their bit" to the enjoyment of all. In each concert Prof. Schoedler usually gives two or three numbers on the piano. As a preface to his playing, he sometimes gives a brief sketch or history of the music played; this feature is very much appreciated by the audience, inasmuch as it helps to indelibly fix the music in the mind, through the law of association, and gives one a keener insight into the life and purpose of the great masters through their productions.
At the regular Service, May 27, a brother read "The Koreshan Religion of Practical Life," from the writings of KORESH, in F. S., May 22, 1906.
We are glad to announce in this issue the return of Brothers Lloyd Graham and Frank Rahn, the latter having been away about four months. Brother Lloyd is an efficient printer, and is now at work in our job dept. He is also an excellent performer on the flute and piccolo, having played in both band and orchestra in the Unity when we were known to have the best organization in the state, Brother Frank is also a printer, and can hold his own on the clarinet.
At the Sunday evening Service, June 3, a sister read "An Exposition of Macrocosm and Microcosm," F. S., Nov., 1909, and "The Discovery of Deity," F. S., Apr., 1908, by KORESH.
Brother John Sargent, besides writing for THE SWORD and The American Eagle, is actively engaged at present in preparing about 17 acres of Mr. Boomer's land to plant sweet potatoes. Brother John is using his best efforts to supply us with vegetables, and also feed for the cattle. And by the way, he too is a veteran of the Civil War, untiring in his devotion to this work, despite three score and ten years. He and Brother Lauritz Pederson were the first brothers to migrate from Chicago to Estero, the spot designated by the Master as the "Mecca of a New Civilization.."
At our regular Service, June 10, a brother read from the writings of KORESH: "The Mystery of the Human Soul Revealed," F. S., Feb'y, 1907, and "The New Order of Human Evolution." F. S., Feb'y, 1908.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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