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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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An Interesting and Instructive Lecture by a Noted
Traveler, and a Timely Talk on Agriculture
May 1917

FARMING in Florida has been given a great impetus since the pressure of the H. C. L. has been so keenly felt throughout the country, and also since President Wilson's appeal to the South to plant diversified crops to help solve the problem. Lee County has been specializing principally in citrus fruit, but the prospect of hard times is causing the pendulum to swing the other way.
We had a rousing meeting in our Art Hall recently, when Mr. Boring, Lee County agricultural demonstrator; Mrs. Parker, Lee County demonstrator in domestic science, and Mr. Case, Sec'y of the Board of Trade of Fort Myers, were here to address us, Mr. Boring, who is an expert farmer and keeps in close touch with everything that grows in this county, gave us some valuable information as to what is being accomplished in this line. His advice concerning soil conditions, what and when to plant, will save both time and money to those who wi!l heed his advice. The same can be said for Mrs. Parker, who gave us the very latest on food preparation and conservation; her advice being both timely and good.
Mr. Case, who is one of the foremost orators in the state, gave us a rousing talk on the ideal things of life. He said the individualist is almost a, nonentity; that the spirit of the age is tending more to the cooperative and the communistic ideas. He dwelt at length on the wonderful possibilities of Lee County, with its ideal climate, and laid special stress on the need of good roads. We feel that the Unity and the entire neighborhood will be greatly benefited as a result of this visit, and we liope it is only the beginning of many such meetings. As Mr. Case remarked: "We need more of the get-together spirit."
At our Sunday evening Service of April 15,0 sister read from the writings of KORESH: "Time for Concerted Aclion," "A More Literal Exposition of the Science of the Decalogue," and "The Baptism of Fire Essential to the Removal of Selfishness," from F. S. of March, 1913. The quartet sang "The Last Great Battle," and "Lead, Kindly Light." We find in the first article above quoted the following: "If one man will fix upon the central doctrine of human perfection, and draw to himself the only few who can appreciate and make application of his wisdom, then that man has formulated the human battery by which the world will be electrified and through which it will receive its baptism. Koreshanity has solved this mystery. It has formulated the science of the Decalogue; it has reduced to an exact demonstration the mystery which, until now., lias been hidden in the Ark of the Covenant.."
The K. U. Orchestra gave a concert on Saturday evening, April 21, in which eight numbers were given, besides a celio solo, "Evening Star," by Brother Jesse Putnam; also a piano solo, "Rigolletto," by Professor Schoedler, who responded to two encores. We greatly appreciate the Professor's musical ability, and can realize his pleasure in being out of the competitive hell and in a position where he can apply his talent, not according to time at so much per, but according to the pupil's needs. God speed the day when everything in the competitive line will be done away with, all monetary considerations eliminated, and the injunction: "Blessed are they that do his commandments," fully established.
We recently had the pleasure of entertaining, and in turn being entertained by, Dr. Thomas Wallace, of Sedalia, Mo. Dr. Wallace is a man of unusual attainments; he is master of five languages, the author of many books, and has traveled in all four quarters of this concave sphere. Coming in on "The Estero," Saturday afternoon, Apr. 27, he lectured that evening, in the Art Hall, on the land of Egypt, besides touching on many other points of the old world. This lecture was very instructive as well as enter taining; the speaker possessing a wonderful fund of infor mation.
The following Monday evening he gave a public lecture on Mexico. Having lived many years in that country, he stated that in his estimation it was the wealthi est and grandest country he had seen in all his travels, not excepting the United States. The climate, the soil, and the natural resources of Mexico surpass anything he has ever seen; but he thinks there is very little hope for this country of revolution, unless the United States takes pos session of it, and will police and develop it as \ve did the Philippine and Hawaiian Islands. Dr. Wallace has had an excellent opportunity to study the Mexican situation from all angles, acting as interpreter to ex-Pres. Diaz for some time in Mexico City. We certainly enjoyed his short visit with us. He had never heard of the Koreshan Unity, nor of the Science of Universology, and concludes that if our premise be correct, there are many ideas he will have to throw overboard in order to accept it. He supplied himself well with our literature before leaving, and we trust he may perceive the wonderful truths given by the Master Mind of this age.
On Sunday evening, April 29, a brother read at our Service, "The Possibility and Process of Redemption," F.S. March. 15, 1909. The Master delivered this lecture some years ago, and it was reported in shorthand by Sister Isadora. It contains much needed advice as to how Koreshans should conduct themselves toward one another. The last paragraph is as follows: "If you will study your self, and make an effort to understand your own character, you will be so occupied that you will not have time for the other thing's, except the general desire for the redemption of the whole human family,—if you ever come in through the '^ates.' So be careful, and wise, and generous, and fulfiUhe law of love. Love God with all the heart, might, mind, and strength; and when you find your neighbor, love him as yourself. Don't try to make others keep the com mandments, but keep them yourself, and send broadcast a 113 better and a brighter example." The quartet sang "Adonai." "Consider the Lillies," was rendered as a solo.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Chicago, who have been spending the winter at Fort Myers, have been here for a short visit. They will return to Chicago soon. We are glad to announce that Brother William Clinchy, after an absence of many years, has returned to the Unity to remain with us.
Some eighteen thousand shingles are being used to cover our Art Hall. All kinds of roofing paper have failed to give satisfaction; but with a cypress roof we may be sure of a dry hall.
Mr. L. M. Boomer, of New York City, recently made a short visit to the Unity. The fine house he is having built on his grove property near here is about completed.
At our Sunday evening Service of May 6, a sister read from the writings of KORESH: "The Lord Will Come Through the Posterity of Joseph," "True Christianity Is True Communism," and "The New Name," F. S., Jan'y, 1913. It is comforting to all Koreshans to know that the "'New Name'is CYRUS. Isaiah has declared him to be the Anointed One, who is to fulfil all God's pleasure. This 'New Name' will take the place of the old one, and future generations will celebrate the birth of CYRUS as the day of the inauguration of the new era, the Koreshan dispensation." Brother James Calderwood sang, "0 Lord, Thou Hast Searched Me. Out."
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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