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The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
July 1922

WE ARE pleased to announce that Miss La Reina Bubbett, of Chicago, Ill., is in Estero on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Bubbett. She expects, to remain here during the summer months, returning in the fall to resume her work as teacher in one of the principal schools of Winnetka, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rahn, of New York City, have bought the Lesnett tract of land of 16 acres, several of which have a grove of bearing citrus trees. This land is excellently situated along the river bank, and is close to the Unity property.
Miss M. L. Stone of Philadelphia, Pa., is a guest of the Unity at present, and expects to remain South for so'me time.
The Unity Press has just gotten out a new edition of the "Caloosahatchian," the annual book of the school of Fort Myers. This is the fifth issue the Publishing House has put out, and it eclipses all previous numbers for its ornate appearance. The book contains 112 pages, with a heavy weight Castillian cover, and is profusely illustrated with pictures of the students and faculty, as well as a number of humorous cartoons and considerable reading matter. It is well patronized by the merchants of Fort Myers with advertisements.
In the June SWORD we made reference to our apiary department and the lot of fine honey already extracted; but little did we think that before we jotted down items for the July issue that our apiarist, Brother Frank Wilson, and his assistant would have extracted over four barrels more, but such is the case. We have never known the bees to yield as much as they have done this year.
The Dramatic Art Club of the Unity presented two humorous plays at an entertainment given at the Art Hall, Saturday evening, June 24, the program being as follows:
1 March "Fighting Hope" Maurice
2 Waltz "Perdita" McKee
3 Farce "MORE; TIME OUT" C. F. Rice
Mrs. Booth, who wants a maid Rose Gilbert
Miss Quimby, who conducts an
employment bureau Ella Graham
Applicants: Nora O'Toole, Irish Mary Irving
Lena Olson, Swedish Ida Fischer
Amanda White, Negress Cora Stephens
Gretchen Friedman, German Barbara Ehrisman
Charlotte Montgomery, American Bertha Boomer
Mary Perkins Bella Armour
4 Medley "The Great American Favorite" De Ville
5 Selection "Basket of Roses" Albers
6 Cornet Solo Selected Robert Campbell
7 Comedy "ENTER DORA—EXIT DAD" F. Til den
Scene—Office in the rear of Tibb's Store.
Joel Tibb, owner general store A. Christensen
Dora Tibb, his daughter Edith Trebell
Walter Barnes, his clerk Fulger Mattus
A Saleslady Marie Fischer
Joey Mace Stephens
8 Rag "Skeleton Rag" Weinrich
Dr. Wolcot, in his "Expo&tulary Odes," sings:
"Care to our coffin adds a nail, no doubt,
And every grin, so merry, draws one out." That being the case, we can assure our readers there were no nails driven in the proverbial coffin on the above evening. The first play, "More Time Out," was a "scream" from start to finish, and the comedy, "Enter Dora—Exit Dad," aside from its humorous features, presented in a most convincing manner the wholesome effect of women in politics and their judicious use of the ballot. "Dad," who had been in politics all his life, and much of it in public office, said office, as pointed out, "having grown to be a habit," discovered that the old regime had served its days of usefulness; every incumbent of the old regime met with defeat, and an entire new ticket was elected. We wished every politician in the county could have been present, if for only its moral effect. It is to be hoped the play will be enacted throughout the United States. "Enter Dora—Exit Dad" was written by Freeman Tilden, and published in The Ladies Home Jozirnal for May, 1922.
In the absence of Prof. Schoedler, Edith Trebell officiated at the piano for the orchestra, and acquitted herself in a very creditable manner. We were also fortunate to have with us Messrs. Campbell and Mazzeri of Fort Myers for this occasion, both con-tributing materially to the evening's entertainment with their respective instruments, the cornet and clarinet.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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