The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
August 1922
IT FALLS to the lot of very few people to travel over one's country, much less the world, but since the advent of the moving picture it is possible, figuratively speaking, to bring the world to one's door, and in this respect we have much to be thankful for here in Estero. Since the third of June the following Burton Holmes Travelogues have been shown here:
A Day in Florence (Italy) ; in Brittany (France) ; Mirrors of Nature (France) ; From Kilarney to Broadstairs (Ireland to England) ; Bustling Brussels (Belgium) ; The Lure of the Loreli (Germany) ; The Land of the Laos (Siam) ; Souvenirs of Singapore (England's port and stronghold of the Malay Straits) ; A Little Atlantis (Bermuda) ; Present-Day Prague (Czescho-Slovakia) ; A Polynesian Odessey (Island of Ball-Dutch E. Indies) ; The Galata Bridge (Turkey) ; Monte Carlo (France) ; Country Life in Bohemia (Czescho-Slovakia) ; Spanish Children (Spain) ; The Road to the Pyramids (Egypt) ; Calling on the Sphinx (Egypt) ; In Barcelona (Spain).
Sister Bella Armour is spending a few weeks' vacation in Tampa, Fla., with her relatives and friends.
Sister Evelyn Bubbett will visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rahn and Mr. Lawrence Bubbett in New York, for several weeks. We hope the trip will rejuvenate her to continue the management of THE FLAMING SWORD. She has been with the Master from the beginning of the Koreshan Ecclesia in Chicago, and has been identified with the Guiding Star Publishing House from its inception. Her record for faithfulness to the Koreshan movement is an enviable one, and her untiring devotion and love for the Master and his work speak volumes.
The Florida, Times-Union of Jacksonville, in its Sunday issue of July 30, paid the Koreshan "Unity's weekly secular paper the following tribute: "The American eagle is not losing its proud place. At least its journalistic namesake, published in Estero, Lee county, is as lusty as ever, and 'flies high.' More strength to its wings." We consider the Times-Union the leading newspaper in the state and appreciate very much its good opinion of the product turned out in Estero.
For the last two months brother Alien Andrews, editor of The American Eagle, has been featuring special articles in its editorial columns supposedly to have been written by one Patrick Clancy, after the style of the famous "Mr. Dooley" These articles deal with local issues and conditions at the county seat, with its varying factions, and by getting them to laugh at one another, they are having the effect of that passage in the Scripture: "Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump ?"
Sister Berthaldine Boomer and her daughter. Miss Bertie, left for Philadelphia for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas, and from there they go to New York City where they expect to remain for the next few months.
Miss Eunice Hussey, who for the past two years has been in the United States Consular service at Havana, Cuba, was home on a two months' vacation and made the Unity a short visit. Her mother, sister, and brother from Fort Myers accompanied her to Estero.
We regret to record in this issue the passing out of Sister Christine Hamilton. The American Eagle in its issue of July 27 said: "Mrs. Christine Hamilton, who has been ill for some weeks past, died here on Monday morning, about one o'clock, aged 72 years. Deceased was a native of Copenhagen, Denmark, and for many years resided in British Columbia, later removing to Pasadena, Cal., where she became inter-ested in the Koreshan Unity, then in San Francisco, later removing to Chicago, and finally to Estero, having been a member of the colony for thirty years preceding her death. She was a woman of high education and culture, highly esteemed by all who knew her, by whom she will be sadly missed. She. is survived by two daughters," one living in California and the other in Canada.
We are pleased to state that after a cessation of about two months the work has again been resumed on our new power plant.
August 1922
IT FALLS to the lot of very few people to travel over one's country, much less the world, but since the advent of the moving picture it is possible, figuratively speaking, to bring the world to one's door, and in this respect we have much to be thankful for here in Estero. Since the third of June the following Burton Holmes Travelogues have been shown here:
A Day in Florence (Italy) ; in Brittany (France) ; Mirrors of Nature (France) ; From Kilarney to Broadstairs (Ireland to England) ; Bustling Brussels (Belgium) ; The Lure of the Loreli (Germany) ; The Land of the Laos (Siam) ; Souvenirs of Singapore (England's port and stronghold of the Malay Straits) ; A Little Atlantis (Bermuda) ; Present-Day Prague (Czescho-Slovakia) ; A Polynesian Odessey (Island of Ball-Dutch E. Indies) ; The Galata Bridge (Turkey) ; Monte Carlo (France) ; Country Life in Bohemia (Czescho-Slovakia) ; Spanish Children (Spain) ; The Road to the Pyramids (Egypt) ; Calling on the Sphinx (Egypt) ; In Barcelona (Spain).
Sister Bella Armour is spending a few weeks' vacation in Tampa, Fla., with her relatives and friends.
Sister Evelyn Bubbett will visit Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rahn and Mr. Lawrence Bubbett in New York, for several weeks. We hope the trip will rejuvenate her to continue the management of THE FLAMING SWORD. She has been with the Master from the beginning of the Koreshan Ecclesia in Chicago, and has been identified with the Guiding Star Publishing House from its inception. Her record for faithfulness to the Koreshan movement is an enviable one, and her untiring devotion and love for the Master and his work speak volumes.
The Florida, Times-Union of Jacksonville, in its Sunday issue of July 30, paid the Koreshan "Unity's weekly secular paper the following tribute: "The American eagle is not losing its proud place. At least its journalistic namesake, published in Estero, Lee county, is as lusty as ever, and 'flies high.' More strength to its wings." We consider the Times-Union the leading newspaper in the state and appreciate very much its good opinion of the product turned out in Estero.
For the last two months brother Alien Andrews, editor of The American Eagle, has been featuring special articles in its editorial columns supposedly to have been written by one Patrick Clancy, after the style of the famous "Mr. Dooley" These articles deal with local issues and conditions at the county seat, with its varying factions, and by getting them to laugh at one another, they are having the effect of that passage in the Scripture: "Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump ?"
Sister Berthaldine Boomer and her daughter. Miss Bertie, left for Philadelphia for a short visit with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas, and from there they go to New York City where they expect to remain for the next few months.
Miss Eunice Hussey, who for the past two years has been in the United States Consular service at Havana, Cuba, was home on a two months' vacation and made the Unity a short visit. Her mother, sister, and brother from Fort Myers accompanied her to Estero.
We regret to record in this issue the passing out of Sister Christine Hamilton. The American Eagle in its issue of July 27 said: "Mrs. Christine Hamilton, who has been ill for some weeks past, died here on Monday morning, about one o'clock, aged 72 years. Deceased was a native of Copenhagen, Denmark, and for many years resided in British Columbia, later removing to Pasadena, Cal., where she became inter-ested in the Koreshan Unity, then in San Francisco, later removing to Chicago, and finally to Estero, having been a member of the colony for thirty years preceding her death. She was a woman of high education and culture, highly esteemed by all who knew her, by whom she will be sadly missed. She. is survived by two daughters," one living in California and the other in Canada.
We are pleased to state that after a cessation of about two months the work has again been resumed on our new power plant.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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