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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events in Our Community Life
February 1917

WE ARE PLEASED to record, in this issue, several new acquisitions to our home. Mrs. L. E. Ruggand her two daughters, Celeste and Virginia, of Littleton, a suburb of Denver, Colo., have decided tocast their lot with us.
In our last issue we made mention of a visit fromMr. DuBois, also of Denver, Colo. We are glad toannounce that he has made application for membershipand been accepted.
We also stated that Sister Mabel Linton hadreturned to Indianapolis to assist her husband, Will E. Linton, in the winding up of their affairs. They are here now, to remain permanently.
We are naturally gratified that we have so manyacquisitions, and we rejoice in the thought that theyare willing to give up the competitive life and itsworldly allurements. The Master used to tell us that we ought to be the happiest people in the world. This we fully believe, because from all visible signs, the old order is surely passing away. Concerning Estero, he said: "Thou art little among the cities of the world, but thy destiny is the grandest among its capitals." In THE FLAWING SWORD of March, 1896, he says: "Come to us in the spirit of sacrifice and obedience to all the laws of rigteousness; come at least in the spirit of humility, and as disciples ready to be taught and to serve, and we will receive and build you an habitation, making you the temple of righteousness for the habitation of God." The above sentence should be of paramount importance to all of us; for the promise is surely worth any sacrifice we may be called upon to make.
Brother Linton has been appointed as representa-tive of our weekly publication, The American Eagle. He is of the type that would make good at almost any kind of work; and we feel that the Unity will be ably represented in him; he will surely be a big boost to this wonderful bird, which the Master instituted in 1906. The Eagle has had a wonderful career, and Brother Alien Andrews, the Editor, is considered one of the most forceful writers in this state. Our newly-elected Governor, Sidney J. Catts, comments thus: "I have enjoyed reading your paper, The American Eagle, very much, and think it is one of the best edited in the state of Florida." Brother John S. Sargent writes every week on "Topics of Interest," and Sister Virginia Andrews gives us two columns of "News Boiled Down,"—a very excellent feature of the paper. The Eagle is a sixteen page paper, and we have no hesitancy in saying that there is not a cleaner sheet published anywhere in the United States. Patent medicine, booze, and tobacco are strictly tabooed fromits advertising columns; in fact, Brother Alien makesit a point to handle these evils without gloves. SWORDreaders who are interested in Florida, and Lee Countyin particular, will find plenty to interest them in The American Eagle, tne price of which is only $1.50, for 52 issues.
At our Sunday evening Service of Jan'y 14, a sister read from the writings of KORESH: "Portent of the Signs of the Times," F. S., Jan'y 30, 1906, and "Gathering into Bundles for the Burning," F. S., Feb'y 6, 1906. It will be interesting at this time to quote, from the first article, what the Master said concerning Thomas W. Lawson, who at the present time is very much in the limelight. He said: "There has never been a period in the world's history when corruption was so pronounced in every department of activity as at the present time. * *" * Thomas W. Lawson has set the ball of investigation rolling, and the investigations which have been forced into public notice are exhuming from the graveyard of public morality, the rottenness of the commercial institutions of the world, and the corruption into which the Christian nations and peoples of the world have declined."
The quartette sang "Adonai," the second stanza of which reads as follows:

"In this day of fierce temptations,
Adonai! Adonai!
There is trembling in the nations;
Adonai! Adonai!
And the fearful world divines
That a mighty purpose shines
Thro' the wonders and the signs!
Adonai! Adonai!"

On Saturday evening Jan'y 20th, the K. U. Orchestra gave an impromptu concert in honor of Mrs.Alice Miller, and Mrs. John Miller and daughterJeannette, who came that afternoon by auto from FortMyers. Messrs. John and Albert Miller, who came onour boat, "The Estero," were not in time for the concert, so Brother James Calderwood arranged a specialprogram on the following Monday night, for their benefit, and also for the new members. When theMillers left Chicago, the thermometer registered tendegrees below zero, so they were naturally charmedwith our balmy climate, with Estero, and with thesurrounding country, particularly Estero Island, wherewe have a beautiful coconut grove, and where thetomb of our Illustrious Shepherd is located.
At our Sunday evening Service of Jan'y 21, abrother read from the writings of KORESH: "In theMaelstrom of Commercial Prostitution," F. S., May31, 1901, and "Divine Political Economy," F. S., Jan'y24, 1891. The solo for the evening was, "Fear Not Ye,0 Israel." We are told that money is the root of allevil, but according to the following, from the first article read: "It need not exist as gold, silver, orpaper, necessarily; for any provision that the people may institute for the regulation of the exchanges of the world may constitute money, though it be an unwritten-but active sentiment. The term money (Latin,moneta), originally signified the guard of women.The term money had its origin from Juno—it being asurname of that Goddess. Juno was the sister andwife of Jupiter. She was the Queen of heaven, theguardian deity of woman, and the foundress of marriage. The word mint (Anglo-Saxon, mynet), coin,is from moneta, and is so called because money wasfirst coined in the temple of Juno or Moneta"
"The Campbells are coming" is a somewhatFamiliar phrase, but the week ending with Jan'y 27found our friends, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, with theirdaughter, Mrs. Edith Trebell, and her son Raymond, of New York City, here in Estero, and we are pleasedto know that they are here to stay. They are temporarily located in our building, known as the "Newport Sanitorium," which is situated on the river front abouta half mile from the Unity. They have given us the contract to build them an 8-room house on their groveproperty, which is situated near by. We enjoyed a short visit from Albert Weiss, ayoung man who spent several of his boyhood yearshere in the Unity. He has traveled extensively over Europe, as well as this country, since leaving here, but-regards the Koreshan Unity as his home, and expectsto return here in the not far distant future.
At our Sunday evening Service of Jan'y 28, a sister read from the writing's of KORESH: "Regener-ated Men, the Sons of God," F. S., Sept. 24, 1892; the first four paragraphs from "The Birth of the NewWorld," Chap. XXVIII, "Great Red Dragon;" "Did the
Disciples Believe in Jesus?" F. S., Aug. 3, 1900, andthe followingparagraph from the Tract, "Reincarnation:" "When the age culminates, there will crop out two distinct forms of intelligence, both representative, the one of good and the other of evil." "Both must come—before the degree of reincarnation is full or complete—to the consciousness of awakened memory, for it is not a true or full reincarnation till the con-sciousness of past ages returns." Brother James Calderwood sang, "We Await Thee Here."
We are glad to have with us again Mr. Al.-McDonald, of W^odlawn, Pa. He is an old friend and SWORD reader. This makes his second visit to Estero; he says he likes to be here with our people.
We are pleased to have with us Mr. Virgil Shaw, from the Shaker Colony of St. Cloud, Fla. Mr. Shaw has been connected with the above Colony, as well as the one at Watervliet, near Albany, New York, for some years. At present he is. very much interested in Koreshan Universology, and we hope he will drink heartily from this "pure river of water of life, proceed-ing from the throne of God and of the Lamb."
We have had a pleasant visit with Dr. WilsonFish, of Detroit, Mich., who has been a reader of THE SWORD for some years. Dr. Fish is the librarian of a circulating library which he helped to establish in the city of Detroit many years ago. THE FLAMING SWORD goes regularly to this library each month, and other Koreshan literature may be found there as well.He also conducts a sanitarium in the above city.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
Search Terms:
Flaming Sword