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The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events in Our Community Life
January 1917

WE ARE PLEASED to have with us Mrs. W. E. Linton, of Indianapolis, Ind., with her two children, James and Mary. Mrs. Linton first heard of Koreshanity through her husband, Will Linton, who is well known to those who were connected with our work in the early days at Chicago. Mr. Linton took an active part in propaganda work in those days, and we are glad to know that he keeps up the good work, talking before audiences on Koreshan Universology whenever the opportunity presents itself. Mrs. Linton is very enthusiastic about Estero, and has decided to make this her future home. Mr. Linton has been contemplating this move for a long time, and we are glad to state in this issue that Mrs. Linton, leaving the children here, has returned to Indianapolis to assist in winding up their affairs, so they can pool their interests with us and assist in carrying on this great work.
On Saturday evening. Dec. 16, the K. U. Orchestra played for the Woman's Club of Estero, at the Estero Inn. Miss Verdier of Fort Myers, who is well known in this county as an accomplished elocutionist, delighted her hearers with several humorous recitations. Several songs were rendered, one by Mrs. Smith, the hostess, who sang "Love's Old Sweet Song." Refreshments were served and a very enjoyable evening was spent.
The following Sunday evening, a sister read from the writings of KORESH : "The Great Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven," F. S., Dec., 1907. The above article dealt with the coming of the Son of man; the signs of the dissolution of the old church and state; the sign of the genuine Scientist; the standing of the Ensign, and where should the Sign appear. We find, concerning the Sign, that "He will come as an American citizen, born an American, and after performing his preparatory functions will enter into his throne, fulfilling the great law of keeping the way of the Tree of Lives, by its perpetuation through the planting of its seed. God will begin his conquest of the world in the establishment of his universal Kingdom in the United States of America." The solo for the evening was, "Open the Gates of the Temple."
We have visiting us Mr. J. T. Gamey, from the province of Manitoba, Canada. Mr. Gamey has been a SWORD reader for a number of years, and is very much impressed with Florida,—Estero in particular, fully realizing what a wonderful center Estero is to become. He is charmed with our balmy climate; when he left Manitoba, the thermometer registered thirty degrees below zero.
A circus in this part of the country is a rarity, but recently the show known as Sun Bro's appeared in Fort Myers, and through the efforts of some of our sisters, our children were enabled to attend, and a more enthusiastic and appreciative lot of youngsters would be hard to find. It was the first time that many of them had seen a circus, and we were pleased to have the opportunity present itself, and thankful to those who made it possible.
On Saturday evening, Dec. 23, our orchestra gave a very interesting concert at the Art Hall. The principal feature was the playing of Yradier's "La Paloma," and Verdi's "Rigoletto," as a trio, by Sister Mildred Fisher, piano; Brother Harold, violin; and Brother James Calderwood on the cornet.
At the Sunday evening Service, Dec. 24, a brother read from the writings of KORESH "The Character of the Great Restoration," F. S., Oct. 16, 1903, and "The Great Mystery of Iniquity," F. S., May 16, 1902. The first article deals with the manner of the Lord's coming; the scientific credentials of the true Elijah the Restorer, and the evidences of the end of the Christian dispensation; while the second article explains the prophecies concerning the Messenger of the Covenant; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; Joshua before the Angel, and who takes away the filthy gaiments? The "filthy garments," at the time of the writing of the above article, was a much discussed question. We will quote a few sentences from the article:
"The Shepherd of this age cleanses the outer garment first, which is the separation of all fallacy from truth. When this is done, there is no more fallacy in his outward mentality. * * * The filthy garments which the high priest Joshua removes, are taken esoterically by those who are in the esoteric movement, a condition which is abominable and repulsive to the Messenger, and to as many as truly desire to do his will. Those who take the filthy garments, take them away because they love such filth and desire to be actuated by it. Hence we say, do not be anxious nor too officious in the removal of the filthy garments of the Lord when he is at hand. This is the function of a Judas, or of many Judases."
Brother Franklin, who is untiring in his efforts to get results, has of late transformed the appearance of things in front of the Store and Post Office. He has built a concrete wall, joining it to the concrete abutment of the new bridge, and carried it around to the edge of the water, filling in and supplanting the board walk on the dock, as well as in front of the store, with earth and oyster shell,—a much needed improvement. On the other side of the bridge he has braced the bank with timbers, and built up a wall of rock to prevent the earth from washing into the river. With the planting of flowers and shrubbery, the bridge surroundings will be transformed into a beauty spot,' and will be in keeping with the beautiful lawn that Brother Jesse Putnam maintains around the Printing Office.
The pier for the new bridge, built midstream, narrowed our channel considerably, so the bank had to be trimmed down and the channel widened in order to permit navigation easily at low tide. This was efficiently done by Brother Lou Staton; the bank has been terraced, and when this is covered with grass it will be very attractive.
The frame structure over our new boiler is now completed. The dimension of the building is 38x26. It is built of the best Florida pine, and the roof is covered with cypress shingles. The next thing to be done will be to put in a concrete floor, and after that the installation of an engine and dynamo that will furnish power to run our Inteltype, as well as light for the Printing Office, Store, Dining Hall, Planetary Court, and the Art Hall.
Mr. DuBois, of Denver, Col., who is a reader of THE SWORD, made a short visit to the Umty, and was very much impressed with Estero and its surroundings.
At our Sunday evening Service, Dec. 31, a sister read from the writings of KORESH: "The Essential Apex of the World's Progress," F. S., April, 1908. It dealt with the Messianic appearance and its relation . to all other issues and impending crises; why did the Messiah come; how did the Messiah go away; and how will the Lord come again? "The Lord will never descend from the physical clouds, but he will descend in the celestial clouds in. the literal manifestation of the Sons of God. * * * The twelve tribes are in the heavens, the spiritual world, in the function of the Holy City, gathered into the one man upon whom God has written the name of God, the name of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, and 'my' (God's) New Name, that is, the new humanity; and this is none other than the ordained and authorized Elijah, the Messenger of the Covenant." The solo for the evening was "The Holy City."
Mr. Sterling Robinson, of New York City, was at the Unity for a short visit. He confessed that before coming to Florida he had had a somewhat prejudiced notion regarding this state, but his visit to Estero convinced him otherwise, and he was enthusiastic enough to call it a "veritable garden of Eden." We believe his visit has transformed him into a confirmed booster for Lee County. His mother, Sister Elizabeth Robinson, returned North with him.
At our Sunday evening Service of Jan'y 7, a brother read from the writings of KORESH: "The Righteousness of Scientific Communism," F. S., Dec. 19, 1905, and "The Bond of Social Obligation," F. S., Jan'y 16, 1906. Brother James Calderwood sang "Just for Today.'' The first article read dealt with the communism of the primitive Christian church as opposed to competism of pagan Christendom; the prediction made in 1870; when old things should pass away and all things become new, and why we have anything to do with politics.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
Search Terms:
Flaming Sword