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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - December 1938
By Adah J. Price
MR. JULIAN NALLY of Gotha, Florida, recently called at The American Eagle office when en route to Naples to visit the one-time tropical garden of the late Dr. Henry N ehrling, a great plant breeder and botanist. Mr. N,ally, who now oWns the old Nehrling homestead at Gotha, returned from Naples the folloWing day and took home with him a number of plants from the Unity Nurseries. Brother Allen A~drews) editor of The American Eagle, is receiving -requests to republish a series of Dr. N ehrling's articles, formerly published in The Eagle from 1922-29. Brother Moses Weaver, after several days visit with old friends in the Unity, left for his home in St. Petersburg, Florida: We were glad he could be with us during the Solar Festival. Charles Mealy, of Pineville, Kentucky, Son of Mrs. Alice Mealy Bubbett, and Dick Bubbett called on Unity friends, en route to Miami. 'Mr. Mealy spent some of his boyhood days in the Unity. Sister Emma Norton enjoyed a trip to Fort Myers with Mrs. L. E. Rugg, dining with Sister Lillian on the return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis, of Everglades, spent Sunday, October 30 in Estero with friends and their sister, Mrs. Rose Gilbert. Early Monday morning their car refused to function, and Brother Allen Andrews motored Mr. Lewis home, arriving there shortly before 8 a. m., the time for commencing work. Mr . Lewis holds the responsible position of cashier and telegraph operator in tl1e thriving, modern little city of Everglades. Brother Lou Staton has made several trips to Fort Myers Beach to look after the recently acquired Unity property th.ere-a house and lot on Estero Islandwhich was secured through a trade for the Big Hickory Island property. Mrs. Carrie Briggs of the Fort Myers museum and Miss Meta Monsees, of Fort Myers, were calling on Estero friends on Annicotice Day. Miss Monsees interviewed Brother J ess() Putnam, Manager of the Printing Department, regarding;,ome desired printing. Mrs. Eleanor Castle ~id granddaughter Miss Dawn Castle recently motor",d to Miami to visit friends. November 5th. Brothers George Hunt, Charles Hunt and Arthur Moore took a trip 'to Fort Myers Beach. Brother Charles enjoys these trips, as he is so closely confined to his room. Monday evening, November 7, a caucus of the Unity members was held in the dining-room to consider the various nominees for election. Our friends Mrs. Julia Horne and daughter, Miss Melba, and Mrs. Edward Hendry were in Estero November 8, Mrs. Horne serving on the local Election Board. Miss Bertha Boomer came from Fort Myers November 8th to vote, remaining over night with Unity friends. At the Sunday evening services of November 13th, Sister Etta Silverfriend read, among other articles written by KORESH, a very interesting one entitled "The Great Martian Canal Trust," which appears elsewhere in this issue of THE FLAMING SWORD. ,The Koreshan Unity Filling Station was visited by a midnight prowler on November 16th. Brother Samuel Armour, the manager who rooms in the building, was awakened by the noise and stepped out the front door to investigate in time to see a man jump the fence into the highway, dash for a car he had parked near and speed away. He had been trying to enter the building by a side window, tearing off the screening and cracking the window glass. Brother A-rthur Moore and Ro,ger Perry went to the woods November 17th, gathering and chopping wood to increase the fuel supply for the winter . The new power mowing machine, being success~ully operated by Brother George Hunt, is proving to be worth its weight in gold by saving many hours of hand labor . Through Brother Daniel McNama'ra's diligent labor in his gardens, we are now enjoying fresh vegetables, which are highly appreciated. We have also relished the fresh tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers and peppers brought to the Kitchen Department by Mr. R. L. McCoy and Albert Jacobs from the neBfby large truck farms, these vegetables not being quite up to the shipping standard in size and shape, but delicious in flavor. We appreciated Sister Jennie Camblell's assistance in the canning of the surplus tomatoes. Sunday, November 20th, Sisters Bertie Boomer, Vesta N ewcomb, Bella Armour and Florence Graham were calling upon Mrs. Julia Horne and family who recently purchased proprty in Tice, near Fort Myers, where they may make their future home. We were pleased to have Sister Jennie Campbell, Sister Edith Trebell and Sister Lillian Rugg enjoy their Thanksgiving dinner with us for Sister Emily Bessemer had prepared a delicious repast. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Boughman and son of Tampa, Florida, visited friends at the Unity N ovember 24th. On November 28th all of our sisters enjoyed the delicious cake sent by parcel post by Sister Ida Fisher's daughter, Mrs. Mildred Fisher Barager, of Seattle, Washington, to Sister Etta Silverfriend. This delectation was made by Mrs. Barager herself, who spent her younger years in the Unity.
The Common Origin of All Religions 1
Revelation of the Mystery of Life 3
The Cellular Cosmogony 4
The Great Martian Canal Trust "Is Mars Inhabited" 5
Nearing the World's Great Crisis 6
Christ Enters Jerusalem 7
Double Absorption 8
The Brotherhood of ,The New Order 8
Overcoming Death the Climax of Scientific Achievement 9
Open Court of Inquiry 11
Community Current Events 13
Publishers' Department 14
8: Communication Artifact
Also see the "Public Shelf" for copies.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Knowles, Anastasia
Butler, Garnet
Armour, Samuel

Staton, Lou H.
Price, Adah J.
Search Terms:
Flaming Sword