The Flaming Sword
Pubication Date:
Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events in Our Community Life
September 1916
LEE COUNTY on account of its wouderful climate, due to its geographical location, enjoys the advantage of growing many varieties of fruit that it is not possible to grow in the northern counties of Florida; one of these fruits being the delicious mango. There are some thirty or more varieties grown in this county, but the predominating kind grown at the Unity at present is the apple mango; these grow to the size of a large northern apple; they have a good sized seed and the pulp is somewhat fibrous, but very sweet. There are many varieties that far excel the apple mango in flavor, size, and in being fiberless; these are the Mulgoba, Cecil, Hayden, Sandersha, etc.; we haveji number of these varieties at the Unity, and hope in a few years to have a good sized grove, as many of our brothers are taking quite an active interest in the development of this fruit.
Another choice variety of fruit grown here is the avocado pear; they ripen the latter part of August and remain in season for several months. In shape this fruit resembles a northern pear; but they grow to a much larger size, some weighing as much as two pounds. The avocado is more highly esteemed as a vegetable than as a fruit; the pulp is firm and marrow-like ; and as a food substance it is very fine, and makes an excellent substitute for butter. These trees are evergreen, and grow to a height of from 30 to 40 feet. We have a number of them on our grounds, and some of them bore a good crop. On our Mound Key property we have an excellent young grove of avocado trees, and some of these trees have borne fruit this year. This land is built up of oyster shell; consequently is
very rich in animal matter; vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, cabbage, beets, onions, etc., do well here. We have about two acres in a banana grove; also lime trees, papaws, sapodillas and many other kinds of fruit trees. Brother William Acuff is in charge of this place and is very faithful in his performance of use to the neighbor.
At our Sunday evening Service of August 13th, the following selections were read by a brother from the writings of KORESH : "The Great Law of Love," F. S., Oct., 1911, and "By the Potential Energy of God in Man, Scientifically Applied, Will the Restoration
Come," F. S., Nov. 26, 1892. The quartette sang
We had with us for a week the Rev. David Daniel
Butler, colored, who came to investigate Koreshanity.
He has studied the various cults and isms; the last being Shakerism, whose fundamental principles are celibacy of the males, chastity of the females, and com- munism. He has about reached the conclusion that
Koreshanity is the acme of all knowledge. We sin- cerely hope he will drink from this fountain to his heart's content, and in applying the principles will realize that "Blessed are they that do his command- ments," etc. KORESH in "New Jerusalem," F. S.,
March, 1896,says:
"Come to us in the right spirit of sacrifice and obedience to all the laws of righteousness; come at least in the spirit of humility, and as disciples ready to be taught and to serve, and we will receive and build you an habitation, making you the temple of righteous- ness for the habitation of God."
On Sunday evening August 20th, a sister read at our Service "The Great Epoch of Human Destiny," from THE FLAMING SWORD of Jan'y 19, 1900. The above article deals with the deep things of God, and makes one feel like the Psalmist when he said: "Thy testimonies are wonderful * * * give me under- standing according to thy word."
We are glad to note that the new steel drawbridge, which we referred to in the August issue, is completed, and now opened to the public. It is needless to say that all are pleased with the new bridge; but its value will be more fully appreciated during the busy fruit season by those who run the boats, as they can then travel at any time without having to wait for the tide to recede, as they had to do with the old bridge.
The contract for the hard surfacing of the new graded road between Fort Myers and Naples, has been let to a firm in Birmingham, Ala., and they are to com- mence the work soon. The material to be used for surfacing will be oyster shell and native rock; this will insure an excellent roadbed. When completed one can easily reach Fort Myers from Estero by automobile in forty-five minutes.
At the Sunday evening Service of August 27, a • brother read "The Capitol City of the New Age" from
F. S., Feb'y 23, 1900. The Master says in this article that:
"There will be but one government in the world,
with its Capitol city in America; all other cities of the world will be subsidiary to this one, wheresoever they may be located. This Capitol city is the New Jeru-salem, prepared to descend, not from the physical, but from the spiritual heavens. The point of her descent is as arbitrary as the rising and setting of the sun; yet the location must be the result of the voluntary intel-lectual effort of the mind and personality in whom the spiritual New Jerusalem has her habitation."
From the Koreshan standpoint, how inadequate is the law just passed by Congress and signed by the President to avert this railroad strike. It will be a glorious state when the world has arrived at the full realization of the following paragraph quoted from the same article. Could they see that:
"Those who create wealth [the industrial class] must and shall possess it. The men are fools who expect, through the influence of labor unions, to im-prove their conditions. The discussion of the question of more wages and shorter hours, is a demonstration of the prevailing ignorance of the masses who work; and the men who lead the laboring masses in their efforts to combine against so called capital, are fools and knaves. Labor is a curse, and for it economical industry should be substituted. Men should not labor for millionaire viduals nor corporations, nor should they labor for themselves."
Knowing as we do that all the present remedial measures are but patches on the old, worn-out gar-ment, to be soon discarded as worse than useless, we are able to see the futility of the action of Congress in the present instance, though it was forced upon them by the immediate necessities of the case.
The K. U. Orchestra gave a concert Saturday evening, Sept., 2, the first given in several months, to a very appreciative audience. The program was as follows: March, "The Winning Fight;" Overture, "The Golden Sceptre;" Characteristic Dance, "The Fountain;" Waltz, "Pensee Intime;" Reverie, "Shadow-Land;" March, "Robinhood." Brother Harold More-land played by request Donizetti's "Sextette from Lucia," and responded to a rousing applause with Fauconier's "Reverie;" Brother James Calderwood accompanying him on the piano.
It is not often that we get outside talent to take part and assist in our concerts, but on the above eve- ning we listened to two very pleasing trios; a clarinet and two violins played by Masters Conrad and Wilmer Menge and Brother Alien Andrews, with Mrs. Menge accompanying on the piano. They played "Woodland Waltz," and "Bitter Sweet March." The Menge boys have been taking lessons from Brother Alien for the past year or more, and they are doing very well.
At the Sunday evening Service of Sept. 3, a sister read "The Enemies of Human Liberty," F. S., April 13, 1900, and "The New Koreshan Dispensation," F. S., Dec. 1, 1899. Brother James Calderwood sang "The Song of the Angels," with violin obligate played by Brother Harold; Sister Mildred Fischer played the accompaniment. The music was very pleasing and much enjoyed. .
At our Sunday evening Service of Sept. 10, a brother read the following articles from the writings of our Master: "The Termination of the Present Age," F. S., June 14, 1904, and "The Manifestation of Mental Depolarization," F. S., June 21, 1904. The second article showed how the fallacies of modern new thought constitute a disintegrating factor of the old order, and was very interesting. We also listened to "Adonai," sung by the quartette.
September 1916
LEE COUNTY on account of its wouderful climate, due to its geographical location, enjoys the advantage of growing many varieties of fruit that it is not possible to grow in the northern counties of Florida; one of these fruits being the delicious mango. There are some thirty or more varieties grown in this county, but the predominating kind grown at the Unity at present is the apple mango; these grow to the size of a large northern apple; they have a good sized seed and the pulp is somewhat fibrous, but very sweet. There are many varieties that far excel the apple mango in flavor, size, and in being fiberless; these are the Mulgoba, Cecil, Hayden, Sandersha, etc.; we haveji number of these varieties at the Unity, and hope in a few years to have a good sized grove, as many of our brothers are taking quite an active interest in the development of this fruit.
Another choice variety of fruit grown here is the avocado pear; they ripen the latter part of August and remain in season for several months. In shape this fruit resembles a northern pear; but they grow to a much larger size, some weighing as much as two pounds. The avocado is more highly esteemed as a vegetable than as a fruit; the pulp is firm and marrow-like ; and as a food substance it is very fine, and makes an excellent substitute for butter. These trees are evergreen, and grow to a height of from 30 to 40 feet. We have a number of them on our grounds, and some of them bore a good crop. On our Mound Key property we have an excellent young grove of avocado trees, and some of these trees have borne fruit this year. This land is built up of oyster shell; consequently is
very rich in animal matter; vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, cabbage, beets, onions, etc., do well here. We have about two acres in a banana grove; also lime trees, papaws, sapodillas and many other kinds of fruit trees. Brother William Acuff is in charge of this place and is very faithful in his performance of use to the neighbor.
At our Sunday evening Service of August 13th, the following selections were read by a brother from the writings of KORESH : "The Great Law of Love," F. S., Oct., 1911, and "By the Potential Energy of God in Man, Scientifically Applied, Will the Restoration
Come," F. S., Nov. 26, 1892. The quartette sang
We had with us for a week the Rev. David Daniel
Butler, colored, who came to investigate Koreshanity.
He has studied the various cults and isms; the last being Shakerism, whose fundamental principles are celibacy of the males, chastity of the females, and com- munism. He has about reached the conclusion that
Koreshanity is the acme of all knowledge. We sin- cerely hope he will drink from this fountain to his heart's content, and in applying the principles will realize that "Blessed are they that do his command- ments," etc. KORESH in "New Jerusalem," F. S.,
March, 1896,says:
"Come to us in the right spirit of sacrifice and obedience to all the laws of righteousness; come at least in the spirit of humility, and as disciples ready to be taught and to serve, and we will receive and build you an habitation, making you the temple of righteous- ness for the habitation of God."
On Sunday evening August 20th, a sister read at our Service "The Great Epoch of Human Destiny," from THE FLAMING SWORD of Jan'y 19, 1900. The above article deals with the deep things of God, and makes one feel like the Psalmist when he said: "Thy testimonies are wonderful * * * give me under- standing according to thy word."
We are glad to note that the new steel drawbridge, which we referred to in the August issue, is completed, and now opened to the public. It is needless to say that all are pleased with the new bridge; but its value will be more fully appreciated during the busy fruit season by those who run the boats, as they can then travel at any time without having to wait for the tide to recede, as they had to do with the old bridge.
The contract for the hard surfacing of the new graded road between Fort Myers and Naples, has been let to a firm in Birmingham, Ala., and they are to com- mence the work soon. The material to be used for surfacing will be oyster shell and native rock; this will insure an excellent roadbed. When completed one can easily reach Fort Myers from Estero by automobile in forty-five minutes.
At the Sunday evening Service of August 27, a • brother read "The Capitol City of the New Age" from
F. S., Feb'y 23, 1900. The Master says in this article that:
"There will be but one government in the world,
with its Capitol city in America; all other cities of the world will be subsidiary to this one, wheresoever they may be located. This Capitol city is the New Jeru-salem, prepared to descend, not from the physical, but from the spiritual heavens. The point of her descent is as arbitrary as the rising and setting of the sun; yet the location must be the result of the voluntary intel-lectual effort of the mind and personality in whom the spiritual New Jerusalem has her habitation."
From the Koreshan standpoint, how inadequate is the law just passed by Congress and signed by the President to avert this railroad strike. It will be a glorious state when the world has arrived at the full realization of the following paragraph quoted from the same article. Could they see that:
"Those who create wealth [the industrial class] must and shall possess it. The men are fools who expect, through the influence of labor unions, to im-prove their conditions. The discussion of the question of more wages and shorter hours, is a demonstration of the prevailing ignorance of the masses who work; and the men who lead the laboring masses in their efforts to combine against so called capital, are fools and knaves. Labor is a curse, and for it economical industry should be substituted. Men should not labor for millionaire viduals nor corporations, nor should they labor for themselves."
Knowing as we do that all the present remedial measures are but patches on the old, worn-out gar-ment, to be soon discarded as worse than useless, we are able to see the futility of the action of Congress in the present instance, though it was forced upon them by the immediate necessities of the case.
The K. U. Orchestra gave a concert Saturday evening, Sept., 2, the first given in several months, to a very appreciative audience. The program was as follows: March, "The Winning Fight;" Overture, "The Golden Sceptre;" Characteristic Dance, "The Fountain;" Waltz, "Pensee Intime;" Reverie, "Shadow-Land;" March, "Robinhood." Brother Harold More-land played by request Donizetti's "Sextette from Lucia," and responded to a rousing applause with Fauconier's "Reverie;" Brother James Calderwood accompanying him on the piano.
It is not often that we get outside talent to take part and assist in our concerts, but on the above eve- ning we listened to two very pleasing trios; a clarinet and two violins played by Masters Conrad and Wilmer Menge and Brother Alien Andrews, with Mrs. Menge accompanying on the piano. They played "Woodland Waltz," and "Bitter Sweet March." The Menge boys have been taking lessons from Brother Alien for the past year or more, and they are doing very well.
At the Sunday evening Service of Sept. 3, a sister read "The Enemies of Human Liberty," F. S., April 13, 1900, and "The New Koreshan Dispensation," F. S., Dec. 1, 1899. Brother James Calderwood sang "The Song of the Angels," with violin obligate played by Brother Harold; Sister Mildred Fischer played the accompaniment. The music was very pleasing and much enjoyed. .
At our Sunday evening Service of Sept. 10, a brother read the following articles from the writings of our Master: "The Termination of the Present Age," F. S., June 14, 1904, and "The Manifestation of Mental Depolarization," F. S., June 21, 1904. The second article showed how the fallacies of modern new thought constitute a disintegrating factor of the old order, and was very interesting. We also listened to "Adonai," sung by the quartette.
8: Communication Artifact
This is part of a bound set for the year 1916.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
Search Terms:
Flaming Sword