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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
October 1916
ON THE EIGHTEENTH of this month we will celebrate the birthday anniversary of our beloved Master. We eagerly look forward to this occasion to do homage to our Shepherd, the most illustrious personality that has lived since the time of Jesus, and whose teachings, like those of the Savior of nineteen hundred years ago, are despised and rejected by the multitude, having suffered a martyrdom, making him truly a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief.
We anticipate the birthday, however, not in the spirit of gloom, but with the thought that we know that our "Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth," as Job prophesied in olden times. With this thought in mind the different members busy themselves in preparation for this, our great yearly event. We will give an account of the events of the day in our November issue.
The east and west ends of the dining hall and dormitory have been covered with new siding by Brother Milton Porter; and we are glad to announce that this building is receiving two coats of paint, the color being yellow, trimmed with green; what has been covered has produced a great transformation, and all are well pleased with this improvement.
The 90 h. p. boiler which we mentioned in a previous issue as having been purchased, is now installed and ready to furnish steam to the printing office and the sawmill as soon as the necessary connections are made, and these we believe will be completed by the time we are ready to print the present issue of THE SWORD. Our brothers have dug a well to supply the boiler with surface water. We have two deep artesian wells that supply excellent water for cooking and drinking purposes, but they are not adapted for use in boilers on account of their mineral deposits.
On Saturday evening Sept. 16, the K. U. Orchestra gave a concert, during which were played the following selections: March, "The Periscope;" Overture, "Reception;" Cello and Violin Duet, "Angel's Serenade," played by Brothers Jesse Putnam and Harold Moreland; Waltz, "Perdita;" Flower Song, "Hearts and Flowers;" Japanese Romance, "Poppies;" March, "Under the Double Eagle."
At our Sunday evening Service of Sept. 17, a brother read the following articles from the writings of our Master: "The Great Conspiracies of Capital and Labor," F. S., June 7, 1901, and "Individual Progress and Social Reorganization," F. S., Nov. 8, 1901. The quartette sang "When This Mortal Shall Have Put on Immortality," and "How Long, 0 Lord." The words of the last song were written by Brother George Hunt, and are very appropriate for our Service as they are full of the true Koreshan spirit.
In the first article above quoted the Master clearly shows that there is not a particle of difference in the spirit of either the labor or capitalistic organizations; both are aiming to crush one another. Of the two leading political parties, he says: "Both of the great parties have curried favor with every resource of evil for the purpose of political aggrandizement. Both parties have attempted to conciliate the combination of money and the combination of labor." He further says that the republican party has openly demonstrated its purpose to favor the worldwide monopoly of the gigantic commercial trust, while the "democratic party is posing as the people's friend, and will be forced more and more into this phase of the great issue and its culminating struggle. The only logical determination of the democratic party is toward and with the labor conspiracy as against the financial trust conspiracy."
Our two lighters which have been in use for several months at Marco in connection with the dredging of the new road between Marco and Naples, have been returned and the largest one has been used to bring a load of lumber for the Unity from the sawmill at Hendry Creek. The upper part of this creek is very tortuous and narrow, and not being much in use many snags and brush had to be cleared away to enable us to reach the designated spot. Overland this creek is only seven miles from Estero, but by water it is at least fifteen miles, and the trip makes a most enjoyable outing. Some of the land companies of Fort Myers are considering the dredging of a channel from the Caloosahatchee River, starting from Dr. Miles' estate, to Hendry Creek, which is only about three and a half miles. When this is completed it will give us an inland water route from Estero to Ft. Myers, besides shortening the distance some ten miles, which will mean quite a saving of time.
On Sunday evening Sept. 24, a brother read at our Service Part XLV from the series of articles on "The Alchemical Laboratory of the Brain," in F. S., Oct., 1915. We also listened to a vocal solo "Like As a Father;" these comforting words may be found in Psalm 103, verses 13, 14. There is so much food for thought in the above article that a study of it would be very profitable to SWOKD readers. All were much impressed with it, as it deals with phases of the Christian religion, Orientalism, and modern theosophy. Concerning the conarium we quote the following:
"The conarium of the universal man is that group of which the Elijah of this age constitutes the apex. The burning of this group follows immediately after the central theocrasis. When this consuming fire dissolves the central group, its reflection penetrates the brains of all who have been overwhelmed with the desire to enter the fire of dissolution, and burns out by electromagnetic combustion the pineal gland, thus destroying the copulation which holds the organic structure. The body is then immediately converted to electromagnetic spirit, which is then directed by the determination of the affections before the consumption."
The Unity has accepted a contract from Mr. L. M. Boomer of New York City, to build a house on his property here. Brother Stephen Chislett is the architect, and has charge of its construction, and this is a guarantee that everything will be done right.
On Sunday evening Oct. 9, a sister read the following articles: "Three Degrees of Humano-Divine Life," F. S., Oct. 4, 1901, and "The Principles of Constructive Cosmogony," F. S., Nov. 1, 1901. The first article read explained the church of Noah and the three great lines of its manifestations, the one developed through Ham, another through Shem, and another through Japheth. The second article dealt with the pattern of the first social order; the relations of man to man scientifically determined; and the coming kingdom of the perfect Man. The Master says that "The physical universe is constantly undergoing the process of waste or destruction, and, coordinately, that of supply and replenishment. The physical heaven is forever passing away, while at the same time it is forever rebuilding through the law of self-perpetuation." The quartette sang "The Lord Is in His Holy Temple."
8: Communication Artifact
This is part of a bound set for the year 1916.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
Search Terms:
Flaming Sword