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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events in Our Community Life
June 1916
THE ONE GREAT theme in this country at present is "Preparedness." A bulletin recently received from Washington, D. C., has the following: "We are all for it. Some for war! Some for defense!! Some for peace!'!! There can be no real Preparedness, for war, for defense, or for peace, without National, Highways, and good roads everywhere."
There is not a state in the Union that is devoting more thought and money toward good roads than Florida is doing at present; every section of the state is alive to the advantages of good roads, and it will be of interest to SWORD readers to know what this part of Lee County is doing in this respect. About a year ago this district voted to bond itself for $175,000, to build a road from Fort Myers to Marco, a distance of 52 miles, the grading of which is now about finished. This road goes through Estero, Bonita Springs, and Naples-on-the-Gulf, the latter place is well known, as well as being of much interest to Koreshans, owing to the fact that here, in 1897, the Koreshan Geodetic Survey Staff proved conclusively the Master's great discovery in 1870—the concavity of the earth's surface.
Dade County, of which Miami is the county seat, voted on a similar proposition to build a highway through the Everglades, to join the road at Marco, a distance of about one hundred miles; when this road is completed it will be known as the Fort Myers-Miami Road, and will connect with the Dixie Highway at Miami. The American Eagle, in a recent editorial, said:
"When this cross-state highway is completed, you may look for the most wonderful development in Lee County that has ever taken place in any section of Florida, for the situation is unusual, and in no other state in the Union do we find a parallel. With a coast line highly developed throughout almost the entire length on both sides; with the lower central part a vast unbroken wilderness of fertile soil, and no connecting highway from coast to coast in Southern Florida, it does not require a great stretch of the imagination to conceive somewhat of the tremendous development which will ensue when once the Fort Myers-Miami Road is completed."
At the Sunday evening Service of May 14, the fol lowing articles were read by one of the sisters: "The Declension of the Adamic Man," and "Marriage of the Sons of God with the Daughters of Men," from FLAMING SWORD, August 27, 1892. The quartette sang, "Adonai."
Sisters Berthaldine and Elizabeth Robinson have left for New York City, to spend the summer with their respective families. They expect to return early in the autumn.
The following articles were read by a brother at the Sunday evening Service of May 21: "Theology," from FLAMING SWORD of July 1, 1893, and "The Key to the Problem of Life," F. S., March 25, 1893. The article on "Theology" was in answer to questions submitted by a student of Koreshanity and answered by the Master. In one of the answers we find the following terse sentences on revivals:
"The so called revivals in the Methodist, Baptist, and other churches, are the result of the psychic and pneumic energies generated in the religious excitement of these bodies, which constitutes a surplus energy that passes over to others and brings them under the same or a corresponding influence. It is not the Holy Spirit which operates in these revivals, but a very unholy and deceptive spirit, for it attempts to convince the people that they are born of God, while the fact is they are in the gall of bitterness, and under the bond of iniquity, but do not know it."
We realize the truth of the above statement when we think of the present European—so called Christian—nations in their present death grip. The quar tette sang, "Great Is the Lord," written by John R. Sweeny.
Carlos Point, which has been mentioned in a pre vious issue of this Dep't as being an ideal spot, is being 'very much enjoyed nowadays by a number of our sisters and children who are spending their vacations there. Estero Island beach is considered about the best to be found on the entire Gulf Coast; the tides twice a day giving excellent facilities for bathing, and the OZOHC is purity itself. The Unity is much blessed in owning Carlos Point; it gives us an ideal place to go for an outing, and an opportunity for those who care to spend a few weeks at the sea shore, to do so. Brother Carl Leuttich has the place in charge and keeps things looking very attractive.
A sister read, at the Sunday evening Service of May 28, "Koreshan View of the American Govern ment," from FLAMING SWORD of Dec. 20, 1901, and "Alchemy and the Philosopher's Stone," F. S., Jan'y 17, 1902. In the first article, KORESH writes as follows concerning Mr. Roosevelt:
"President Roosevelt is not only a typical American, up-to-date, but a typical modern Christian. He stands for what the modern world approves in religion, morals, and social life. As a standard bearer of Chris tian progress, he is one of the most enthusiastic advo cates of the greater navy, because he feels the, assur ance that the commercial tendency of the age is of such a character that the rights of the Government can only be maintained through our naval equality, if not our naval supremacy. * * * The popularity of the sentiment that the United States should become a great, if not the greatest, naval power in the world, indicates the fact that we as a nation entertain the conviction that the war potency is much better than the Holy Spirit in the universal maintenance of peace."
Our sawmill has been out of commission for about two months, owing to defective tubes in the boiler, but we expect to resume operations soon in this Dep't, as the old tubes have been taken out and new ones put m.^ This work, which was quite an undertaking, has been most efficiently done by Brother Henry Moreland. The first thing we expect to saw is lumber for a bridge to replace the old white bridge leading from the main walk to the Imperial Landing; Brother Stephen Chislett has commenced on this work, and when it is completed it will add wonderfully to the beauty of that section of our Park.
The articles read at our Sunday evening Service of June 4, were as follows: "Along the Ecliptic of Human Development," F. S., Jan'y 3, 1902, and "Upon the Verge of Revolution," F. S., Feb. 14, 1902. If the latter article had been written yesterday, instead of fourteen years ago, it could not be more up-to-date.
Speaking of platforms, the Master says: "The platform of Koreshanity is narrow; it is the doorstone, the footstep of entrance into the 'narrow gate' of the 'straight way' that opens into life. It is unlike the broad platform—the pedestal of the broad gate which terminates the devious way of fche mortal career and opens into hell." The quartette sang, "Lead Kindly Light."
8: Communication Artifact
This is part of a bound set for the year 1916.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
31 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.