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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in Our Community Life
May 1916
THE FLORIDA State Press Association held its annual convention this year at Kissimmee. The American Eagle, our weekly publication, was represented by its editor, Brother Alien Andrews, and THE FLAMING SWORD by Sister Berthaldine; Sisters Virginia Andrews and Bertie Boomer taking advantage of the trip also. At Kissimmee they were joined by Miss Annie Ray Andrews of Brooklyn, N. Y., who had not seen her mother and brother in five years. Sister Bertie continued her journey on to New York, but the rest of the party arrived home on Sunday the 16th, reporting a most enjoyable time.

Mrs. Frank Lewis of Jersey City, N. J., who has been visiting here for a couple of months, and whose visit we enjoyed very much, left for her home; her nephew, Dean Gilbert, accompanying her.

At our Sunday evening Service of April 16, the following articles from the Writings of KORESH, in FLAMING SWORD of July 10, 1903: "The Magnetic Power of the Name Jesus;" "The UltraPenetrable Spiritual Ray;" and "The Focus and Nucleus of Being," were read by one of the sisters. In the last article KORESH says:
"The Koreshan does not pray to an ocean of spreadalloverness which the ignorant and .gullible call God, but centrally to the focal point and nucleus of being. Such an invisible center, the Koreshan locates within this visible manifestation, this visible manifestation being the objective focal point of all present aspiration. There can be no 'God within' until after the function of Elijah fulfils its highest office in the baptism succeeding the theocrasial fire."
'We have had a visit from Brother H. Jay Morgan of San Francisco. He was at one time a member of the Unity, and was prominently connected with the orchestra, officiating for a time as leader. He left here for New York and many points East; his mother, Sister Martha, accompanying him to Fort Myers.

The evening Service of April 23 (Easter Sunday), was unusually attractive, owing to the beautiful display of palms, vines, and a variety of flowers, such as petunias and oleanders, with a large bouquet of magnolia and moonflower blossoms, which produced a most charming effect. The article read was "The Passover," from FLAMING SWORDS of April 25, May 2, and 9 of 1891. This series is being republished, the initial in this issue being the first. The quartette sang "When This Mortal Shall Have Put On Immortality." Brother James Calderwood sang "We Await Thee Here;" Brother Jay Morgan playing the accompaniment. This beautiful poem was written by Sister Alice Lowe, and is adapted to the music of "Schubert's Serenade;" it was published in FLAMING SWORD of Jan'y, 1910.
On Saturday evening, April 29, the K. U. Orchestra gave a concert at the Art Hall, and the following numbers were played: "Winning Fight;" "Erminie;" "Suzette;" "Amaranthus," and "RobinHood March." Brother James Calderwood sang "The Kerry Dance," accompanied by Brother Jay.
The fruit season, which has been an exceptionally busy one, is about over. "The Estero" has carried its last load. We hauled more fruit this year than ever before, and with the development of new groves, Estero will become quite a center for citrus fruit.
The Sunday evening Service of April 30, was well attended. A sister read the continued "Passover" articles from FLAMING SWORDS of May 9, and 23, 1891. A solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple," was then rendered, followed by two more articles: "Evolution of the Fifth Universal Kingdom," F. S., Sept., 20, 1901, and "The Light of Divine Humanity," F. S., Nov. i, 1901. In the Sept. issue KORESH says:
"The end of the dispensation will not arrive through arbitration and the quiet settlement of human differences. We are approaching the great catastrophe. That spirit 'which actuates the trust and determines the robbery of tens of thousands and reduces them to penury, slavery, and to the ignorance of the wage slave, will not change its character by simple evolution.
"On exhibition at the PanAmerican Fair [1901], there may be observed all of the modern improved methods of killing people. * * * If implements of warfare are necessary to deter mankind from fighting, it looks as if the spirit of the meek and lowly Jesus, in the Christian nations of the world, had gone through some modifications since he was led like a Lamb to the slaughter, and that the slaughter only began with his crucifixion. The human heart is full of hell, and it is not found alone with the millionaire trust, but equally with that other trust, more tyrannical and dangerous, the laborunion trust."

We read a good deal in the daily papers nowadays about such and such a town being shelled, and with it the heartrending accounts of the terrible suffering of the populace. Well, we wish to say that a part of our town is being shelled too, but our work is the very antithesis of the above, being constructive. A number of our good energetic brothers took it in hand and got up what they call a shell picnic, equipping themselves with the necessaries of life as well as the necessary paraphernalia for such work and started out with our boats, the Tiburon with the Pelican in tow, for Mound Key, and loaded them with oyster shell, which is to be had there in abundance. This shell makes excellent walks, and the prospects now are that before the summer is over our walks will be well shelled, thereby adding much to the comfort of life, as well as to the material value of what the Master was pleased to call "The Mecca of a New Civilization!"
At our Sunday evening Service of May 7, a brother read the following article from FLAMING SWORD of March 19, 1892: "Sociology, Its Evil and Its Remedy." If this article could be injected into the program of the leading political parties in the coming election it would purify politics as nothing else would from the pollutions of rum and nicotine of which the Master says: "These two inveterate poisons saturate every atom, molecule, and corpuscle of the so called statesmen, who,j politically originating in the dens of prostitution, make our laws." But there is a reason, and the Master points it out in these closing sentences:
"The great obstacle in the way of the restoration of righteousness is the modern church. It is the abetter of every abominable thing on the face of the earth, today. It upholds, by its authority, the most crying and degrading wrongs. Were it a united Christian body—without schism—marching as a mighty phalanx against the corruptions of the age, they would 'be swept by the besom of destruction, and with one withering blast of the Almighty vengeance, sensuality, with all its train of concomitants, would be hurled to the dust, to be blown away by the renovating breath of the Omnipotent."
The quartette sang "Bless the Lord," after which we listened to three more short articles: "Theology," "Is God Unknowable?" and "Sociology, the True Foundation," from FLAMING SWORD of April 23, 1892, f
Miss Annie Ray Andrews, after several weeks5 visit at the Unity, left for her home in Brooklyn, N. Y., May 12. We hope her visits will not be so far apart in the future; we believe the change has done her good, and her visit here with relatives and friends has been enjoyed by all.
Sister Evelyn Kubbett accompanied her to Brooklyn, where she expects to spend the summer months with her daughter, Mrs. Claude Rahn. Sister Evelyn has been very closely confined to her many duties, and will be greatly missed as manager of THB SWORD. We sincerely hope the change will do her good, and that when she returns she will be able to take up again the work she has faithfully performed so many years.
Dualism in all its forms, is antagonistic to the true order of the Lord's appearing. Hence, whosoever teaches it must be denominated antichrist.—Koresh.
8: Communication Artifact
This is part of a bound set for the year 1916.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
31 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.