Library : Books, Articles, Clippings Etc.
Koreshan Library — Box 7
Object ID:
KSHS Books
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Beater, Jack. True Tales of the Florida West Coast. Fort Meyers, Fla., 1959.

Bennett, Arnold. How to Live on 24 Hours a Day. George H. Doran Company, New York, 1910.

Bishop, Robert Charles, and Patricia Coblentz. The World of Antiques, Art, and Architecture in Victorian America. New York: Dutton, 1979.

Bottone, Selimo Romeo, and Alfre M. A Beale. Electro-motors: How Made and How Used. A Handbook for Amateurs and Practical Men. New York: Excelsior Pub. House, 1891.

Chambers, William. Chamber’s [sic] Information for the Million: Or, One Thousand and One Things Worth Knowing. Comprising the History and Mystery of Everything in Common Use. New York: Hurst, 188?.

Chase, A. W. Dr. Chase’s Recipes, or, Information for Everybody: An Invaluable Collection of About Eight Hundred Practical Recipes, for Merchants, Grocers, Saloon-keepers, Physicians, Druggists, Tanners, Shoemakers, Harness Makers, Painters, Jewelers, Blacksmiths, Tinners, Gunsmiths, Farriers, Barbers, Bakers, Dyers, Renovaters, Farmers, and Families Generally with a Rational Treatment of Pleurisy, Inflammation of the Lungs, and Other Inflammatory Diseases, and Also for General Female Debility and Irregularities. Ann Arbor, Mich.: R.A. Beal, 1881.

Cooper, Lenna F. The New Cookery. Battle Creek, Mi.: Good Health Pub. Co., 1914.

“Cooperative Tractor Catalog.” Cooperative Tractor Catalog. 18th Annual Edition (1933): v. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Duss, John Samuel. The Harmonists, a Personal History, ... Harrisburg, Pa.: Pennsylvania Book Service, 1943.

Florida, and Department of Agriculture. Know Florida. [Tallahassee, Fla.]: [State Dept. of Agriculture], 1936.

Gonzalez, Thomas A. The Caloosahatchee: Miscellaneous Writings Concerning the History of the Caloosahatchee River and the City of Fort Myers, Florida. Estero, Fla.: Koreshan unity Press], 1932.

Hawkins, Nehemiah. New Catechism of Electricity; a Practical Treatise,. New York: T. Audel & company, 1896.

Hayes, Harold O, and Popular Mechanics Press. 1001 Ways to Use Concrete; with Details on the Proper Use of Concrete for Improvements About the Home, Garden, Farm, for Play, as a Hobby, and as a Business; Also Complete Information on How to Get Beautiful New Effects with This Old, Reliable Material, Long Restricted to Dull Monotones; Chicago: Popular mechanics press, 1937.

Hudson, Thomson Jay. The Law of Psychic Phenomena: a Working Hypothesis for the Systematic Study of Hypnotism, Spiritism, Mental Therapeutics, Etc. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1893.

Hyde, Mary F. Practical English Grammar, with Exercises in Composition. Boston: D.C. Heath and Co., 1909.

Jackson, Caroline Ruth, and Amelia Crum “Mrs. L. S. Daughery. ” Daugherty. Agriculture through the Laboratory and School Garden. A Manual and Text-book of Elementary Agriculture for Schools. New York: O. Judd Co., 1909.

Kellogg, John Harvey. Good Health. Battle Creek, Mich.: Good Health Pub. Co., 1924.

Knowles, Annis B.C. Golden Age Poems. Vol. 1–3. 3 vols. Berkely, California: Wayside Press, 1938.

———. Location of Spiritua; World in Brain of Living Humanity. Berkely, California: Wayside Press, 1940.

Koresh. “The Guiding Star.” The Guiding Star. v. 1 (1887).

Lethierry-Barrois, Ad. Hébreu primitif: formation des lettres ou chiffres, signes du zodiaque, et racines hébraiques, avec leurs dérives dans les langues de l’Orient et de l’Europe. Paris: A. Franck, 1867.

Lilienthal, Samuel. Homoeopathic Therapeutics. New York: Boericke & Tafel, 1879. ———. Homoeopathic Therapeutics. New York: Boericke & Tafel, 1879.

Lumry, Oscar F. National Suicide and Its Prevention. Chicago: G. F. Cram, 1886.

McCormick, Charles. Neurology and Metaphysics. Chicago: [s.n.], 1905.

New York City Standard Guide; a New and Complete Handbook of New York with Map Panorama 90 Views. New York: Foster & Reynolds, 1904.

Reed, Alonzo. Graded Lessons in English. An Elementary English Grammar, Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-room. New York: Maynard, Merrill, 1894.

Reese, Joseph Hugh. Florida Flashlights; a Thousand and One Facts Concerning the History, Development, Resources and Possibilities of the Great Peninsula State,. Miami: Hefty Press, 1917.

Swedenborg, Emanuel. A Dictionary of Correspondence, Representatives, and Significatives, Derived from the Word of the Lord. Boston: Massachusetts New-Church Union, 1887.

———. Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell: From Things Heard and Seen. Originally Published in Latin at London, A.D. 1758. Philadelphia: J.P. Lippincott & Co., 1877.

———. The Four Leading Doctrines of the New Church: Signified by the New Jerusalem in the Revelation: Being Those Concerning the Lord ; the Sacred Scripture ; Faith ; and Life. New York: American Swedenborg Print. and Pub. Society, 1878.

———. The Spiritual Diary of Emanuel Swedenborg; Being the Record During Twenty Years of His Supernatural Experience. Vol. 1 Number 1–1538. 5 v. vols. London: J. Speirs, 1883.

“What You Want to Say and How to Say It” in Spanish. Florida Gulf Coast Booklet No.3. Buffalo, NY: Matthews Northrup Co., 1927.
This is a bibliography of books that belonged to members of the Koreshan Unity. These books have been collected over a period of time via donation and are cataloged by "archive box". See "Media" for PDF Bibliography.
8: Communication Artifact

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Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
28 cm.
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