Library : Books, Articles, Clippings Etc.
Koreshan Library — Box 3
Object ID:
KSHS Books
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Bland, Thomas A[ugustus]. How to get well and how to keep well; a family physician and guide to health. Boston: Plymouth pub. co., 1895.
Brighouse, James, and Henry I Doremus. The voice of the seventh angel proclaiming the end of time! The resurrection of the dead! The day of final judgment! and the rule of righteousness and peace!. South Cottonwood, Utah, 1887.
Brown, O. Phelps. The complete herbalist, or The people their own physicians by the use of nature's remedies. Showing the great curative properties of all herb, symptoms of prevalent diseases and a new and plain system of hygienic principles. Jersey City, N.J: Pub. by the author, 1870.
Complete Christian hymnal: for every purpose in worship. Fayette, Ala.: Marion Davis Co., 1940.
Drews, George J. Unfired foods and hygienic dietetics for prophylactic (preventative) feeding and therapeutic (remedial) feeding ..., 1909.
Faber, Frederick William. Hymns: with a sketch of his life. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1877.
Fillmore, Charles. The twelve powers of man. Kansas City, Mo.: Unity School of Christianity, 1945.
Fowler, O. S, and L. N Fowler. New illustrated self-instructor in phrenology and physiology: with over one hundred engravings. New York: Fowler and Wells Co., Publishers, 753 Broadway, 1886.
Fowler, O. S, L. N Fowler, and Nelson Sizer. The self-instructor in phrenology and physiology with over one hundred new illustrations, including a chart for the use of practical phrenologists. New York: Fowler & Wells Co., 1889.
Fowler, O. S, and Harry Houdini Collection (Library of Congress). The practical phrenologist and recorder and delineator of the character and talents of [blank], as marked by [blank]: a compendium of phreno-organic science. Boston: O.S. Fowler, 1869.
Jarvis, Stinson. The price of peace,. Los Angeles, Cal.: Printed by J.F. Rowny Press, 1921.
Kane, Harnett T. The golden coast. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1959.
Layne, Meade, and Borderland Sciences Research Associates. "Round robin." Round robin. (February 1954): v.?; 25 cm.
Macfadden, Bernarr. Hair culture: rational methods for growing the hair and for developing its strength and beauty. New York: Macfadden, 1936.
---. Vitality supreme. New York City: Physical Culture Pub. Co., 1915.
Newberry, Thomas. The Englishman's Bible: designed to give as far as practicable, the accuracy, precision, and certainty of the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures, on the page of the Authorized version. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1890.
Patterson, Charles Brodie. Dominion and power; studies in spiritual science. New York: Alliance Pub. Co., 1901.
Russell, Lynn. Hills of gold,. Houghton, N.Y.: Houghton College Press, 1927.
Seaboard Air Line Railway Company. Addresses of welcome and responses at twenty-one cities and points on the east and west coasts of Florida in opening the two Seaboard air line railway Florida extensions, January 7 & 8, 1927. Trip extended from January 5th to 12th. N.p., 1927.
Silverfriend, Henry David. How to read character; the science of cheirology,. [Estero? Fla., 1911.
The opening of the Miami extension, east Coast of Florida, and the Fort Ogden-Fort Myers-Naples extension, west coast: Seaboard Air Line Railway System "all Florida route." Baltimore: Seaboard Air Line Railway, 1927.
Varous. The Flaming Sword. n.p., 1899.
Vaught, L. A. Vaught's practical character reader,. Chicago: L. A. Vaught, 1902.
Willett, Herbert L. The Jew through the centuries,. Chicago; New York: Willett, Clark and Company, 1932.
This is a bibliography of books that belonged to members of the Koreshan Unity. These books have been collected over a period of time via donation and are cataloged by "archive box". See "Media" for PDF Bibliography.
8: Communication Artifact
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Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
28 cm.
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