Archives : Letters, Manuscripts, Documents
Laurie Bubbett Material
Dates of Creation:
10 January 1924
Extent of Description:
1page7.5 x 11.5 in.
Item ID:
Dear Mr. Bubbit — Letter to Laurie Bubbett:
Scope & Content:
This is one of two letters, written in pencil by someone named "John". They were forwarded to Laurie Bubbett with a notation, written in pencil. The letters came from someone named "Nell", referred to in the other letter as "Auntie Nell". Based on the address, this is the same Nell that wrote the other letters in this Bubbett collection. The letters have the return address at the top of them, "55 Garfield Pl. Jan. 10, 1924, Rutherford N.J." The letter to Lauries reads: "Dear Mr. Bubbit: The other letter I sent you was not finished. Mother sent it off before I knew any thing about it. The other papers were lost. I got ninty—nine on my English test. I think it's pretty good, don't you. I beleave I will go in the fourth grade. The last report card I got was pretty good. I had everything Exlent exept reading was Good. I hope your trip turns out well. I got your card Christmas. It was very nice. For my birthday I got one dollar and fifty cents. I boutght a foot—ball. I went to Washington, but I suppose you know about it. Good Luck! (signed) John Brandin Castyglone." On the back and front, the notation reads: "I found this among my letters. Don't know how I came to keep it. Thought you's be interested." On the back page is the drawing of a sail ship and a box like airplane. The notation says: "John was just 9 years old when he wrote this."
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