Jean M. AHRANO (RIN: 805) was born 06 May 1883. He died January 1973 in Florida. Edwina Lovelle MCCREADY (RIN: 476), daughter of William Frederick MCCREADY and Abigail Jeanette WALLACE , was born 30 December 1889 in 1900 Census. She died April 1984 in Florida.
1. Mark AHRANO (RIN: 806) | |
2. Jean AHRANO (RIN: 812) | |
3. Fritz AHRANO (RIN: 813) |
Notes for Jean M. AHRANO:
Social Security Death Index; 1937-1998; A-K; Date of birth: 6 May 1883; Card issued in Florida; Date of death: January 1973; Residence: Florida; SS#: 265-41-4630.
Sources for Jean M. AHRANO:
Notes for Edwina Lovelle MCCREADY:
Also known as: AdaTHE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Lovelle McCready
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U.: Membership list compiled by Marie McCready; Names and Items of Interest remembered by the Four Surviving McCreadys and Vesta Newcomb, the Last of the Original Members at Estero (Designated L (Lovelle); R (Rosalea); W (William); M (Marie); V (Vesta).
MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO; chronicled by Marie (McCready) with participation by Lovelle (McCready): Family history written by the two McCready sisters. Manuscript given to the Koreshan State Historic Site by Duane McConnell (Marie's son) on May 18, 1992. His grandparents and mother grew up here and he came to visit as a child. (1920's -40's)
MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready--page 47: "After the Grier's (John) came with their daughter Ada, two children with the same name caused confusion, as they were the same age and together most of the time.......As Ada was not Lovelle's name, anyway, it was decided to use her second one, and that was it from then on."
MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: Birth of Lovelle (Marie McCready was almost two years old) page 11. Scholastic award won by Catharine, Lovelle and Marie McCready--page 21. Lovelle McCready played second violin and was promoted to first violin.--Page 78. "Lovelle (McCready) was the next to leave. She had studied stenography and bookkeeping in classes which had been inaugurated after I left and went to Washington, D. C. early in 1908 with a group from the Unity who had gone into a cooperative furniture venture there."--Page 89.
1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calument Township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll No. 285; Page No. 285; SD No. 1; ED No. 986; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City: 31; Enumeration Date: 13 June 1900; Enumerator: Ernest E. Ellington; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity:: Ada Macready; Residence: 99th Street, Dwelling 133; Relation to head of family: Boarder; Color, white; Sex, female; Month of birth: May; Year of birth: 1887; Age at last birthday: 13; Single; Place of birth: Pennsylvania; Place of birth of father: Pennsylvania; Place of birth of mother: Pennsylvania; Occupation: Nothing listed; Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English, yes.
SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX; VOLUME 1; A-L: Lovelle Ahrano; Born: 30 Dec 1889*; SS# issued in Florida; Died: Apr 1984; SS#: 262-07-2555; Residence: Branford, Florida. (Does not agree with 1900 Census, See above)
Sources for Edwina Lovelle MCCREADY:
Notes for Mark AHRANO:
THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by Alafae Stephens; August 1933: "We were pleased to have visit us Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano and son Mark, who motored here from Tampa on the 26th. They returned the following day. Their visit was much too brief, but we hope to see them again soon."
THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett; January 1935: "On the twenty-sixth Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano and her three sons, Jean, Fritz and Mark, and Miss Elizabeth Cermak of Tampa visited us for the day. As a material token of good will, Mrs. Ahrano left three fine hams, for which we are greatly appreciative. We have "ambitious" expectations that the culinary department will maintain its high standard in preparing them for table. Thank you, Mrs. Ahrano; we're sorry, though, you couldn't make your visit much longer."
Sources for Mark AHRANO:
Notes for Jean AHRANO:
THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett; January 1935: "On the twenty-sixth Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano and her three sons, Jean, Fritz and Mark, and Miss Elizabeth Cermak of Tampa visited us for the day. As a material token of good will, Mrs. Ahrano left three fine hams, for which we are greatly appreciative. We have "ambitious" expectations that the culinary department will maintain its high standard in preparing them for table. Thank you, Mrs. Ahrano; we're sorry, though, you couldn't make your visit much longer."
Sources for Jean AHRANO:
Notes for Fritz AHRANO:
THE FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett; January 1935: "On the twenty-sixth Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano and her three sons, Jean, Fritz and Mark, and Miss Elizabeth Cermak of Tampa visited us for the day. As a material token of good will, Mrs. Ahrano left three fine hams, for which we are greatly appreciative. We have "ambitious" expectations that the culinary department will maintain its high standard in preparing them for table. Thank you, Mrs. Ahrano; we're sorry, though, you couldn't make your visit much longer."
Sources for Fritz AHRANO:
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