I know that we have, on numerous occasions, reprinted the “Community Current Events” column that appeared in the Flaming Sword from 1916 on. The monthly column opens for us a different and interesting way of looking at life in the Unity. You can walk through the grounds of the Historic Site, but there is no one present. You can’t hear the ‘sounds’ of communal living. The noise from the kitchen, or the power plant.
Reading the “CCE” makes it all come alive somehow. With the traffic and the road construction on US-41, it is hard, sometimes, to picture what it really looked like and felt like 80 years ago. No air conditioning, little traffic on the dusty road. The country in the midst of the great depression. All these things are hard to imagine.
With that in mind, take a look at the August 1933 column, which described the events of July 1933 and picture yourself present.
ON SUNDAY, June 25, Mr. Steven Gotch of Osprey was a visitor here. He attended the Sunday evening services in the Art Hall and on Monday returned to Osprey. Sister Etta Silverfriend, Mrs. Edith Lueders, and Brothers Henry Silverfriend, Frank Wilson and David Richards motored to Tampa and St. Petersburg, June 27, returning the following evening. Miss Meta Monsees spent a week-end at the Unity, returning to Fort Myers Sunday night after religious services. Mr. W. Paul Phillips, a nurseryman of Orlando, was here collecting rare plants. He was greatly pleased with the many rare and beautiful specimens in the Unity gardens. Mrs. Fred McConnell and son Duane of Tampa arrived here on Saturday, July 1, remaining until the 4th. They were’ entertained with a beach party held at Bonita Beach. On the 4th, Mrs. Edith Lueders and Brother Henry Silverfriend accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Hosmer to Fort Myers to the picnic on Sanibel Island. It was a large affair and was very much enjoyed by the many guests. Sister Adah Price and Miss Bertie Boomer left by bus for Chicago on the 5th to attend the World’s Fair. Sister Adah is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. M. White, who lives in Chicago. Brother George Hunt is assisting in the post office in Sister Adah’s absence. Brother John Grier is staying in Fort Myers at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carlton Case, while she, Mr. Case, and the children are in Chicago attending the fair. Mr. Elmer Hough of Fort Myers was a dinner guest at the Unity on the 12th. Mrs. Edith Trebell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wetland, and Brother Claude Rahn motored to Oneco on the 12th. They obtained from Reasoner Brothers’ Nursery some rare fruit and nut plants and ornamental shrubs. Mr. John H. Davis, instructor of botany at Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina, visited here on the 13th and inspected the Unity gardens. The sad news has been received from Baltimore of the death, after a long illness, of Mr. Henry N, Rahn.** father of Brothers Claude and Frank Rahn, in his seventy-fifth year. Mr. Rahn was a staunch Koreshan and earnestly endeavored to further the Cause in his native city of Baltimore since accepting Koreshanity in 1895. Meetings were frequently held at his house to discuss the doctrine; and whenever KORESH visited Baltimore he was a welcome guest .at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Rahn. Mr. Rahn is survived by his wife, five sons and a daughter. Brother Alien Andrews returned home on the 9th from the North, after attending the exposition in Chicago and visiting with relatives in Philadelphia and Washington, D. C. He also visited Niagara Falls, crossing to the Canadian side and viewing them from there. Brother Allen was very enthusiastic about his trip, having found it thoroughly enjoyable. Mrs. James Newcomb and daughter, Margaret, of LaBelle were visitors here on the 8th. Mrs. Newcomb was here again on the 14th. She has since left for Jacksonville for a short visit with her son, Edward Koester. From there she will go by steamer to New Jersey to spend the rest of the summer with another son, Julius Koester. Sisters Rose Gilbert and Vesta Newcomb and Brothers Allen Andrews and David Richards motored to LaBelle on the 16th to visit friends. Miss Genevieve Bisbing of Fort Myers spent several days here, arriving on Tuesday the 18th and returning on Sunday. Brother William McCready is not very well at this writing and is confined to his room. We hope that he will soon recover and be up and about again. Wade Stephens, son of Sister Cora Stephens, is in Tampa at present writing, visiting with relatives for two weeks. He expects-to see his brother Mace, who lives in Ocala, before his return. The Unity gardens are now bright with their summer beauty, after the refreshing rains.. Flowers are in bloom all over the place, presenting a gorgeous spectacle. The brilliantly colored hibiscus blossoms are particularly attractive. Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Lewis of Everglades have visited us several times during the past month. Mrs. Edith Lueders spent the week-end with Miss Lydia Pierce in Fort Myers. Mrs. John C. Home spent two days at the Unity after visiting for two weeks in Tampa. Sister Emily Bessemer was the over-night guest of Miss Lydia Pierce. Brothers Theodore Naeselius and Claude Rahn made a trip to Everglades with the truck on the 26th, taking with them some Cajeput trees and beautiful crotons which will be used for town beautification purposes. The Unity nurseries are becoming well known for their splendid collection of exotic and native plants. We were pleased to have visit us Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano and son Mark, who motored here from Tampa on the 26th. They returned the following day. The visit was much too brief, but we hope to see them again soon. Brother Daniel McNamara has been busily engaged in doing some extensive gardening, preparing ground for fall planting. With Brother Mac on the job, we have good reason to expect an abundance of fresh garden vegetables this winter.
Mention is made in the article of the death of Henry N. Rahn in July of 1933. According to the information we have, Henry Rahn and his wife had five sons and a daughter. We know of four of the sons and the daughter. A search found that Henry Rahn was buried in his hometown of Baltimore, in a suburb called “Brooklyn Park” Here is a listing of the graves under the name of Rahn…
Rahn, Arthur L., b. 1884, d. 1884, [MG]
Rahn, Ella Ida Jane Yingling “Jennie”, b. 10 Jan 1862, d. 15 Jun 1945, [MG]
Rahn, Frank Raymond Holbrook, b. 23 May 1893, d. 20 Dec 1936, [MG]
Rahn, Henry Nicholas, b. 20 Aug 1858, d. 11 Jul 1933, [MG]
Rahn, Russell E., b. 1889, d. 1890, [MG]
Rahn, Viola E., b. 1882, d. 1883, [MG]
There are a lot of interesting things to look at inside the Historic Site Settlement. Some things appear to be a little “odd” Here’s one of them:

This tree, with a hole through it, sits along the Estero River, near Bamboo Landing. The “Legend” says that Gustave Damkohler tied his boat up to this tree. Old wives tale? Click To Enlarge…
Click to enlarge…