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Another View (continued) – May 2013

In our last post we showed a panoramic view of the Unity grounds, as taken from the Printing House, located on the southeast corner of what is now US-41 and the Estero River. In this post we would like to show you a few more “new” views of the Unity which were recently donated. It is always exciting, from an archival point of view, to see something like this — a ‘new’ view.

The first is a picture of an orange grove – supposedly belonging to the Koreshans.

Orange Grove

Orange Grove

The location is not given on the photo, but it appears to be opposite the Printing House, just north of the Estero River. It is known that there was a grove located there at one time. We are in possession of a post card showing what was called the Orange Grove Court, a “motel” from the 1940’s or 1950’s on that same plot. We can only assume that this is perhaps and earlier view of the same grove.

A second photo is what appears to be the Koreshan Boat works, or at least nearby:

Boat Works

Boat Works ??

The boat works were located along the south side of the river, just east of the Printing House. It is only speculation that this photo is of the Koreshan boat works since this photo, or anything like it, has never been seen before.

The last photo shows the boat works building and the sawmill as seen from the Printing House. First, take a look at a photo that has been in the collection for some time. This shows the printing house, the boat works and sawmill. This was taken from the Dining Hall. Notice the “Old Store” to the left and the location of what is now US-41.

Printing House as seen from the Dining Hall

Printing House as seen from the Dining Hall

Now compare the photo above with this one:

Boat Works and Saw Mill roof as seen from the Publishing House.

Boat Works and Saw Mill roof as seen from the Publishing House.

You can see the roof of the buildings — the boat works as well as the sawmill — along with what appears to be a smokestack. That smokestack would be the boiler, used to supply steam to the boat works and the sawmill. See the Community Current Events from 1916. This is a view never seen before.

What is even more impressive is this view,is a vew looking east along the Estero River that to my knowledge has also never been seen before, showing a large number of homes and buildings in the distance. (Click on any of the photos for an enlarged version).

Categories: Monthly Feature.

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