The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - May 1938
By Adah J. Price
IN APRIL the redbirds fill the air with their songs of good cheer/' as they flit amidst the green between their feasts of luscious ripe mulberries. And through the night we hear the plaintive song of the whippoorwills. Mr. and Mrs. George Hosmer of Fort Myers, with their cousin Miss Tipton of New York City, were our recent supper guests. Mr. Hosmer is owner and editor of The Southwest Floridian, a weekly paper published in Fort Myers. Mr. Hans Knopf, of the Pix Publishing Co. of New York City, arrived April 2 and remained with us two days, taking numerous photographs. Mr. Knopf's pictures often appear in the leading pictorial magazines, so we may expect to find Koreshan community life depicted shortly in one of these popular periodicals favorably or otherwise. Mr. Roger Perry, who has been in Fort Meade Florida, for some months, returned April 2. He. will assist Brother Theodore Naeselius in our ornamental nursery. Commodore A. H. Brook and his nephew, of Dania, Florida, who owns a show place on the Dixie Highway, visited the Unity grounds April 3. They seemed surprised and pleased to find so much of interest in the way of tropical plants. Dr. and Mrs. Watson Walden of Fort Myers were in Estero Sunday, April 3, enjoying our grounds and visiting friends in the Unity. They were accompanied by Mrs. Walden's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert E. Haley, from South Africa. April 5 Mr. and Mrs. James Newcomb of LaBelle called on their sister, Vesta Newcomb, and friends in the Unity. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Southworth of Oneonta, New York, dined with us on April 5. Miss Elvira Chandler, sister of Mrs. Southworth, who had been with us for several months, returned with them to St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will remain a few weeks before going to their home in New York. Mr. Edward Koester of Jacksonville, Florida, who formerly lived in the Unity, called on friends April 5. He spent some time looking over the grounds and was pleased to be here again. Mrs. Maude Brown reports a pleasant week-end spent in Clearwater with relatives and friends. April 8 Brother Theodore Naeselius and Mr. R. L. McCoy delivered a truck load of plants to a party near Englewood, Florida. Sister Bella Armour spent a week-end recently in Orlando, Florida, with her niece, Mrs. Alma Jones, and other relatives. On the evening of April 14 Brothers Henry Silverfriend and Alien Andrews were supper guests of Major Harrison Smith, retired army officer, and Commander J. H. Smith, retired naval officer, at the Wayside Inn, at Bonita Springs. Our dinner guests on Easter Sunday were Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. Edith Trebell of Estero, Mrs. C. E. Briggs, Miss Meta Monsees and Miss Bertie Boomer of Fort Myers. The dining room was made attractive by many pretty bouquets. The Easter lilies were furnished by Mrs. Lillian Rugg and Sister Florence Graham, and Mrs. Briggs brought a large bouquet of beautiful gladioli and other flowers. Mrs. Edith Johnson of Minneapolis, Miss Elin Lindberg and Mrs. Anna Camphausen of Fort Myers were our supper guests. Through the kindness of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Camphausen we all enjoyed delicious cake and ice cream for our evening repast. Mrs. E. W. Henderson, Miss Paula Manley and Harry Manley, Mrs. Briggs and Miss Monsees attended the evening services in the Art Hall, which was decorated with Easter lilies, ornamental plants and other flowers. By request, Mrs. Henderson favored us with a vocal solo, which was much appreciated. April 18 Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mrs. Edith Trebell and Mrs. Raymond Trebell entertained at a five o'clock tea Mrs. Edith Johnson, Mrs. Anna Camphausen, Miss Elin Lindberg and Sisters Ella Graham, Rose Gilbert and Adah Price. Among the viands so carefully prepared by our gracious hostesses, was a new product—canned papaya—pronounced by the guests to be perfect in beauty and deliciousness. We are having delicious fresh vegetables late this season. It has been very dry, but our hard-working gardener, Brother Daniel MacNamara, sees to it that the plants get the water they require—at the price of no little labor. Brothers George Hunt, Charles Hunt and Arthur Moore motored to Naples and Bonita Beaches Sunday, April 24. It was the first time in several years Brother Charles had been able to take a ride. Sunday, April 24, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graham, Mr. Robert Graham, Mrs. Victor Phillips and Florence Marie Phillips, all of Miami, visited relatives and friends in the Unity. Sunday, April 24, Brothers Alien Andrews, Lou Staton and Roger Perry motored to Marco Island to attend the dedication services of the fine new bridge connecting the island and the mainland. Later in the day a party consisting of Miss Bertie Boomer, Sisters Florence Graham, Vesta Newcomb, and Bella Armour and L. W. Bubbett made the trip to Marco Island. Sister Ida Fischer spent Sunday afternoon, April 24, with her son Irwin and family at Spring Creek.
By Adah J. Price
IN APRIL the redbirds fill the air with their songs of good cheer/' as they flit amidst the green between their feasts of luscious ripe mulberries. And through the night we hear the plaintive song of the whippoorwills. Mr. and Mrs. George Hosmer of Fort Myers, with their cousin Miss Tipton of New York City, were our recent supper guests. Mr. Hosmer is owner and editor of The Southwest Floridian, a weekly paper published in Fort Myers. Mr. Hans Knopf, of the Pix Publishing Co. of New York City, arrived April 2 and remained with us two days, taking numerous photographs. Mr. Knopf's pictures often appear in the leading pictorial magazines, so we may expect to find Koreshan community life depicted shortly in one of these popular periodicals favorably or otherwise. Mr. Roger Perry, who has been in Fort Meade Florida, for some months, returned April 2. He. will assist Brother Theodore Naeselius in our ornamental nursery. Commodore A. H. Brook and his nephew, of Dania, Florida, who owns a show place on the Dixie Highway, visited the Unity grounds April 3. They seemed surprised and pleased to find so much of interest in the way of tropical plants. Dr. and Mrs. Watson Walden of Fort Myers were in Estero Sunday, April 3, enjoying our grounds and visiting friends in the Unity. They were accompanied by Mrs. Walden's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert E. Haley, from South Africa. April 5 Mr. and Mrs. James Newcomb of LaBelle called on their sister, Vesta Newcomb, and friends in the Unity. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Southworth of Oneonta, New York, dined with us on April 5. Miss Elvira Chandler, sister of Mrs. Southworth, who had been with us for several months, returned with them to St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will remain a few weeks before going to their home in New York. Mr. Edward Koester of Jacksonville, Florida, who formerly lived in the Unity, called on friends April 5. He spent some time looking over the grounds and was pleased to be here again. Mrs. Maude Brown reports a pleasant week-end spent in Clearwater with relatives and friends. April 8 Brother Theodore Naeselius and Mr. R. L. McCoy delivered a truck load of plants to a party near Englewood, Florida. Sister Bella Armour spent a week-end recently in Orlando, Florida, with her niece, Mrs. Alma Jones, and other relatives. On the evening of April 14 Brothers Henry Silverfriend and Alien Andrews were supper guests of Major Harrison Smith, retired army officer, and Commander J. H. Smith, retired naval officer, at the Wayside Inn, at Bonita Springs. Our dinner guests on Easter Sunday were Mrs. Jennie Campbell and Mrs. Edith Trebell of Estero, Mrs. C. E. Briggs, Miss Meta Monsees and Miss Bertie Boomer of Fort Myers. The dining room was made attractive by many pretty bouquets. The Easter lilies were furnished by Mrs. Lillian Rugg and Sister Florence Graham, and Mrs. Briggs brought a large bouquet of beautiful gladioli and other flowers. Mrs. Edith Johnson of Minneapolis, Miss Elin Lindberg and Mrs. Anna Camphausen of Fort Myers were our supper guests. Through the kindness of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Camphausen we all enjoyed delicious cake and ice cream for our evening repast. Mrs. E. W. Henderson, Miss Paula Manley and Harry Manley, Mrs. Briggs and Miss Monsees attended the evening services in the Art Hall, which was decorated with Easter lilies, ornamental plants and other flowers. By request, Mrs. Henderson favored us with a vocal solo, which was much appreciated. April 18 Mrs. Jennie Campbell, Mrs. Edith Trebell and Mrs. Raymond Trebell entertained at a five o'clock tea Mrs. Edith Johnson, Mrs. Anna Camphausen, Miss Elin Lindberg and Sisters Ella Graham, Rose Gilbert and Adah Price. Among the viands so carefully prepared by our gracious hostesses, was a new product—canned papaya—pronounced by the guests to be perfect in beauty and deliciousness. We are having delicious fresh vegetables late this season. It has been very dry, but our hard-working gardener, Brother Daniel MacNamara, sees to it that the plants get the water they require—at the price of no little labor. Brothers George Hunt, Charles Hunt and Arthur Moore motored to Naples and Bonita Beaches Sunday, April 24. It was the first time in several years Brother Charles had been able to take a ride. Sunday, April 24, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Graham, Mr. Robert Graham, Mrs. Victor Phillips and Florence Marie Phillips, all of Miami, visited relatives and friends in the Unity. Sunday, April 24, Brothers Alien Andrews, Lou Staton and Roger Perry motored to Marco Island to attend the dedication services of the fine new bridge connecting the island and the mainland. Later in the day a party consisting of Miss Bertie Boomer, Sisters Florence Graham, Vesta Newcomb, and Bella Armour and L. W. Bubbett made the trip to Marco Island. Sister Ida Fischer spent Sunday afternoon, April 24, with her son Irwin and family at Spring Creek.