Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events - April 1938
By Adah J. Price
ONE BY ONE the dear ones are taken from, us and pass to their reward in the spiritual world. Sister Elzina Woodbury died suddenly February 21, in her 89th year. She was born in Morgan, Vermont, and had been a Koreshan for many years. On the evening of February 21 a motion picture was shown and a lecture given in the Estero schoolhouse by Mrs. C. E. Briggs, superintendent of the Fort Myers Museum. The entertainment was in the nature of a Washington Birthday program. On February 26 Mrs. Marie McConnell of Tampa came to visit her parents, Sister Abbie and Brother William McCready. Brother William, has been confined to his room for a long time. Sunday, February 27, Mrs. Jennie Campbell and daughter, Mrs. Edith Trebell, entertained a large party of our people at a luncheon. One of their big flock of turkeys was prepared for the occasion by the cordial hostesses, who left nothing to be desired by their appreciative guests. Mr. George Simpson of Detroit, who has been camping for the second winter with Mrs. Simpson in their trailer home in Estero, constructed a model of the British liner "Queen Mary." It was built in the Unity shops and is now on exhibition in the Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce. We had the pleasure of viewing the model in the dining room before it was taken to Fort Myers. Brothers Alien Andrews and Lou H. Staton were invited to speak on the Koreshan System of Science before the Fort Myers Ministerial Association at the Methodist church, March 7. Sisters Barbara Ehrisman and Ella Graham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson on a motor trip to Naples Beach. March 8 Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pulcifer of Fort Myers Beach and Warwick, Mass., their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Andrews, their two grandchildren, Winifred and Sarah Ann Andrews, with three gentlemen friends, all of Boston, called on friends in the Unity. They were delighted with our interesting grounds. On March 8 Sister Emily Bessemer, Mrs. Maude Brown, Miss Alwina Lorweer,^ Conrad Schemey and George Dore made a boat trip to Estero Island, where they enjoyed a picnic lunch. Mrs. Brown was highly pleased with her first trip on the Estero River and bay. March 9 Mr. Harold Thomas of Bonita Springs, with his brother, Mr. Spence Thomas of London, called on friends in Estero. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Boomer and daughter of New York City arrived in Estero March 9 to spend a short time at their Mirasol Grove home. Welcome dinner guests Sunday, March 13, were Robert and Lloyd Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips of Miami, Mrs. Edith Johnson of Minneapolis, Minn., and Miss Bertie Boomer of Fort Myers. March is blossoming time for the amaryllis, as was. evidenced by many beautiful bouquets, arranged by the skillful hands of Sister Vesta Newcomb, decorating the tables with their pleasing brightness. Some of our guests admired our recent dining room acquisition—a large oil painting, half-circular in form, by Bertie Boomer. It depicts a scene on the Estero River: a row boat in the foreground and the banks of the river fringed with graceful pine and palm trees. Brother Laurence Bubbett's violin solo on Sunday evening, March 13—"Adoration," by Felix Borowski— was especially pleasing. On March 19 Sisters Barbara Ehrisman and Florence Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellsw^orth Heusted, just a short distance north of the Estero River on the Tamiami Trail, where they have started a new industry. They are making decorative panels with intricate floral designs formed of miniature sea shells with black background. These shells are so small they must be scooped up from the beach with a shovel and sorted later. On Tuesday, March 22, Sisters Emma Norton and Etta Silverfriend and Brothers George Hunt, Theodore Naeselius, William Fischer, Lou H. Staton, H. D. Silverfriend and A. H. Andrews visited Bonita Beach. On March 23 Brother Alien Andrews motored to Miami with Dr. Paul Standley. They attended the dedication of the new Fairchild Arboretum south of Coconut Grove. Dr. Standley is .curator of the botanical division of the Field Museum of Chicago. Brothers Geo. Hunt and Arthur Moore hied to the woods March 24 to gather wood to keep the culinary department in operation. The summer supply must be gathered before the rainy season arrives. News comes to us of progress in the art world of Mr.Paul T. Sargent of Charleston, Illinois, son of our late beloved Brother John S. Sargent. Mr. Sargent had on exhibit in the Lieber Gallery of Indianapolis, Indiana, nineteen canvases. Several of Mr. Sargent's paintings are now on display in our Art Hall, which he painted in Estero several years ago when here visiting his father. On March 25 Sister Rose Gilbert entertained several sisters at a five o'clock tea. Place-cards, with floral decorations, were painted by the genial hostess and a most pleasant social time was enjoyed by the participants.