Events"Community Current Events: : Everyday life in the Unity.
The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events -- June 1933
By Alafae Stephens
ON THE EVENING of May first, several friends called at Mirasol Grove to offer felicitations to Sister Bertie Boomer, as it was her birthday anniversary. She was presented with many at- tractive gifts. A very charming- letter was read aloud to the company which Sister Bertie had that day re- ceived froiTi Sister Ida Fischer's daughter, Mildred, now Mrs. Miles E. Barager, of Seattle, Washington. Mildred expressed deep appreciation for the kindness shown her by Sister Berthaldine, when she was a girl at the Unity. Sister Emily Bessemer had made a deli- cious birthday cake which was served the guests together with fruit punch. Sisters Evelyn Bubbett and Cora Stephens, Broth- ers Laurence Bubbett and Claude Rahn, and the writer visited Mr. .and Mrs. Louis B. Pulcifer at Crescent ' Beach, calling also on the Lerches, who have been staying for some time at the beach. Sister Rose Gilbert's sister, Mrs. Frank S. Lewis, of Everglades, made a pleasant visit here recently. Sister Rose returned with her to Everglades to remain several days. Among visitors at the Unity were: Mr. and Mrs. Gage of Vineland, New Jersey; Dr. and Mrs. Grant, Mr. and Mrs. George Hosmer, Miss Barton, and Miss Meta Monsees of Fort Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Pulcifer, after spending several months at Crescent Beach, have left for their home in Warwick, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Ahrano and Mrs. Fred Mc- Connell of Tampa visited with relatives ,and friends at the LTnity. Brothers David Richards and Claude Rahn mo- tored to Miami, where they remained for several days, visiting friends. They were accompanied on the trip by Mr. Harold Thomas, who went on to New York and from there sailed for his home in England. Miss Claire Lerch and her brother, Mr. Paul Lerch, motored from Crescent Beach to call on friends here. Mrs. Edith Lueders, Sister Emily Bessemer, and Brothers Henry Silverfriend and Alfred Christensen visited Mrs. Thomas A. Edison in Fort Myers. Dr. and Mrs. Petersen of Miami, on their way to Fort Myers, stopped in Estero to call on friends at the Unity. Mrs. Edith Johnson has returned to her home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after spending the past six months with Mrs. A. L. Camphausen, Miss Elin and Miss Inez Lindbergh. Brother Alien Andrews motored to Ochoppee, ac- companied by Mr. W. Stanley Hanson of Fort Myers. Brother Henry Silverfriend made a trip to Rattle- snake Hammock in Collier County with Mr. R. Fletcher of Fort Myers, Visitors at the Unity Gardens on Sunday, May seventh, were: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boesch of Medina, Ohio; Miss Marian Smith of Rocky Point, Ohio; Mrs. Irene Hess, Miss Kate Jeffcott, and Mr. Carpenter of Fort Myers. Brother Alien Andrews, with Mr. L. A. Whitney of Fort Myers, attended the semi-annual beautification conference held in Sarasota May ninth. Mrs. Thomas A. Edison and her sister, Mrs. Hitchcock, and Mrs. Potter visited friends at the Unity before returning to their Northern homes. Miss Genevieve Bisbing spent a few days with friends here. Brother Alien Andrews made a week-end trip to Miami. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Phillips, their daughter, Miss Florence Marie, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Baldwin of Miami visited relatives and friends here on Mothers' Day. Sister Ida Fischer spent Mothers' Day at Coconut with her son, Erwin, and his family.. She was sur- prised to learn that she had a little three-day-old grandson, who has been named Erwin, Junior. Mr. and Mrs. Raiford of Fort Myers were recent visitors here. Dr. Siebold visited for a few days at the LInity before motoring to Miami. Miss Lydia Pierce has been a regular attendant at the Sunday evening services held in the Art Hall. Mrs. Edith Lueders, Sister Etta Silverfriend, and Brothers Henry Silverfriend and David Richards were guests of the Messrs. Stern and their sisters, the Misses Stern, in Fort Myers. Miss Lydia Pierce gave a delightful dinner party at her home in Fort Myers in honor of Mrs. Edith Lueders. The company included friends from Fort Myers and Alva. Guests from the Unity were: Mrs. Edith Lueders, Sister Etta Silverfriend, Brothers Lou Staton, Henry Silverfriend, and David Richards. Brother Lou's niece, Miss Cecil Hamilton, of Fort Myers, was present. The mango season has begun, and the kitchen de- partment is canning quantities of the green fruit. Brother Thomas Armstrong was slightly ill for a few days; we are glad to report that he has recovered. Brother Daniel McNamara has left for a vacation of about two weeks. Sister Orline Thacher spent the w^eek-end with Mrs, Lillian Rugg. Sister Emily Bessemer was the over-night guest of Miss Lydia Pierce in Fort Myers. Brother George Bielor has produced some fine ears of corn on the farm. The corn is delicious served on the cob or prepared in some other way by our very capable cooks.