The Flaming Sword
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Community Current Events -- May 1933
By Alafae Stephens
ON TUESDAY EVENING, April fourth, the Tamiami Trail Blazers held their annual meetingat Estero. As guests of the Unity, they were served a delicious dinner at the Tea Garden, after which they called on Brother Charles Hunt, the president of their organization, who is confined to his room.' Later they gathered in the Art Hall for an informal program, consisting of speeches by the Trail Blazers and music by the Unity orchestra. BrothelAlfred Christensen was elected second vice-president for the coming year. This meeting marked the tenth anniversary. Mrs. Walter Thomas with her small son, Brooks, has returned to her home in Philadelphia, after spending several months with her mother and sister, Sisters Berthaldine and Bertie Boomer, at Mirasol Grove. A musical program was given at the Art Hall on Saturday evening, April eighth, which was attended by Unity members and a few neighbors and friends from Fort Myers. The program was as follows:
SELECTIONS by Orchestra READINGS, "Down in the Grand Canyon"; "The House That Nobody Lives In"; "Tit For Tat," Mrs. Edith Lueders CLARINET SOLO, "Spring Song," .-.-....-.-...-.-Frank Rahn VOCAL SOLO, "Voices of the Woods," Ward Stockham READING, "Aunt Sophronia-at the Opera," Mrs. Edith Lueders VOCAL SOLO, "The Old Tin Clock," -Ward Stockham SELECTION by Orchestra This was the first-program to be given in the Hall in several months, and was enthusiastically received by the audience. Brother Albert Jacobs has gone to his home in Minnesota for a visit. He spoke of returning next winter, and we hope to have him with us again then. Brother Albert proved to be a valuable worker in the farming department. Sunday evening services have taken on a new interest since Brother Laurence Bubbett's return from Baltimore, as he frequently favors the congregation with a well-rendered violin solo. Miss Bertie Boomer entertained with an Easter and farewell party at her home in Mirasol Grove, in honor of Lynn Russell. Games were played and Mrs. Lueders read some of Lynn's poetry. Delicious refreshments were served the guests, who voted the party a huge success. Lynn Russell has left for points in the North, where he expects to be employed for a number of months. Mr. Ellis Rasmussen of Fort Myers is taking Lynn's place on The Eagle staff. Sisters Adah Price, Barbara Ehrisman and Vesta Newcomb, and Brothers Jesse Putnam and David Richards visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Pulcifer at Crescent Beach. Sisters Bella Armour and Barbara Ehrisman, Mrs. Edith Johnson and Brothers George Hunt and Claude Rahn visited the Ringling Art Museum at Sarasota. This museum has one of the largest collections of fine paintings in the country. Such old masters as Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Van Dyke and Velasquez are represented. Mrs. Edith Lueders, Sisters Etta Silverfriend and Emily Bessemer, and Brothers Henry Silverfriend and David Richards motored to Lake Wales to visit the Bok Tower. They also visited the Carpenters' and Joiners' Home in Lakeland, which they reported to be a magnificent structure, most luxuriously appointed. Robert Graham and Mrs. Victor Phillips, of Miami, spent a few days here withrelatives and friends. A picnic at Bonita. Beach was given in their honor. Brother William Fischer has put up almost two barrels of excellent sauer kraut, which is a very welcome addition to the diet. Our neighbors have been most generous in permitting us to obtain grapefruit and oranges from their groves. We have been bountifully supplied with fruit, and even at this late date in the season, we still have several crates of grapefruit on hand. Mrs. Charles Burgess, of Burgess Island, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton, of England, and Mrs. Frank Lowe, of New York City, visited here April 22, making a tour of the Unity gardens. A second concert was given at the Art Hall on Saturday night, April 22, and was immensely enjoyed by all who attended. The entertainers' are talented artists and should be given credit for a very fine performance. The program follows: MARCH, "Step Lively," —-———----.Orchestra READINGS, "Patsy," and "A Smack in School," Mrs. Edith Lueders OVERTURE, "Titania," -..„.-........--...—-—.—.-. Orchestra TENOR SOLO, "Oh That Summer Smiled for Aye," David Richards WALTZ, "Dream Thoughts," .-...-.——.-...—-..Orchestra PANTOMIME, "Tilda Prepares for Her Day Off," and "A Bachelor Sews on a Button," Miss Inez Lindbergh SELECTION, "The Tenderfoot," ——-...——.. Orchestra READINGS, "Food for Thought" and "That Old Sweetheart of Mine," —-...—....—-...Mrs. Edith Lueders MARCH, "Connecticut," ..—.-.—-.-...-—-.....— Orchestra Brother Charles Hunt celebrated his seventy-first birthday anniversary April 23. During the day many friends called on him at his room, which was a profusion of flowers and other gifts. Brother Charles was a very lively and entertaining host.
By Alafae Stephens
ON TUESDAY EVENING, April fourth, the Tamiami Trail Blazers held their annual meetingat Estero. As guests of the Unity, they were served a delicious dinner at the Tea Garden, after which they called on Brother Charles Hunt, the president of their organization, who is confined to his room.' Later they gathered in the Art Hall for an informal program, consisting of speeches by the Trail Blazers and music by the Unity orchestra. BrothelAlfred Christensen was elected second vice-president for the coming year. This meeting marked the tenth anniversary. Mrs. Walter Thomas with her small son, Brooks, has returned to her home in Philadelphia, after spending several months with her mother and sister, Sisters Berthaldine and Bertie Boomer, at Mirasol Grove. A musical program was given at the Art Hall on Saturday evening, April eighth, which was attended by Unity members and a few neighbors and friends from Fort Myers. The program was as follows:
SELECTIONS by Orchestra READINGS, "Down in the Grand Canyon"; "The House That Nobody Lives In"; "Tit For Tat," Mrs. Edith Lueders CLARINET SOLO, "Spring Song," .-.-....-.-...-.-Frank Rahn VOCAL SOLO, "Voices of the Woods," Ward Stockham READING, "Aunt Sophronia-at the Opera," Mrs. Edith Lueders VOCAL SOLO, "The Old Tin Clock," -Ward Stockham SELECTION by Orchestra This was the first-program to be given in the Hall in several months, and was enthusiastically received by the audience. Brother Albert Jacobs has gone to his home in Minnesota for a visit. He spoke of returning next winter, and we hope to have him with us again then. Brother Albert proved to be a valuable worker in the farming department. Sunday evening services have taken on a new interest since Brother Laurence Bubbett's return from Baltimore, as he frequently favors the congregation with a well-rendered violin solo. Miss Bertie Boomer entertained with an Easter and farewell party at her home in Mirasol Grove, in honor of Lynn Russell. Games were played and Mrs. Lueders read some of Lynn's poetry. Delicious refreshments were served the guests, who voted the party a huge success. Lynn Russell has left for points in the North, where he expects to be employed for a number of months. Mr. Ellis Rasmussen of Fort Myers is taking Lynn's place on The Eagle staff. Sisters Adah Price, Barbara Ehrisman and Vesta Newcomb, and Brothers Jesse Putnam and David Richards visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Pulcifer at Crescent Beach. Sisters Bella Armour and Barbara Ehrisman, Mrs. Edith Johnson and Brothers George Hunt and Claude Rahn visited the Ringling Art Museum at Sarasota. This museum has one of the largest collections of fine paintings in the country. Such old masters as Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Van Dyke and Velasquez are represented. Mrs. Edith Lueders, Sisters Etta Silverfriend and Emily Bessemer, and Brothers Henry Silverfriend and David Richards motored to Lake Wales to visit the Bok Tower. They also visited the Carpenters' and Joiners' Home in Lakeland, which they reported to be a magnificent structure, most luxuriously appointed. Robert Graham and Mrs. Victor Phillips, of Miami, spent a few days here withrelatives and friends. A picnic at Bonita. Beach was given in their honor. Brother William Fischer has put up almost two barrels of excellent sauer kraut, which is a very welcome addition to the diet. Our neighbors have been most generous in permitting us to obtain grapefruit and oranges from their groves. We have been bountifully supplied with fruit, and even at this late date in the season, we still have several crates of grapefruit on hand. Mrs. Charles Burgess, of Burgess Island, her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cotton, of England, and Mrs. Frank Lowe, of New York City, visited here April 22, making a tour of the Unity gardens. A second concert was given at the Art Hall on Saturday night, April 22, and was immensely enjoyed by all who attended. The entertainers' are talented artists and should be given credit for a very fine performance. The program follows: MARCH, "Step Lively," —-———----.Orchestra READINGS, "Patsy," and "A Smack in School," Mrs. Edith Lueders OVERTURE, "Titania," -..„.-........--...—-—.—.-. Orchestra TENOR SOLO, "Oh That Summer Smiled for Aye," David Richards WALTZ, "Dream Thoughts," .-...-.——.-...—-..Orchestra PANTOMIME, "Tilda Prepares for Her Day Off," and "A Bachelor Sews on a Button," Miss Inez Lindbergh SELECTION, "The Tenderfoot," ——-...——.. Orchestra READINGS, "Food for Thought" and "That Old Sweetheart of Mine," —-...—....—-...Mrs. Edith Lueders MARCH, "Connecticut," ..—.-.—-.-...-—-.....— Orchestra Brother Charles Hunt celebrated his seventy-first birthday anniversary April 23. During the day many friends called on him at his room, which was a profusion of flowers and other gifts. Brother Charles was a very lively and entertaining host.