Library : Books, Articles, Clippings Etc.
The Cellular Cosmogony
Pubication Date:
Object ID:
KSHS Books
Additional Notes & Full Text:
We have at least 4 copies from different printings of the book. A hardbound edition, published in 1905, with a copyright of 1898. We also have a paperback edition, (This copy, a gift from Bill Grace, who purchased a set of books for the collection.) in poor shape, printed in 1922 which has no table of contents and disregards the division between the "Cellular Cosmogony" and the "New Geodesy" written by Prof. Morrow. (In the 1905 edition, see p.40; In the 1922 edition, new text begins on p.42.) One of the two 1922 editions has a detached cover, which has written on it; "Do not take from room, Sr. Vesta Newcomb". Finally, we have 1951 edition which was acquired as a discard of the Collier County Public Library. This one was rebound to a hard cover. It has a 1922 and 1951 copyright.

The 1905 edition was scanned and put into PDF format and placed on a CD. This disk is located in a folder, in the archive box.
Teed, Cyrus (Koresh)
Cyrus Teed's explanation about life, the universe and everything. In two parts. Part One — "The Universality of Koreshanity by Koresh, and Part Two, The New Geodesy by U.G. Morrow. Note that later editions include the Geodesy section, but make no distinction between the two sections. This was the result of the departure of Professor Morrow.
We have at least 8 copies from different printings of the book. A hardbound edition, published in 1905, with a copyright of 1898. copies are added to this record as they are received.

We also have two copies of a paperback edition, in poor shape, printed in 1922 which has no table of contents and disregards the division between the "Cellular Cosmogony" and the "New Geodesy" written by Prof. Morrow. (In the 1905 edition, see p.40; In the 1922 edition, new text begins on p.42.) One of the two 1922 editions has a detached cover, which has written on it; "Do not take from room, Sr. Vesta Newcomb".

We have 1951 edition which was acquired as a discard of the Collier County Public Library. This one was rebound to a hard cover. It has a 1922 and 1951 copyright. It is available for loan.

Finally, with the acquisition of the Anna Lewis house, we have access to many more copies of the 1983 edition, a few are included in the library for loan.

The 1905 edition was scanned and put into PDF format and placed on a CD. This disk is located in a folder, in the archive box. as well as in this catalog page —— see Multimedia Links.

Copy 5 has no covers.

Copy 6 is from the Harry W. Manley Collection and is located in an envelope addressed to Manley. It is the 1898 edition with the covers loose.

Copy—7 is from the Unity Collection (Accession # ) it is located along with the others in Koreshan Books—BOX—3. This copy has the name "Bertie May Boomer" on the cover and inside. Also inside, the name "Thos P. Gay, 1720 Hough, Ft. Myers"

Copy # —— Location
1 —— Museum Bldg—Main Room—Shelf—2 (5 copies)
2 —— Safe — Books—Box—3 — 1905 ed.
3 —— Safe — Books—Box—3 — 1922 ed. (Vesta's Name)
4 —— Safe — Books—Box—3 — 1922 ed.
5 —— Safe — Books—Box—3 — 1922 ed. (no covers)
6 —— Safe — Books—Box—3 — 1898 ed. (M.E. Chapman — Manley Collection)
7 —— Safe — Books—Box—3 — 1898 (Bertie Boomer and Thos. Gay — From KU Book Collection).

Teed, Cyrus Reed (Koresh, pseud.)
Morrow, Ulysses G.
Phys Desc:
224 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
Search Terms:
Cellular Cosmogony
Cellular Cosmogony
Cosmogony——Theories of

PDF File Attachment:
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1905 Edition1905 Edition
1922 Edition1922 Edition
1951 Edition1951 Edition