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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Communtiy Current Events -- March 1933
By Max E. Arendt

WE ARE PLEASED to have as neighbors Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. von Maltzahn who have rented the River Bend estate of Mrs. L. M. Boomer. About a month ago, Dr. and Mrs. von Maltzahn visited the Unity and found much here of interest to them. After a short tour of the East Coast they returned to Fort Myers and made arrangements to spend the remainder of their time in Florida at River Bend. The bridge on the Unity grounds located near the tennis court has been rebuilt, and new railings have been added to give better protection. . Quite a number of tourists have visited the Unity grounds during the past month. Tourist traffic in this section increases as the season nears its close. Brother Will Fischer returned by bus from West Palm Beach where he had been visiting his sister for a few days. Sisters Florence Graham and Vesta Newcomb accompanied Miss Bertha Boomer and Mrs. Walter Thomas recently on a trip to Sarasota. Brother Henry Silverfriend visited in Tampa with friends during the week of the South Florida Fair. Brother Alien Andrews had a narrow escape from serious injury when his car overturned and caught fire. In turning out to avoid hitting a car ahead of him which had stopped without warning, Brother Alien's car capsized. The accident occurred on the Tamiami Trail between Estero and Fort Myers. The writer was in St. Petersburg for a week, visiting with friends. The number of tourists in St. Petersburg this year exceeded that of any previous year. Friends who visited us recently were Henry Moreland of Alva; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lewis, of Everglades; Miss Lydia Pierce, Mrs. F. M. Wilson, Miss Clara Angel, Miss Meta Monsees, Miss Genevieve Bisbing, all of Fort Myers, and J. E. Alien, of Lakeland. The beds of flowers planted along the main walk in. the Unity park by Brother Theodore Naeselius are beginning to bloom. They present a very pleasing and colorful picture to the eye. A Valentine party was held at Mirasol Grove, the Boomer residence, which was attended by a number of Unity members and friends. The Lee County Fair held at Fort Myers was attended by a number of the Unity membership. An added feature of the Fair this year was the livestock exhibit, some fine specimens of cattle being shown. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell and son, Duane, and Mrs. Jean Ahrano, drove from Tampa to visit with Sister Abbie and Brother William McCready. The party celebrated the 79th birthday anniversary of Brother William McCready with a dinner. With the tourist season in full swing, the ladies at the Rustic Tea Garden are having a steady run of guests and visitors.

Religious services at the, Art Hall are held regularly every Sunday night. KORESH'S writings have added force in the light of present world events. There is no other class that can face the world's present confusion with greater equanimity than Koreshans. KORESH'S voluminous writings, in which he prophesied in detail the course that world events would take, are the best possible evidence of the authenticity of his mission and function. In the article, "Deterioration of the Modern World," published in THE SWORD of February 9, 1900, he pointed out what has come and is to come to pass in the world. We quote the following excerpts from this article: "The money power of the world is gradually but surely forging the chains of oppression. The great middle class, oncethe pride and bulwark of commercial enterprise, is being pushed to the wall of dissolution. The mechanical paraphernalia of the world is in the hands of the great corporations, falsely called trusts, while through the centralization of capital and the control of production through the utilization of machinery, the augmenting army of the unemployed becomes an accentuating menace to the stability of governments. "The commercial heart of the world, actuated solely by the potential energy of commercial avarice, prostitutes the legislative, judicial, and executive functions of government, and the masses of the people are at the tyrannical mercy of a relentless and determined force of subjugation and oppression." "Honesty .and morals count, for nothing without the wherewithal to reinforce them. We are rapidly Hearing the hour of travail, when the kingdom of righteousness shall be born. It will not come through the gradual and pacific evolution of mental, social and industrial progress. It will come through torrents of blood. It will not come through the vote of the people against the encroachments of the modern trust." "The world will be better. The time is at hand when, through the revolution inaugurated by Gog and Magog, there will arise the kingdom of righteousness in all its glory. Through an overwhelming baptism, the outpouring of the Spirit from the divine overshadowing, there will come a revolution in the motives of the human soul; the heart of man will undergo a transformation, the Spirit of God will be substituted for the spirit of satan, which now actuates man in all his operations and reigns supremely over the race; communism will take the place of competism; labor w-ill be changed to industry, and the economics of the Divine Imperialism will dominate the world and establish its pleasures and universal peace." The Unity was able to secure a good supply OL lumber in return for clearing away the buildings of an abandoned sawmill.
Contents for March 1933:
Macrocosm and Microcosm (Continued) —— The English Lion and the Russian Bear —— The Need of the Hour —— The Collapse of Government —— Open Court of Inquiry —— Community Current Events —— Publisher's Department.
See originals in Archives building. Most issues have been photocopied and are bound. These copies are located on the Public Shelf