Library : Books, Articles, Clippings Etc.
The Flaming Sword :
Pubication Date:
Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
This issue marks a return to a Monthly from a Weekly.
Morrow, Ulysses G
Contents: The Founders Department (p.1—5): The Outlook—Is it Universal Peace or War? —— The Wonderful Science of Telepathic Communication —— Estero as a Public Ownershi Municipality —— President Roosevelt and the Great Isthmian Canal —— The Great Problem of Woman Sufferage ; The Field of Woman's Progress (p.6—8): Twentieth Century Homes and Homemakers —— The Women of the Land of the Czar —— The Significant Awakening of Woman —— What Woman Did for Australia ; New Century Studies and Reviews (p.9—11): The Flaming Sword as a Educative Force —— The Shams of the Hour —— Bromidism Versus Sulphitism —— Over the Walnuts and the Wine ; Modern Social Problems (p.12—15): Acceleration in Social Activities —— Upton Sinclair's Unique Home for Children —— Both Sides of the Question—A Debate Reviewed —— The Empire of the Righteous Commonwealth —— The Possibilities of a Great Universal Trust ; Health and Hygiene (p.16—17): The Art of Healing Among Ancient Nations —— Ancient Psycho Pneumatic and Materia Medica —— The Father of Poisonous Drugs —— The Principles and Practice of Right Living ; Topics of Interest and Importance (p.18—21): The Thanatic Instict in Humanity —— Heaven and Hell—Where Are They and What Are They? —— Koreshanity Solves Theological Problems —— The Untenable Logic of Herbert Spencer ; For the Younger Minds (p.22—23): A Little Sketch of Ralph Waldo Emerson —— The Potency of Ambition —— Nature's Changing Lovliness —— Quotations from Emerson ; In The Editorial Perspective (p.24—25): The Elements of Positive Progress —— A Decision Favorable to Labor Unions —— Municipal Ownership Movement —— Threatening Religious War in France —— The Doom of False Prophets —— Strenuous Efforts of President Roosevelt —— A Blow ot Artificial Spelling Reform —— Senator Tillman's Invasion of the North ; Review of Reearch and Opinion (p.24—25): The Decline and Decrease of Genius —— The Decadence of Democracy —— Positive Arguments for Woman Suffrage —— The Nation's Divorce Statistics —— The Passing of the Old Faith —— A Gas Lighter than Hydrogen ; The Open Court of Inquiry (p.28—29): Is the a Sky in the Heavens? —— Preaching to Spirits in Prison —— The Doctrines of Doctor Crapsey —— Which is First, Seed or Plant? —— The Resources of Life —— The World's Great Teachers —— The Koreshan Psychology ; The Publishers' Department (p.30—33): The Flaming Sword Magazine —— Encouraging Words From Our Friends —— Suggestions and Directions —— Interesting Books and Periodicals —— Explanation of the "Whole Number System" —— The Humerous Side of Things —— Various Advertisements.
8: Communication Artifact
Note the top of page—1 which says: "Koresh, the founder of Koreshan Universology; Victoria Gratia, Pre—Eminent of the Koreshan Unity". On the outer cover page it says: "This number contians in its 36 pages, New Magazine Ideas, a Dozen Departments and 60 Subjects discussed by 16 Writers."

Once again became a Monthly Publication with this issue.

Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Teed, Cyrus Reed (Koresh, pseud.)
Search Terms:
Flaming Sword
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