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The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events in Our Community Life
February 1916

ON SATURDAY EVENING, Jan'y 15, the K. U. orchestra gave a concert which consisted of the following numbers: "Before the Mast;" "Serenade;" -"Skaters;" "Amaranthus and the American Favorite." Brother Jesse Putnam played a very pleasing cello solo, and brother Louis Borzormeny made his debut as a pianist, playing for the first number a duet with Bro. James W. Calderwood, and for an encore he played "In a Rowboat," to the admiration of all present.
On Sunday, Jan'y 16, a party from the Unity made a .trip to what is known as the Imperial River, a very beauti- ful stream that leads from the Gulf of Mexico into Bonita Springs, a little town eigl,it miles south of Estero by land; but to reach it by water is over twenty miles. This river, from the mouth and up for about a mile, is known as the Auger Hole, so designated because of its many turns, with smaller, streams leading into it. The oddity of this stream at this point makes it very attractive though very confus- ing, and to traverse it the first time is a rare treat and a novel experience. The day was ideal, and everyone enjoyed the outing, arriving home in good time for the evening Service.
The following articles from the writings of our Master were read at the evening Service, Jan'y 16, and can be found in THE FLAMING SWORD of Jan'y 3, 1902, and April, 1895. The first article was "Along the Ecliptic of Human Development;" and the second, "Pure Religion Must Constitute the Basis of Organic Unity." The solo for the evening, the "Culminating Age," adapted to the tune of The Last Rose of Summer, was sung by Bro. Geo. Hunt; the words were also written by him.
Our boat, "The Estero," is kept very busy these days hauling fruit, and our brothers are having a strenuous time keeping up with the volume of business. We have two 24 h. p. engines in "The Estero," but for some weeks one engine had to do all the work, as the crank shaft of the other engine was broken, which hindered the work very much. But this now is ancient history, since we have had a new shaft installed, and the engines are running all right.
"The Estero's" carrying capacity is fifteen tons; she is .quite roomy, and we can stow away over five hundred boxes of fruit in her hold. When the traffic is very heavy, we have to take a trailer. In January we hauled 4,266j boxes of grapefruit, 596 boxes of oranges, and 753 boxesJ of tangerines to Fort Myers. Our nearest railroad point isJ Fort Myers, and thousands of boxes of fruit are shipped inj there daily from all parts of Lee County, and during theJ busy season a trainload of fruit leaves Fort Myers everyJ day for all points north.I
The two largest citrus groves in Lee Co. are the Flowereej groves; one is located in Alva, Fla., on the Caloosahatchee River, and the other in Estero. The Estero grove contains 200 acres, and from forty to fifty thousand boxes of grapefruit are shipped from here each season. Two boats of their own, each carrying a carload, are kept busy several months in the year.I
At the Sunday evening Service of Jan'y 23, a brother read the following selections from the "Immortal Manhood." Those who have the book may turn to Chapters I, III, and VI, pp. 23, 24; 41-43, and 81-85, and thereby keepj in touch with our readings. The second article, by the same reader, was "The Final Triumph of the Ages," fromJ THE FLAMING SWORD of Aug. 28, 1906. Surely the uplifting spirit of the Master is very much in evidence at our meetings when these wonderful articles are read.I
Dr. John McCausland, of Washington, D. C., called on some friends at the Unity a few days ago. He intends to stay in Lee County for some time, as this balmy climate agrees with him.;
At the Sunday evening service, Jan'y 30, a sister read "The Great Revelation of Universal Mysteries," from THE FLAMING SWORD of Nov. 15, 1908. The article begins as' follows: "The word Koreshanity is a puzzler to many people. What does it mean? It means that the world has' reached the end of the age, and is now entering from the; Piscatorial era into the Aquarian dispensation." Other sentences in which the word Koreshanity is used are as follows:
"Reason—founded upon the demonstrated premise ofg Koreshanity—determines tliat the universe in its material; existence possesses the properties of all subordinate things, and that it is limited because it exists. * * * Koreshanity is to the Christian dispensation what the Christian dispensation was to the Jewish age of the world. * * * It is within the province of Koreshanity to bring down the New Jerusalem, to define her location, and to build her habitation. * * * Koreshanity will build the capital city of the world; it will be located at the point where thej vitellus of the alchemico-organic cosmos specifically determines.
"Koreshanity is the Fcience of all sciences, in which is. involved the science of religion, the science of theology, and these include the science of immortal life. * * *" Koreshanity is the name of the new church and state, the name of the new heaven and the new earth; the old heaven and the old earth shall pass away." And last but not least: "This exposition is given in the scientific publications of-the Koreshan Unity, and cannot be found in any other literature of the world." The three short articles on page 7 of THE SWORD of Nov. 1908, were also read; namely, "Man's Intermediate State," "The Bane of Orientalism," and "The Fellowship of Divine Socialism."
The Unity is building a new barn for Mr. L. S. Boomer, of New York City. Mr. Boomer bought what was formerly known as the Tarter Grove. A number of I our brother carpenters have been busily engaged on this J work for some time, and it is now nearing completion. J Brother Stephen Chislett has the work in charge, and from all appearances, it is going to be one of the finest barns in I Lee County.
At the Sunday evening Service of Feb'y 6, the following articles of the Master's were read by a brother: "The Apostolic Succession," from FLAMING SWORD of March 1910; also "The Coming of the Kingdom," from April SWORD of 1909. We then listened to a very pleasing J solo by Bro. James Calderwood, entitled, "Let Joyous Peace j Reign Everywhere." Our Services always close with the anthem, "Lift Up Your Heads, 0 Ye Gates."
This issue includes a great number of short articles which is typical of this period. The Community Current Events is more a listing of the readings etc. from the Sunday services.
8: Communication Artifact
This is part of a bound set for the year 1916.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
31 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.