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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Communtiy Current Events - January 1933
by Max E. Arendt

LLOYD GRAHAM motored from Miami to spend Thanksgiving day at the Unity. His mother, Sister Ella Graham, accompanied him :on the return trip to Miami to remain over Christmas. Mrs. Jeannie Miller, who has resided in Fort Myers for some time to be under her physician's care, has taken up her residence at the Unity again, being much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Boomer, little daughter and Mr. Ole Slatede, all of New York, arrived in Estero to spend some weeks at their River Bend estate. Mrs. Walter H. Thomas and her young son, Ben- jamin Brooks Thomas, arrived from Philadelphia to spend the winter at Mirasol Grove, the Boomer home. Mrs. Thomas is a daughter of Mrs. B. S. Boomer and sister of Miss Bertha Boomer. Laurence Bubbett left by car December 9, for Baltimore, Md., to visit the Rahn family there. He reported fine weather till he, reached Sumter, S. C., when he encountered winter in full blast—sleet and snow covered the windshield and he was detained at Fayettsville, N. C., a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell and son, Duane, Mrs. Lovelle Ahrano, and Will McCready, all of Tam- pa, were here recently for a Sunday visit with friends and relatives. Michael Rubin, Irwin Myers, Jack Martin, and Morris Kohl, of New^ York, visited here recently with a view to locating a vegetarian colony in this vicinity. They seemed to be favorably impressed with the climatic and other advantages of this section of Florida. Sisters Bella Armour and Alafae Stevens, Broth- ers John T. Watson, Alfred Christensen, and Will Fischer drove to LaBelle a few" days ago, for a visit with the Newcomb family. Sister Florence Graham entertained several mem- bers and a few friends at a card party. Recent visitors and guests were: Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Pulcifer of Warwick, Mass., Emil Tessier of Mc- Donald Heights, Pa., Henry and Floyd Moreland, of Alva, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Lewis of Everglades, Dr. Myrtle Seller, Miss Lydia Pierce, Miss Meta Monsees, Miss Genevieve Bisbing, and Mr. Percy Bisbing, all of Fort Myers. A dinner which was attended by a number of Unity members was enjoyed at Mirasol Grove, the Boomer home, on Thanksgiving Day. Judging from weather reports received from cities to the north and west of us, we have been enjoy- ing ideal weather while the rest of the country was in the grip of a severe blizzard. The remarkable thing about this is that with the sun 93,000,000 miles away, as supposed in. modern astronomy, there can be such a great difference in temperature between two points separated only by a little over a thousand miles. The weather during the past month has given striking evidence of the absurdity of the contention that the sun is so many millions of miles away. Mrs. A. Camphausen', Miss Elin Lindberg, Miss Inez Lindberg,-and Mrs. Edith Johnson enjoyed a fish- ing trip to the Gulf of Mexico and Estero Bay. We were pleased to have as guests for several days Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. von Maltzahn of New York City, who stopped here en route to Miami. Dr. von Maltzahn is a nephew of Baron von Maltzahn, former ambassador to the United States, and is a scion of a distinguished German family. Dr. and Mrs. von Maltzahn expressed deep interest in Koreshan Universology, both being of a decidedly scientific turn of mind. From all appearances, they were as charmed with their visit and the things they learned as we were delighted to have them with us, and to impart as much as possible concerning Koreshan teachings (in such a short time), especially the Cellular Cosmogony. Dr. and Mrs. von Maltzahn are touring Florida in what is literally 'a touring palace. Attached to a Jordan roadster was a commodious aerocar, and at- tached to this was a motorcycle and side car; on top of the aerocar was a mahogony speed boat with out- board motor, the entire ensemble being painted the same color. The interior of the car was furnished in ultra-modern style with German-built furniture, a library, sleeping outfit, Bohemian glassware, a steam radiator, and other comforts and conveniences. The equipment represented an outlay of over fifteen thou- sand dollars. The von Maltzahns have toured a large part of the world, but prefer to spend their winters in Florida. Because of his deep interest in the Cellular Cosmogony Dr. von Maltzahn took a number of large- sized pictures of the model of the concave sphere, a section of the rectilineator with which the geodetic survey (which had established the .concavity of the earth) had been made, and of some other mechanical apparatus which we use in demonstrating the Cellular Cosmogony. Mrs. von Maltzahn, who was graduated from the University of Vienna with. a Ph. D., degree, is an authority on archaeology, having written many articles on this subject. She expressed the wish to translate the Cellular Cosmogony into the German language. The Unity membership and guests enjoyed a very pleasant Christmas day. An excellently prepared chicken dinner was served at noon and the many greet- ings and good wishes sent by friends were read during the course of the dinner. We feel deeply grateful to them as well as to the good friends who contributed fruit, nuts and other things to make the day one to be long and pleasantly remembered.
Contents —— January 1933:
Macrocosm and Microcosm (continued) —— Principles of Constructive Cosmogony —— God's Protective Power —— The Struggle for Security —— Aquarian Industrial Fraternity not sponsored by the Koreshan Unity —— Two signs indicate the End of the Age —— Open Court of Inquiry —— Community Current Events —— Publisher's Department.
See originals in Archives building. Most issues have been photocopied and are bound. These copies are located on the Public Shelf