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The Flaming Sword
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Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Current Events in Our Community Life
February 1924
BEFORE this issue of THE FLAMING SWORD will have reached many of our readers, The Koreshan Unity will be holding its annual Industrial and Fair Exhibit, beginning February 18 and closing February 24. Active preparations are now goin~ on toward making our efforts count during the Exhibit week, as we are expecting many of the tour ists who vis,it the various sections of Lee and adjoin ing counties at this time of the year. We have already recorded in these columns the success of our Indu$trial and Fair Exhibit for 1923 ; and since we believe in giong ahead, the coming one will undoubtedly exceed our previous efforts. Enter tainment will be provided for our guests every eve ning at the Art Hall. The Dramatic Club of the Unity, under the direction of Sister Bertha Boomer, is busy preparing for the affair. Musi.c will be furnished by the Unity Orchffitra through the entire week, under the direction of Brother Allen Andrews. We hope to have with us during the Exhibit week the Motorcader~. who made hisiory last April when they put the Tamiami Trail on the map by their a:d venturous trip across the Everglades through "no man's land." Readers of The Dearborn lndqpendent will no doubt be deli~hted with the thrilling narrative of this adventure in the issues of February second and ninth, by Brother Allen H. Andrews. editor of The A~rican Eagle. Three members of the Koreshan Unity went on this expedition; Brothers Allen H. An drews, Charles Hunt, and Alfred Christensen. These brothers have just returned from a visit to the South Florida Fair held at Tampa, where they report having had a wonderful time. the M,otorcaders camping sev eral nights on the Fairgrounds in that city. Radio sets are becoming very popular all over the U ,...g., and $ister Berthaldine has arranged for the use of her set during Fair week. N o doubt many of the natives around here will have the opportunity of hearing this\ remarkable device for the first time. Th~ machine will be in charge of Brother Jesse Pu,tnam, However. we are not going to be content with merely a receivin~ set: we have the greatest thinf! to ~ive to the world in Koreshan Universology, and it is our Q"reat desire to have a hroadcasting station that wil] tell the world about it. This will be possible as soon as we get our new power plant in operation. The means will no doubt be forthcoming". as we have been approached by people outside the Unitv, who are desirous of doing all thev can to inform the world of the great truth of Koreshan Universology. Apropos of this, we quote an extraot from a letter received from Pennsylvania. "I have a chance to have an article on Cosm'ogony broadcas'ted over the radiophone, by the pioneer broad casting station of the world,the Pittsburg Post. This station broadcasts to England every evening, and covers the entire United States and Canada." This important bit of news is obvious without further com ment, only to say that we are simply delighted with it. We feel that our friends everywhere are inter ested in the things we are doing here, and we wish one and all could visit our Exhibit and take in the entertainments. To those who are within reaching distance we extend a hearty welcome. One of the surprising exhibits at the Tampa Fair was the thousands of watermelons shipped there from Estero Island, Lee C'ounty, by Mr. Leroy Lamoreaux. Watermelons are not supposed to be a winter product, and Leroy, to speak in the common vernacular, simply "nut it over" on all competitors and had the field to himself. These melons were grown on Koreshan Unity propertyat Middle Carlos. It was the greatest ad that Lee County could have, and simply goes to show the possibilities of this wonderful section. The American Eagle for Jan. 31, under the caption "Lee County Pre vents Watermelon Famine," says : "Telegraphing to various points in Florida, send ing cablegrams to the West Indies and South America for a watermelon, and finally locating not only one, but many other melons in Lee County. Florida, was the recent experience of a wealthy Pittsburg family, as follows : " A twelveyearold child was ill with kidney trou ble. The doctors, after a consultation, prescribed a diet of watermelon in connection with the treatment, but where to secure such a rarity at this season of the year ,that was the question. After extensive research one lone melon was found in cold storage in Pittsburg. Another was located in Arcadia, Fla., and shipped to the anxious parents. But these were s,oon gone. Then began a long and exasperating quest f,or more, which involved telegrams to various parts of Florida and cable messages to the West Indies and South America, but without result. "By chance one of the telegrams had been sent to a party in Fort Myers, who learned that a trucker on Estero Island was growing watermelons for the Tampa Fair. He soon got in touch with him and since then one melon a week has been going forward by ex press to the people of Pittsburg; latest reports being to the effect that the child is improving." The reporll;; of the Kores'han meetings received from Chicaglo, held every Sunday afternoon at 2 :30. at the old Mas,onic Temple, now known as the Capitol Building', are very encouralrinf! indeed. The meetings are in charge of Mr. L. H. Bubbett. 7740 Haskins Ave nue. Anyone desirous of information concerning them can get it by writing' to the above address, and en closing a stamped, selfaddressed envelope.
Bubbett, Evelyn (Manager)
Interpretation of the Book of Revelation (Part—14) —— The Story of Jonah and the Whale —— The Plight of the Modern Church —— Koreshan Astronomical Facts vs. Absurd Hypothesis ; The Indicia of Human Progress—(p.5—8) —— Conception and Birth of Jesus the Messiah —— Pope Pius XI to Proclaim a New Dogma —— Koreshanity's Demand of Women ; For the Younger Minds—(p.9—10) —— The World and They That Dwell Therein ; Light on Current Events—(p.11—14) —— The Great Church Heresy ; Topics of Interest and Importance—(p.15—18) —— How Wall Street Manipulated the U.S Treasury in its own Interest —— Current Events in Our Community Life —— Rhythmical Cosmogonic Science —— Bok Peace Plan Dodges the Main Issue ; The Open Court of Inquiry—(p.19—21) —— Jesus Christ "Parthenogenetically Conceived and Gestated" —— Except Those Days Should Be Shortened, There Should No Flesh Be Saved ; The Publishers Department—(p.22—24).
8: Communication Artifact
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Documentary Artifact