Library : Books, Articles, Clippings Etc.
The Flaming Sword :
Pubication Date:
Object ID:
Flaming Sword
Additional Notes & Full Text:
Whole Number 701.
Morrow, Ulysses G.
Contents: The Founders Department—(p.2—7): Life from Life —— The Mystery of Absorption into Nirvana —— The New Order of Human Evolution —— The Root of Financial Evil : The Field of Woman's Progress—(p.8—10): Woman's Progress Godward —— The Wisdom of Life —— The Harvest of Mortality —— The Increase of Defective Children —— Yale's New Prize Song : New Century Studies and Reviews—(p.11—13): The Reformation In France —— English Pronunciation—It Breaks Up Families —— Quid Pro Quo —— Effect of the Dingley Tariff : Modern Social Problems—(p.14—17): Otline of the Koreshan System—(From the New York Herald) —— Better Mental and Social Relations —— The Genuine Economic Reforms —— The Power of Achievment. : Health and Hygiene—(p.18—19): The Horrors of Vaccination —— Killed by Vaccination —— Dr. Carr's Reply and Explanation : Topics of Interest and Importance—(p.20—23): The Destruction of Jerusalem —— Practical Methods of Education —— The Wonderful Resources of Cuba —— The Miracle of the Immaculate Conception —— The Wonderful Effects of Music : For the Younger Minds—(p.24—25): The Children's Crusade —— Everyday Sayings : In the Editorial Persepctive—(p.26—27): Industry's Harvest of Death —— Elastic Currency a Makeshift —— The Magnatude of the Atom —— The Great Wave of Prohibition —— The Moon as a Falling Body —— Money Mad Wall Street —— The Downfall of Chemistry —— Taft on Labor Unionism. : Review of Research and Opinion—(p.28—29) The Earth a Living Organism —— The New Christian Psychology —— Ancient Manuscripts Discovered —— The Identity of Shakespeare —— Mirages of the Gospel —— The Inspiring Song of Solomon —— Social Revolution Predicted. : The Open Court of Inquiry—(p.30—31): The Almighty Deity —— Revolution in Geology —— What I Human Life? —— How Plants Grow —— In the Frigid Regions. : The Publishers' Department—(p.32—36): Little Words With Our Readers —— The Postal Departments New Building —— Interesting Books and Periodicals —— The Humorous Side of Things —— Various Advertisements.
8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Boomer, Berthaldine (Berthaldine Matrona)
Borden, Lucie Page
Warder, Madison
Armour, Samuel
Smith, Frank H.
Robinson, Elizabeth
Weimar, J. Augustus (Dr.)
Borden, Marguerite
Whitlock, Ogden (Major)
Frincke, Otto L.
Bowlus, O.W.
Critcher, N.C.