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The Flaming Sword
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Flaming Sword
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Current Events in our Community
Account of the Annual Solar Festival in honor of the Birth of Koresh, and other items.
November 1922
AGAIN the pleasure of celebrating the Annual Solar Festival has come and gone, and we feel our readers would like to know what took place here in Estero. As. stated in our previous notes, there was much to be done by way of preparation; the results were very gratifying indeed, because the principal parts of our beautiful grounds were looking their best, a feature which our beloved Master always appreciated. Visitors always comment on the beautiful landscape effect of our park, and they should, because the park was designed bv the master Mind of the universe, although KORESH didn't make any special claim to being a landscape gardener. However, a visit through the grounds would convince anyone, that he had a knowledge of such things.
The day of the Eighteenth was all that one could wish, and the decorations at the Dining' Hall, as usual, were exceedingly attractive, giving zest to the excel-lent things prepared to satisfy the inner man: After breakfast a few announcements were made, and the members marched to the head. of the Hall to receive the Birthday Souvenir Cards, the October FLAMING SWORDS, and badges, which were handed out by our matron, Sister Emma Norton, and Brother James Bubbett.
Greetings, from friends, who never fail us on these occasions, and who consider it a great privilege to contribute of their material substance, were read during the noon hour. The greetings did all present much^good to hear. These, the reading of an article entitled "Koresh Lives" (v/hich is published in Founder's Dept in this issue), and an excellent dinner comprised the noon exercise.
An abundance of. ice cream and cake comprised' the evening meal, accompanied by the strains of excellent Victrola music. During this hour we had a very heavy shower, which, we thought would interfere somewhat with the evening's Service, but it didn't dampen the ardor of the occasion and, as luck would have it, it cleared up sufficiently for everybody to get to the Art .Hall without much inconvenience.
The Art Hall was beautifully decorated with variegated crotons and Spanish moss. The decorating of the Art Hall and Dining Hall was done by Brothers Moses Weaver, Peter Bicm, and Theodore Naeselius. The Service, .as usual on these occasions, was most impressive and the Master's presence seemed very near. The children's exercise was exceedingly impres- sive. Carrying baskets of flowers, they marched onto the stage to the music of our song "The Red, Green, and Gold" (the colors of our order), put the baskets in front of the Master's picture (which rested on an easel at the centre of the stage), and sang one verse of the song, waving their flags while singing the chorus, while two of them swung in rythm the recep- tacles containing burning incense. The exercise closed with the reading of a most appropriate passage from the writings of our Master.
The program of the evening Service was as follows.:
1 Selection "ELEANOR" Jessie L. Deppen Koreshan Unity Orchestra
2 Invocation Read by Bro. George Hunt
3 Song "THE: RESURRECTION HYMN" Congregation
4 Oration From the Writings of KORESH Bro. Henry Silverfriend
5 March, Song and Incense Annunciation to the Children Sr. Marie Fischer and K. U. Children
6 Vocal Solo and Chorus "ODE TO CYRUS" Words by Bro. George Hunt Bro. George PIunt and Congregation
7 Oration From the Writings of KORESH Bro. David J. Richards
8 Vocal Quartet "HARK; THE SONG OF JUBILEE" J.H. Tenney Bros. George W. Hunt, David J. Richards, Chas. H. Hunt, and Jesse Putnam
9 Selection "WATER L.ILIES" F. J. St. Clair Koreshan Unity Orchestra
10 Oration From the Writings of KORESH Sr. Berthaldine
11 Vocal Solo Jerusalem Parker Bro. David J. Richards
12 Oration From the Writings of KORESH Sr. Etta Silverfriend
13 Song "THE MESSENGER" Words by E. M. Castle Congregation
14 Prayer Read by Bro. George Hunt Response by Congregation
15 Anthem "LIFT UP YOUR HEADS, 0 YE GATES" Congregation
16 Recessional March "STONY POINT" Lanrendeait Koreshan Unity Orchestra
A very attractive arbor was erected in our park a few days prior to the Birthday, which harmonizes and adds wonderfully to the general scheme of things. It was built by Brother Stephen Chislett, and covers part of the walk leading off from the main walk, past what is known as. "the bear pit," so named because a bear was captured on Estero Island a number of years ago, brought up to the Unity, and caged there. The arbor is painted white on the outside and green on the inside. Two thrifty bougainvillea vines are growing on each side of the arbor. These grow rapidly and produce one of the most exquisite flowers grown in the South. There are two seats under the arbor, so visitors ,can rest while admiring the beautiful surroundings.
Another excellent contribution before the Birthday was two paintings.; one of the Log House (the first dwelling house put up at the Unity) and one of a cypress scene, both done by our local artist, Brother Peter Blem. We are not an authority ,on painting, but it is hard for us to conceive how these paintings could be improved upon. Brother Peter has produced two paintings that surely meet with the general approval. They grace the walls of our Dining Hall, and, like everything that is done well, are exceedingly restful to the eye.
Sister Marie Fischer has been placed in charge of the Unity school this year, and a better selection would be hard to make, as she is efficient in everything she does, and will unquestionably have a good influence over the children.
Mr. Lloyd Graham of Miami, Fla., made the
Unity a short visit. His mother and sister. Sisters
Ella and Florence Graham, have lived in the Unity for many years. Lloyd was brought into the home when but a very small .child, so a visit here is like coming home.
Miss Mildred Fischer, whom we mentioned in our September notes, left October 20. We were glad to have her extend her vacation until after the Birthday, and wish we could have induced her to remain here, but she felt she couldn't do it at this time. A few nights before her departure. Sister Berthaldine Boomer and her daughter, Bertie, having just returned from their visit to New York, gave Mildred a party at their home, "Mirasol," at which all had a good time. It gives us great pleasure also to state that Mildred, before leaving, made application for membership to the Society Arch-Triumphant.
For the benefit of our many readers we will explain that the Society Arch-Triumphant is the "Outer Court,—the Investigative Degree," and "the first step [to take] toward associating with us." Those desiring to take this step should write to The Koreshan Unity, and the Secretary will gladly furnish you the desired information of how to proceed.
On October 7 the Unity Orchestra gave a most interesting concert and were ably assisted by Prof. Mazzeri and Signer Quertaro of Fort Myers. Signer Quertaro is a trombone artist of exceptional ability and the three numbers he gave were heartily received. Prof. Mazzeri accompanied him on the piano. Brother Alien Andrews gave a violin solo entitled "Kuiawiak" by Wieniawski, also an encore number; Sister Edith Trebell playing the accompaniment.
The members of the Unity were pleasantly reminded on October 31 that it was Halloween, and that preparations had been made to celebrate it. Webster's International tells us that "In many coun-tries Halloween is traditionally devoted to merry". making," and so we found it to be on that night. Sister Marie Fischer had the entertainment in charge, and did an excellent job, and was ably assisted by Sister Bertie Boomer.
To mention all that took place would be too : lengthy, so we will note only a few of the things. The i first number was a shadow scene; two boys, dressed } m costumes befitting the occasion, kept the audience 1 in a merry mood while performing around a smoking ^ cauldron, dropping all kinds of things into it, and they finally vanished the same way. The act was unique and elicited many commendations for its cleverness, reflecting much credit on Sister Bertie for her resourcefulness. Music, games, a humorous recitation by Dr. James Russell Price, of Okeelanta, Fla., and refreshments took up the rest of the evening, which all present found delightful.
Dr. and Mrs. Price and their grandson, Harl Price Cook, are with us. The Everglades have been flooded for the last three months, and when the water began rising several inches in their house, the Prices felt it was. time to get out, and there is no place where they could be made more v/elcome. than at the Unity. How-ever, they are not discouraged over the Everglades, which undoubtedly will eventually be well drained. We have had no such conditions here in Estero. While we have had more rain this summer than usual, our settlement has high river banks and excellent drainage, for which v/e are truly thankful.
It gives us great pleasure to announce the return of Wm. Fischer (familiarly known to us as Dad) to the Unity as a member; and needless to say very much to the happiness of his son and daughter, Brother William and Sister Marie Fischer. Dad left here in June, 1920, for Monongahela City, Pa., where he has since resided with a daughter. He says he is glad to be back among us.

8: Communication Artifact
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
24 p.
Guiding Star Publishing House
Publication Place:
Estero, Fl.
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Flaming Sword
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