Library : Books, Articles, Clippings Etc.
The sixth and seventh books of Moses : Moses' magical spirit—art known as the wonderful arts of the old wise Hebrews, taken from the Mosaic books of the Cabala and the Talmud for the good of mankind. Translated from the German, word for word, according to old writings.
Object ID:
College of Life — Anna Lewis House
Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses are two grimoires supposedly dictated to Moses along with the Torah (the first five books of Moses). Published in 1849 in Stuttgart, these books contain numerous magical spells used to summon spirits to do the will of the conjourer.

The Sixth Book includes an introduction along with seven chapters, known as the "The Mystery of the First Seal" through "The Mystery of the Seventh Seal".

The seventh book includes twelve tables:

1. The First Table of the Spirits of the Air;
2. The Second Table of the Spirits of Fire;
3. The Third Table of the Spirits of Water;
4. The Fourth Table of the Spirits of the Earth;
5. The Fifth Table of Saturn;
6. The Sixth Table of Jupiter;
7. The Seventh Table of Mars;
8. The Eighth Table of the Sun;
9. The Ninth Table of Venus;
10. The Tenth Table of Mercury;
11. The Eleventh Table of the Spirits;
12. The Twelfth Table of the Schemhamforasch;

[Also see notes]

8: Communication Artifact
German original was published at Stuttgart in 1849 under title Das sechste und siebente buch Mosis as theil 6 in Bibliothek der zauber—, geheimniss— und offenbarungs—bu cher ... herausgegeben von J. Scheible. Part I. The magic of the Israelites, p. 28—64, is translated from J. Ennemoser's Geschichte der magie. cf. Pref. of The sixth and seventh books of Moses. 4th enl. ed. Elizabethville, Pa., 1880.
Object Name:
Documentary Artifact
Phys Desc:
192 p. : illus. (facsims.) ; 19 cm.
Regan Pub. Co., [190—]
Publication Place:
Chicago Il :
Magic, Jewish.
Medicine, Magic, mystic, and spagiric.