Lou Staton
Catalog Date:
Stephens Collection
Item ID:
Notes from the Koreshan Family database:
Staton; Born: 25 Dec 1871; Died: 11 Mar 1950.
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Lou Staton; "A barber by trade, he came into the Unity at Chicago as a young man; always wore his taffy colored hair a little longer than the other men; stayed at Englewood but came to Estero with the same group we did and was there on all of our visits until the recent one."
Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery——lot 46; Inscription: Lou H. Staton; Mar 1950.
U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida——1910: Louis H. Staton; Age 38; Single; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of mother and father: Illinois;
Occupation: Barber.
U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida——1920: Lou H. Staton; Place of residence: Immokalee Road; Age 48; Single; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of mother and father: Illinois; Occupation: Barber/Barber Shop.
COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House——WARRANTY DEED: Louis H. Staton; 25 Apr 1924; Deed Book 70, Page 209; Entry Number 1.
Evelyn Horne's notes: Lou H. Staton
"A life long member of the Koreshan Unity. For many years he served on the
Board of Directors. For 20 years he worked in the Koreshan Unity press, The
Guiding Star Publishing House, making up the forms for the weekly "American
Eagle" and the monthly "Flaming Sword."
After the Art Hall was opened to the public in 1948, Lou took special pride in
lecturing and demonstrating the Koreshan Universology to give talks about the
history and of the movement and its beliefs. He often told how he met the
founder, Koresh, lecturing on a street corner in Chicago and demonstrating the
hollow globe, now to be seen in the Art Hall at Koreshan State Park. Lou studied all the writings and religious teachings of Koresh.
Lou worked in the tropical gardens planting many trees, tropical fruits, and
ornamentals. He worked with the bees with good results, bringing buckets of
honey to the members dining hall.
Lou was an unforgettable character with his optimistic nature, his cheerful mind, and uplifting spirit. He was an outstanding personality among Koreshans. He was very close to his only relative here, Miss Cecil Hamilton, who was principal of Guynne? School and lived in Ft. Myers. Lou died at the age of 79 on March 21, 1950.
Lou was very humorous in his character. His person was very neat, always wore tan colored pants and long sleeve shirts, very neat in his dress. He had clear blue eyes and snow white hair. He dedicated his life to the Koreshan Unity.
Lou also was a barber by trade and ran the K.U. Filling Station (Standard Oil).
In my family Brother Lou cut four generations of hair in the Koreshan Unity
Barber Shop."
FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett, October 1947:
"Fortunately our apiarist, Lou Staton, removed a large quantity of delicious
honey from the hives the latter part of July, which likely would have been a
total loss in the recent hurricane."
FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by D. J. Richards, June 1937:
"Brother Lou H. Staton's domicile has been moved from the Immokalee (now Corkscrew) road to a lot east of the Art Hall and south of the Tea Garden. The work was done by a
Fort Myers contractor. In the interim Lou has occupied a room over the Unity
store, but on Saturday, May 29th, moved back into his old home which is to be
wired for lights and connected up to running water. Needless to say that Brother Lou is exceedingly pleased with his new location."
Staton; Born: 25 Dec 1871; Died: 11 Mar 1950.
FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: Lou Staton; "A barber by trade, he came into the Unity at Chicago as a young man; always wore his taffy colored hair a little longer than the other men; stayed at Englewood but came to Estero with the same group we did and was there on all of our visits until the recent one."
Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery——lot 46; Inscription: Lou H. Staton; Mar 1950.
U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida——1910: Louis H. Staton; Age 38; Single; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of mother and father: Illinois;
Occupation: Barber.
U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida——1920: Lou H. Staton; Place of residence: Immokalee Road; Age 48; Single; Place of birth: Illinois; Place of birth of mother and father: Illinois; Occupation: Barber/Barber Shop.
COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House——WARRANTY DEED: Louis H. Staton; 25 Apr 1924; Deed Book 70, Page 209; Entry Number 1.
Evelyn Horne's notes: Lou H. Staton
"A life long member of the Koreshan Unity. For many years he served on the
Board of Directors. For 20 years he worked in the Koreshan Unity press, The
Guiding Star Publishing House, making up the forms for the weekly "American
Eagle" and the monthly "Flaming Sword."
After the Art Hall was opened to the public in 1948, Lou took special pride in
lecturing and demonstrating the Koreshan Universology to give talks about the
history and of the movement and its beliefs. He often told how he met the
founder, Koresh, lecturing on a street corner in Chicago and demonstrating the
hollow globe, now to be seen in the Art Hall at Koreshan State Park. Lou studied all the writings and religious teachings of Koresh.
Lou worked in the tropical gardens planting many trees, tropical fruits, and
ornamentals. He worked with the bees with good results, bringing buckets of
honey to the members dining hall.
Lou was an unforgettable character with his optimistic nature, his cheerful mind, and uplifting spirit. He was an outstanding personality among Koreshans. He was very close to his only relative here, Miss Cecil Hamilton, who was principal of Guynne? School and lived in Ft. Myers. Lou died at the age of 79 on March 21, 1950.
Lou was very humorous in his character. His person was very neat, always wore tan colored pants and long sleeve shirts, very neat in his dress. He had clear blue eyes and snow white hair. He dedicated his life to the Koreshan Unity.
Lou also was a barber by trade and ran the K.U. Filling Station (Standard Oil).
In my family Brother Lou cut four generations of hair in the Koreshan Unity
Barber Shop."
FLAMING SWORD; Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett, October 1947:
"Fortunately our apiarist, Lou Staton, removed a large quantity of delicious
honey from the hives the latter part of July, which likely would have been a
total loss in the recent hurricane."
FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by D. J. Richards, June 1937:
"Brother Lou H. Staton's domicile has been moved from the Immokalee (now Corkscrew) road to a lot east of the Art Hall and south of the Tea Garden. The work was done by a
Fort Myers contractor. In the interim Lou has occupied a room over the Unity
store, but on Saturday, May 29th, moved back into his old home which is to be
wired for lights and connected up to running water. Needless to say that Brother Lou is exceedingly pleased with his new location."
Print Size:
Lou Staton, dressed in suit and hat, stands on the steps of a wooden building. "Lou H. Staton" is written in ink at the bottom of the front of the photo.
Staton, Lou H.