Frank LEWIS (RIN: 960). Anne E. WELTON (RIN: 390), daughter of Lyman B. WELTON and Ada Deane WELTON , was born 27 May 1875 in Pine Hollow, New York.

Other Marriages/Unions for Anne E. WELTON:
See Frank S. LEWIS & Anne E. WELTON

Notes for Anne E. WELTON:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Anne E. Lewis (nee Welton); Born: 27 May 1875, Pine Hollow, near Moravia where she lived with her mother in the first community.

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: Laurie Bubbett, Hedwig Michel, Claude J. Rahn and Anne (W.?) Lewis, on motion of Hedwig, seconded by Laurie and unanimously carried, it was decided to contact the proper state authorities about having the home grounds perpetuated as a memorial park.--Page 91.

ESTERO POST OFFICE; Established March 26, 1895: ....Subsequent Masters of the Post in order were: Ada Price, sisters Rosa Gilbert and Anna Lewis (whose home still remains as part of the Koreshan State Recreational Area), Marie Fisher (the last Koreshan member to be Postmaster.)