HOLTSLAW (RIN: 657). Irene WYKA (RIN: 729), daughter of , was born abt. 1913. She died January 1993 in Fort Myers, Lee, Florida.
Sources for HOLTSLAW:
Notes for Irene WYKA:
THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Irene Wyka and her brothers and sisters.
Magazine article/LEE LIVING--Looking back; Evelyn Horne collection Cult Children of the Koreshan Unity by Prudy Taylor Board; March/April (no year). Interview with Irene Wyka Holtsclaw, age 78, about her life in the Koreshan Unity. Photocopy of Wyka children included.
Death/The American Eagle; April 1993: Irene Holtslaw, 80, who spent her childhood from age 8 to 15 at the Koreshan Unity, died in January at a hospital in Fort Myers. Mrs. Holtslaw had worked closely with historians and with the Koreshan State Historic Site in the past few years. Her sister, (Naomi), who stayed with her at the Koreshan Unity, still lives in Fort Myers.
Sources for Irene WYKA:
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