Henry W. GLOSSON (RIN: 787) was born abt. 1819 in England. Ann (GLOSSON) (RIN: 925) was born abt. 1818 in England.

Children of Henry W. GLOSSON and Ann (GLOSSON) are:
1. Annie Grace GLOSSON (RIN: 493), b. 10 April 1844 See David E. ORDWAY & Annie Grace GLOSSON OR Charles Addison GRAVES & Annie Grace GLOSSON
2. Florence GLOSSON (RIN: 926), b. abt. 1856

Notes for Henry W. GLOSSON:

*1850 U.S. Federal Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Township: Cambridge; Roll: M432_325; Page: 100; Image: 201; Ancestry.Com; Line No.; 17; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 1 Mar 1850; Family number: 1629; Name: William H. Glasson; Age: 31; Sex: male; Occupation: Cabinet maker; Place of birth: England; (*Probably Annie Ordway's father)

*1860 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Town or Township: Cambridge; Ward: Third; P.O.: East Cambridge; Series: M653; Roll: 508; Page: 170; Enumeration date: 7 Jun 1860; Enumerator; Heritage-Quest, Internet: A. (?) Green. Line: 8; Dwelling No: 322; Family No.: 519; Name: Henry W. Glasson; Age: 41; Sex: Male; Color: white; Occupation: Cabinet Maker; Value of Real Estate: $500; Birthplace: England. (*This is probably Annie Ordway's father) (Also, living with the Henry W. Glasson family is James and Mary Farrel. James is a glass maker who's birthplace is Ireland)

*1870 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Town: Campbridge; Post Office: E. Cambridge; Enumeration date: 18 Jul 1870; Enumerator: Jacob L. Bailey; Page: 79-80; Microfilm Roll No.: 624, Series: M593; Ward: 3; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 1 Mar 2004; Line: 39; Name: Henry W. Glasson; Age last birthday: 52; Sex: male; Color: white; Profession: Cabinet Maker; Value of Personal Estate: 1000; Place of birth: England; Father foreign born: yes; Mother foreign born: yes; Male citizen 21 years and up: yes. (*Probably Annie Ordway's father)

Sources for Henry W. GLOSSON:

  1. 1860 U.S. Census,
  2. 1870 U.S. Census,
  3. 1850 U.S. Federal Census,

Notes for Ann (GLOSSON):

*1850 U.S. Federal Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Township: Cambridge; Roll: M432_325; Page: 100; Image: 201; Ancestry.Com; Line No.; 17; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 1 Mar 1850; Line: 18; Name: Ann Glassen; Age: 32; Sex: female; Occupation: Nothing listed; Place of birth: England. (*Probably Annie Ordway's mother)

*1860 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Town or Township: Cambridge; Ward: Third; P.O.: East Cambridge; Series: M653; Roll: 508; Page: 170; Enumeration date: 7 Jun 1860; Enumerator; Heritage-Quest Internet: A. (?) Green; Line: 9; Name: Ann Glasson; Age: 42; Sex: female; Color: white; Birthplace: England. (*This is probably Annie Ordway's mother)

*1870 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Town: Campbridge; Post Office: E. Cambridge; Enumeration date: 18 Jul 1870; Enumerator: Jacob L. Bailey; Page: 79-80; Microfilm Roll No.: 624, Series: M593; Ward: 3; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 1 Mar 2004; Line: 40; Name: Ann Glasson; Age last birthday: 53; Sex: female; Color: white; Occupation: Keeping house; Place of birth: England; Father was foreign born: yes; Mother was foreign born: yes. *(Probably Annie Ordway's mother)

Sources for Ann (GLOSSON):

  1. 1860 U.S. Census,
  2. 1870 U.S. Census,
  3. 1850 U.S. Federal Census,

Notes for Florence GLOSSON:

*1860 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Town or Township: Cambridge; Ward: Third; P.O.: East Cambridge; Series: M653; Roll: 508; Page: 170; Enumeration date: 7 Jun 1860; Enumerator; Heritage-Quest Internet: A. (?) Green; Line: 11; Name: Florence Glasson; Age: 4; Sex: Female; Place of birth: Massachusetts. (This is probably Annie Ordway's sister)

*1870 U.S. Census; State: Massachusetts; County: Middlesex; Town: Campbridge; Post Office: E. Cambridge; Enumeration date: 18 Jul 1870; Enumerator: Jacob L. Bailey; Page: 79-80; Microfilm Roll No.: 624, Series: M593; Ward: 3; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 1 Mar 2004; Line: 1; Name: Florence Glassen; Age last birthday: 14; Sex: female; Color: white; Occupation: At school; Place of birth: Massachusetts; Father was foreign born: yes; Mother was foreign born: yes; Attended school within the year: yes. (Probably Annie Ordway's sister)

Sources for Florence GLOSSON:

  1. 1860 U.S. Census,
  2. 1870 U.S. Census,