Children of are:
1. Henry D. SILVERFRIEND (RIN: 604), b. 06 February 1864
2. Henrietta SILVERFRIEND (RIN: 605), b. 29 November 1866

Notes for Henry D. SILVERFRIEND:

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Henry D. Silverfriend; Born: 6 Feb 1864, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Died: 7 May 1949; visited Economy, PA, Nov. 1890 for awhile."

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready: "Sister and brother. Etta, always on the Board, was treasurer after Evelyn Bubbett no longer held that post. Henry was an expert at reading palms, telling fortunes, etc., so was in demand as an entertainer at "outside" gatherings as well as in the Unity."

Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 43; Inscription: Henry Silverfriend; May 1949.

1900 U. S. Federal Census; Calumet Township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll No. 285; Page No. 285; SD No. 1; ED No. 986; Sheet No. 12; Ward of City: 31; Enumeration Date: 13 June 1900; Enumerator: Ernest E. Ellington; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999; Koreshan Unity: Henry Silverfriend; Residence: 99th Street, Dwelling 133; Relation to head of family: Boarder; Color, white; Sex, male; Month of birth: October; Year of birth: 1869; Age at last birthday: 30; Single; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Canada; Place of birth of mother; Ireland; Year of immigration: 1880; No. of years in U. S.: 20; Naturalized; Occupation: None listed; Can read, yes; Can write, yes, Can speak English, yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumeration Date: 25 Apr 1910; Enumerator: Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm No.: Fl 1910-H T624; ED: 80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, January 1995: Henry D. Silverfriend; Sex: male; Race: white; Age 46; Marital status: Single; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Austria; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Year of immigration: 1871; Naturalized: yes; Language spoken: English; Occupation: Business Executive; Employer or worker: worker; No. of months not employed: 0; Can read and write: yes.

1920 U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida; SD No. 1; ED No. 109; Sheet number: 1; Enumeration Date: 2 January 1920: Enumerator: Henry D. Silverfriend; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; December 1994: Henry D. Silverfriend; Relation to head of family: Vice President; Age 55; Single; Year of immigration: 1872; Naturalized; Year of naturalization: 1877; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Austria; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Occupation: Accountant/Teacher of Koreshan; Place of residence: Estero River Front.

U.S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Precinct 12; Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration date: May 5, 1930; Enumerator: William Howell; ED: 36--17; SD: 6; Page: 199; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; January 2003: Henry D. Silverfriend; Radio set: none listed; Sex: Male; Color: white; Age at last birthday: 66; Marital condition: single; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: no; Whether able to read and write: yes; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Austria; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Language spoken in home before coming to the U.S.: English; Year of immigration to U.S.: 1872: Naturalized: yes; Occupation: Bookkeeper; Industry: Bookkeeping; Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day): yes; Veteran: no.

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED: Henry D. Silverfriend; 25 Apr 1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70; Page 209; Entry Number 1.

ELECTED Position/Estero, Florida, 1 Sep 1904; Henry D. Silverfriend, Clerk

BROTHERS' LAUNDRY LIST: Henry Silverfriend #95

MEMORIES, MEMORIES--DAYS OF LONG AGO chronicled by Marie McCready with participation by Lovelle McCready: Henry Silverfriend read newspapers aloud to the members during meals.--Page 77

FLAMING SWORD, Vol. 50, No. 9, September 1936, p.13 - Community Current Events -- "Received a card from Brother Henry Silverfriend from Chicago, where he is visiting relatives. He said he had been to Sauk City, where a sister resides, and that he would soon leave for Ahmeek, Mich., where another sister lives with her family, and where he expected to stay about a month."

FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by L. W. Bubbett, July 1947: "On April 17 occurred the passing of an old-time member of the Koreshan Community. Due to the waning of his mental faculties, from advanced age, it was necessary to send Henry Silverfriend to the state hospital at Chattahoochee, where he could have the constant care and watchfulness it was impossible to give him here. This action was taken upon the advice of an old friend of the Silverfriend family who spends his winters in Florida, Dr. W. T. King of Ahmeek, Michigan."

Guardianship of Henry Silverfriend, Incompetent: 11 Nov 1948; Legal document claiming insanity of Silverfriend, his removal from the Unity to the State Hospital, and automatically disqualification as member of the Unity--no rights nor benefits nor duties nor obligation of any kind. Signed by L. W. Bubbett. Declared mentally incompetent 16 April 1947.

Notes from Evelyn Horn: Henrietta (Etta) Silverfriend/Henry Silverfriend With her brother Henry D. they joined the Unity in Chicago in 1888. They were charter members, serving on the board of the Koreshan Unity. In 1894 they came with the second group from the home on 3 and 4 College Place to Estero via train to Punta Gorda, by boat to Estero.

Etta lived in the Damkohler house and Henry lived in the log house with the brothers until the Planetary Court was built in 1904. They both lived in the Planetary Court, Henry lived there as man of the house with all of the seven sisters. He lived in the cupola.

Etta was manager of "The Flaming Sword" and was treasurer of the Koreshan Unity until her death on January 9, 1944, at the age of 77 years. She was buried in the Koreshan Unity cemetery. Dr. Teed relied more on her judgment of things, I suppose than any other person ever connected with the Unity says, Brother Claude Rahn in the August 1, 1909 American Eagle.

Sister Etta was loved by all who knew her, a warm, loving personality--so kind and generous. She listened to everyones troubles and cares. She was a beautiful person with cool blue eyes, dark hair that turned salt and pepper. She was about 5 foot 5 inches tall and of medium build. She always dressed so well. In the winter she always wore a black velvet cape-coat.

Brother Henry served as town clerk of Estero in 1905 and through the years served his community well. He was a lecturer for Koresh and in the early years did a lot of traveling around the country. Henry was always a part of the religious services held in the Art Hall. Henry had dark hair and dark brown eyes. He was a short man about 5 foot 5 inches tall, well dressed and always wore dark colored suits.

Etta Silverfriend died January 9, 1944, at age 77. Henry Silverfriend died May 15, 1949. Both were buried in the Koreshan Unity cemetery.

THE AMERICAN EAGLE; Vol. 79; April 1993; Page 3: ETTA SILVERFRIEND. Etta and her brother, Henry, were charter members of the Koreshan Unity and served on the board as long as they lived. They came to Estero with the second group of pioneers, and both became residents of the Planetary Court. Henry as man of the house, lived in the one-room cupola set into the roof of the building. Etta was manager of The Flaming Sword and Treasurer of the Unity until her death at age 77. Dr. Teed relied on her judgement a great deal in many matters concerning the Unity. Henry served his community faithfully and well all his days. He was Town Clerk of Estero after its incorporation. Etta died in January, 1944, and Henry in May 1949. Both are interred in the Koreshan Cemetery.

Henry D. Silverfriend was born in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada February 6, 1864. His father was an Austrian Israelite and came to the United States in about 1860, going to Rochester, N.Y. as a custom tailer. He was employed by Greentree & Wile wholesale clothiers. After a short stay in Rochester he went to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. There he met Mr. & Mrs. David Hammel and after a short engagement in the tailer trade he engaged in the jewelry business selling at retail and wholesale. While boarding with the Hammels they were very kindly disposed toward him, Mrs. Hammel advised her sister Miss Babetta Vogel who was then in Germany to come and get acquainted with Mr. Moses Silverfriend. She came and within a year or so they were married. In 1864 Henry was born. In 1865 Henry's brother William was born; in 1866 Sister Etta was born; in 1868 Sister Edith was born; in 1870 on the 29th of June, Rose became the fifth child and in March 1872 came Amelia. In October 1872 the family moved to the U.S. and lived at Menominee, Michigan for three years; then they moved to Sheboygan, Wisconsin in 1877. In 1873 Lenore was born in Menominee, Michigan. In 1875 sister Selina was born also in Menominee, Michigan. In 1877 while in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, Julia was born and in March of this year the family moved to Appleton, Wisconsin. On June 27th of that year Mr. Silverfriend, age 44, the father, after 13 days of illness, died leaving a family of wife with six girls and two sons; Henry being the oldest and 13 years of age. Henry left school this year and went to work in a clothing store, then in a dry goods store where he remained engaged in the dry goods business. Then he returned to Appleton, Wisconsin.
In 1885 he went to Oshkosh, Wisconsin where for several months he was a dry goods salesman. The same year he went to Kaukauna, Wisconsin and was engaged in a dry goods store of his own. After two years he sold out and October 1888 turned over to Dr. Cyrus R. Teed the $2,000 in cash for the establishment of a Koreshan community in Chicago. The location in Chicago, Illinois was No. 2 College Place, near 32nd St. The place was rented from Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, for three years in the name of Teed and Silverfriend. This place was held by the Koreshans until May 1, 1892. Beth Ophrah, Washington Heights, in Chicago was then acquired; also the Sunlight Flats at 67th to 69th Streets.
In 1897 the Washington Heights and Sunlight Flats were abandoned and 6310 Wentworth Avenue and 6310 Harvard Avenue as well as 6309 Wentworth Avenue second floor, as well as the Englewood Theater Place acquired, where The Flaming Sword was printed as well as the Daily Englewood, a weekly newspaper was run for a few months. James Bubbett, Lucius Boomer & Henry D. Silverfriend were associated in The Daily Englewood paper. This paper was after a few months abandoned and Mr. Boomer went to St. Augustine, Florida to enter the hotel business.
Before removing to Englewood the printing plant of the Koreshans was attached by the sheriff for rent due the Hilliards in Washington Heights. Henry Silverfriend was went to Denver to negotiate for a loan from the Cornwalls for $2,000 to liquidate the financial obligations of the Koreshans of which Dr. Cyrus R. Teed was the head, after returning from Denver, Brother Henry aided in the establishment of the Community in Englewood. In 1896-97 arrangements were perfected to run an air line in Florida to establish the figure and contour of the Earth, conducted by Professor U. G. Morrow. The printing and publishing of the Cellular Cosmogony was the result of this work.
At about Thanksgiving time in 1890 Brother Henry and Sister Etta Silverfriend, Susanna Ehrisman were sent to Economy, Pennsylvania to try to combine in co-operation The Economy Society with The Koreshan community. Henry was employed as cabinet maker and carpenter for a few months, as well as teacher of German and English. After a few months, Brother Henry was requested to become bookkeeper; assistant treasurer, clerk and manager of the Economy Society's Valley Glass Works at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. He was there for two years, during which period $2000 in cash was turned over to the treasurer of the Koreshan Community and Dr. Cyrus R. Teed. Then Brother Henry returned to Chicago to engage with the Shaker Community at Dayton, Ohio in the manufacturing of the Teed Water Motor and the making of heating furnaces.
Then returning to Chicago Dr. Teed was interested in the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo, Brother Henry was sent there to arrange for the Koreshan Unity exhibition, during which time he was also engaged in the salesmanship of the product of the Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip having an office on the Terrace at Buffalo. The expenses of this Koreshan Unity exhibit was financed mainly by Brother Henry. Dr. Teed, Thomas P. Gay, Victoria Gratia, Sister Eleanore Castle and Professor U. G. Morrow were engaged in this exhibition. This was in 1901. In 1902 Brother Henry accompanied Dr. Teed on a lecture tour given by the Master, Dr. Teed. During this trip the Master was wired for to return to Estero post haste, for Dr. Graves had created a disturbed condition by his false accusations against the Master. He went back to Estero but returned to Brooklyn where he delivered a lecture and found Victoria Gratia in New York City with Brother Peter Campbell. The Master asked Victoria to return with him to Chicago which she did. Brother Henry accompanied them to Chicago.
In 1902 Victoria Gratia Koresh reconciled to the Master and she was made Empress of the Koreshan Unity after a birthday celebration. At that time the Koreshan Concillium was reorganized and a festival enjoyed by the Koreshans residing in Chicago. In 1903 The Koreshan Unity, was incorporated under laws of New Jersey and a committee appointed to discuss the moving of the community from Chicago to Florida. (The Koreshan Unity Charter was signed by Dr. C. R. Teed, Evelyn Bubbett and H. D. Silverfriend.)
In 1903 the whole community was moved to Florida; Brother Henry arranged for this removal--seventeen freight cars and three passenger coaches were engaged for this removal. Brother Henry having charge of settling all accounts for and against the community at that time in Chicago. The Fisher Sisters and Brother John Clinchey raised over $20,000 for this expense.
In 1906 Brother Henry was sent to Cuba to investigate the prospects for a co-operative colony, but returned with the report of a fine sight which could not be negotiated at that time. Eugene Webster had been authorized to purchase the furniture factory at Bristol, Tennessee, Virginia where porched parlor chairs were being made. The Master sent Brother Henry to Jacksonville, Florida, first to arrange for the sale of the chairs. After a short time Brother Ed Koester and Brother Henry were sent to Bristol, Tennessee, Virginia to assist Eugene Webster in the manufacturing end of the business. Edward soon returned to Estero and Henry remained there until the passing of the Master December 22, 1908. Henry after ten days came to Estero and the board sent him back to aid in winding up the affairs of the Koreshan Unity affairs with Eugene Webster and the Bristol enterprise.

Sources for Henry D. SILVERFRIEND:

  1. The Koreshan Unity Membership List by Claude Rahn,
  2. FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U.; Compiled by Marie (McCready),
  3. Koreshan Unity Cemetery, Lot # 43Henry Silverfriend----May 1949.

Notes for Henrietta SILVERFRIEND:

Also known as: Etta

THE KORESHAN UNITY MEMBERSHIP LIST by Claude J. Rahn: Henrietta Silverfriend; Born: 29 Nov 1866, Hamilton, Canada; Died: 10 Jan 1944.

FOLKS WE KNEW WHILE IN THE K.U. by Marie McCready; Etta Silverfriend: "Sister and brother. Etta, always on the Board, was treasurer after Evelyn Bubbett no longer held that post. Henry was an expert at reading palms, telling fortunes, etc., so was in demand as an entertainer at "outside" gatherings as well as in the Unity."

1900 U. S. Federal Census; Lake township; Chicago, Cook, Illinois; Film Roll 284; Page 14; SD No. 1; ED No. 970; Sheet No. 14; Ward of City, 31; Enumeration date: 14 Jun 1900; Enumerator: Martha H. Philpot; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 24 May 1999: Henrietta Silverfriend; Residence: 6310 Harvard Avenue; Relation to head of family: Boarder; Color, white; Sex, Female; Month of birth: November; Year of Birth: 1866; Age at last birthday, 29; Single; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Austria; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Year of immigration to U. S., 1871; No. of years in U.S., 29; Occupation: Compositor; No. of months not employed, 0; Can read, yes; Can write, yes; Can speak English, yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1910; Enumeration date: 23 Apr 1910; Koreshan Unity; Enumerator: Walter S. Turner, Jr.; Microfilm number: Fl 1910-H T624; ED: 80; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff, 4 Jan 1995: Henrietta Silverfriend; Sex: Female; Race: white; Age 43; Marital status: Single; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Germany; Place of birth of mother; Austria; Language spoken: English; Occupation: Bookkeeper; Employer or worker: worker; No. of months not employed: 0; Can read and write: yes.

U.S. Federal Census/Estero/Lee County/Florida--1920; Enumeration date: Jan 2, 1920; Enumerator: Henry D. Silverfriend; ED: 109; SD: 1; Fourth Precinct; Microfilm roll number: 1820221; Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; December 1994: Henrietta Silverfriend; Relation to head of family: Officer; Residence: Planetary Court; Relation to head of family: officer; Age 53; Single; Year of immigration to U.S.: 1871; Naturalized in 1877; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Austria; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Occupation: Bookkeeper for Koreshan Unity.

U. S. Federal 1930 Census; Estero, Lee County, Florida; Election Precinct 12; Koreshan Unity Home; Enumeration Date: May 5, 1930; Enumerator: William Howell; ED: 36-17; SD: 6; Page: 199 ;Transcribed by Joyce Nelle Ratliff; January 2003: Henrietta Silverfriend; Radio set: none listed; Sex: female; Color: white; Age at last birthday: 63; Marital condition: single; Attended school since Sep 1, 1929: no; Whether able to read and write: yes; Place of birth: Canada; Place of birth of father: Austria; Place of birth of mother: Germany; Language spoken in home before coming to U.S.: English; Year of immigration to U.S.: 1872; Naturalized: yes; Whether able to speak English: yes; Occupation: Bookkeeper; Industry: Bookkeeping; Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last working day): yes.

Burial: Koreshan Unity Cemetery--lot 37; Inscription: E. Silverfriend; 1867-Jan 1944

COURT RECORD/Lee County Court House--WARRANTY DEED: Etta Silverfriend; 25 Apr 1924; No. 26759; Deed Book 70; Page 209, Entry Number 1.

Notes from Evelyn Horn: Henrietta (Etta) Silverfriend/Henry Silverfriend
With her brother Henry D. they joined the Unity in Chicago in 1888. They were charter members, serving on the board of the Koreshan Unity. In 1894 they came with the second group from the home on 3 and 4 College Place to Estero via train to Punta Gorda, by boat to Estero.

Etta lived in the Damkohler house and Henry lived in the log house with the brothers until the Planetary Court was built in 1904. (Then) They both lived in the Planetary Court, Henry lived there as man of the house with all of the seven sisters. He lived in the cupola.

Etta was manager of "The Flaming Sword" and was treasurer of the Koreshan Unity until her death on January 9, 1944, at the age of 77 years. She was buried in the Koreshan Unity cemetery. Dr. Teed relied more on her judgment of things, I suppose than any other person ever connected with the Unity says, Brother Claude Rahn in the August 1, 1909 American Eagle.

Sister Etta was loved by all who knew her, a warm, loving personality--so kind and generous. She listened to everyones troubles and cares. She was a beautiful person with cool blue eyes, dark hair that turned salt and pepper. She was about 5 foot 5 inches tall and of medium build. She always dressed so well. In the winter she always wore a black velvet cape-coat.

Brother Henry served as town clerk of Estero in 1905 and through the years served his community well. He was a lecturer for Koresh and in the early years did a lot of traveling around the country. Henry was always a part of the religious services held in the Art Hall. Henry had dark hair and dark brown eyes. He was a short man about 5 foot 5 inches tall, well dressed and always wore dark colored suits.

Etta Silverfriend died January 9, 1944, at age 77. Henry Silverfriend died May 15, 1949. Both were buried in the Koreshan Unity cemetery.

FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by Rose Gilbert, November 1940: "We all rejoiced to have Sister Etta Silverfriend return to us on October 4 from the Dr. Nichols Sanitarium at Savannah, Missouri, where she had been under treatment for a few weeks. She is much improved and on the road to complete recovery."

FLAMING SWORD, Community Current Events by Marie Fischer, February 1944: "With deep regret and sorrow we report the passing of Sister Etta Silverfriend at Orlando, Florida on January 9. As previously mentioned Sister Etta undertook another hurried journey to Savannah, Missouri, on December 16, hoping to be benefited by the treatment at Nichol's Sanitarium. On her arrival there, however, she was informed that her condition was such that they could do nothing more for her, and so regardless of the inclement weather and congested transportation, she left for home on December 30, arriving at Orlando, where Brother Allen met her, on January 1st. She was in no condition for further travel so Brother Allen placed her in a nursing home where pneumonia soon developed to which she succumbed.

Brother Henry had gone to Orlando to be with her, and on Monday evening, January 10 he returned with the remains which were interred the following morning in the local cemetery. Sister Etta was born in Hamilton, Canada and came to Chicago from Kaukauna, Wisconsin, in 1888, being one of the three remaining charter members of the Koreshan Unity, which was organized in Chicago on September 6th of that year. She was for more than forty years secretary and accountant of the corporation and one of its most active and valued members, and leaves a host of friends to mourn her passing. She was 77 years of age and is survived by her brother, H. D. Silverfriend of Estero, and several sisters in northern states."

THE AMERICAN EAGLE; Vol. 79; April 1993; Page 3: "The beautiful Planetary Court residence, so named for the seven planets then known to exist, still stands proudly in the Koreshan settlement. It was built in 1904 to house the original seven Koreshan women charged by Koresh to manage the affairs of the Unity. Each had her own bedroom, and the eighth room, on the main floor, served as their council chamber or meeting room. These Stellar Women Were: Virginia Andrews, Berthaldine Boomer, Evelyn Bubbett, Eleanor Castle, Rose Gilbert, Ella Graham and Etta Silverfriend. ETTA SILVERFRIEND. Etta and her brother, Henry, were charter members of the Koreshan Unity and served on the board as long as they lived. They came to Estero with the second group of pioneers, and both became residents of the Planetary Court. Henry as man of the house, lived in the one-room cupola set into the roof of the building. Etta was manager of The Flaming Sword and Treasurer of the Unity until her death at age 77. Dr. Teed relied on her judgement a great deal in many matters concerning the Unity. Henry served his community faithfully and well all his days. He was Town Clerk of Estero after its incorporation. Etta died in January, 1944, and Henry in May 1949. Both are interred in the Koreshan Cemetery.

Sources for Henrietta SILVERFRIEND:

  1. The Koreshan Unity Membership List by Claude Rahn,
  2. Koreshan Unity Cemetery, Lot #37E. Silverfriend; 1867--Jan. 1944